Working Group Traffic Produced Turbulence

of the TRAPOS network

Members - young scientists: Petra Kastner-Klein (Chairperson), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Silvana Di Sabatino, CERC, Cambridge, UK
Matthias Ketzel, NERI, Roskilde, Denmark
Anke Kovar-Panskus, U. Surrey, UK
Petroula Louka, ECN, Nantes, France
Silvia Trini Castelli, TNO,Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Associated senior scientists: Ruwim Berkowicz, NERI, Roskilde, Denmark
Rex Britter, CERC, Cambridge, UK
Evgeni Fedorovich,U. Karlsruhe, Germany (presently: SOM, Norman, OK, USA)
Jean-Francois Sini, ECN, Nantes, France

The tasks for each TRAPOS working group are
  • Formulation of the importance of the subject for street level pollution
  • Presentation of the TRAPOS contribution to the advancement of the subject
  • Transformation of the results into recommendations for practical models

Contributions of the TRAPOS teams and other relevant material on the subject Traffic Produced Turbulence (TPT) are presented on this homepage. The homepage is structured in:

Goals of the TPT working group

Contributions by TRAPOS teams to the subject Traffic Produced Turbulence


Conclusions of the TPT working group

Relevant datasets

Photo gallery

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last modified: 04.10.2000, Petra Kastner-Klein