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Community assembly in restored wetlands. PhD thesis (2004). By Bettina Nygaard. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 40 pp. The report is available only in electronic format. The effects of nutrients and disturbance on dry grass-dominated vegetation.
PhD thesis (2004). By Erik Aude. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 62 pp. The report is available only in electronic format. Spatially explicit models in landscape and species management.
PhD thesis (2004). By Jane Uhd Jepsen. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 40 pp. The report is available only in electronic format. Population ecology of free-ranging American mink Mustela vison in Denmark. PhD thesis (2004). By Mette Hammershøj. National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 30 pp. The report is available only in electronic format. Abstract | Full report in PDF format (333 KB). Body composition, field metabolic rate and feeding ecology of walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) in northeast Greenland. PhD thesis (2004). By Mario Acquarone. National Environmental
Research Institute. Denmark. 142 pp. Vandmiljøplan II– slutevaluering. Af Ruth Grant (2003). Rapporten er udsolgt.Rapport i PDF format, Bilag: Arealanvendelse husdyrproduktion og økologisk areal Genberegning af modellen NLES Mark og staldbalancer Modelberegning af kvælstofudvaskning på landsplan Slutevaluering af de enkelte virkemidler Totale kvælstofbalancer på landsplan Udvikling i landbrugets næringsstoftab og effekt Se også Effekten af virkemidlerne i Vandmiljøplan I og II set i relation til en ny vurdering af kvælstofudvaskningen i midten af 1980´erne. og Vandmiljøplan II - baggrund og udvikling (2002) Hydrology, nutrient processes and vegetation in floodplain wetlands. PhD thesis (2003). By Hans Estrup Andersen. National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 36 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Production, regulation and ecophysiology of periphyton in shallow freshwater lakes. PhD thesis (2003). By Lone Liboriussen. National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 48 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Summary | Danish summary | Full report in PDF format (939 KB). Development and application of zooplankton-based paleoecological methods with special focus on Danish brackish lakes. PhD thesis (2003). By Susanne Lildal Amsinck. National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 28 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Full report in PDF format (949 KB). HELCOM 2003. The 2002 Oxygen Depletion Event in the Kattegat, Belt Sea andWestern Baltic. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 90 - Thematic report.Ærtebjerg, G, Carstensen, J., Axe P., Druon, J. & A. Stips (2003): HelsinkiCommision, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commision 64 pp. Full report in PDF format (2910 KB). Spatio-temporal population dynamics of agrobiont linyphiid spiders. PhD Thesis. Pernille Thorbek (2003): National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 128 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Full report in PDF format (1317 KB). Distributions of zooplankton in relation to biological-physical factors. PhD Thesis. Marie Maar (2003): National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 142 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Full report in PDF format (1633 KB). Physical habitat structure in lowland streams and effects of disturbance. PhD Thesis. Morten Lauge Pedersen (2003): National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark. 108 pp. The report is only available in PDF format. Full report in PDF format (1993 KB). Nutrients and Eutrophication in Danish Marine Waters. A Challenge for Science and Management (2003). Edited by Ærtebjerg, G, Andersen, J.H. & Hansen, O.S. National Environmental Research Institute. 126 pp. 250 DKK. Link to full book. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. The annual cycle of a migratory herbivore on the European continental fringe. Doctor´s dissertation (DSc). By Fox, A.D. (2003). National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 440 pp. DKK 200,-. Full report in PDF format. The process of plant invasion with focus on the effects of plant disease. Model frameworks for the calculation of annual runnoff and nitrogen emissions from Danish catchments. Effekten af virkemidlerne i Vandmiljøplan I og II set i relation til en ny vurdering af kvælstofudvaskningen i midten af 1980´erne. Notat udarbejdet af Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU)og Danmarks JordbrugsForskning (DJF). Vandmiljøplan II - baggrund og udvikling (2002) Faunapassager i forbindelse med mindre vejanlæg - en vejledning (2002). QSARs in Environmental Risk Assessment. Interpretation and validation of SAR/QSAR based on multivariate data analysis. Predicting Impacts of Oil Spills - Can Ecological Science Cope? A Case study concerning birds in Environmental Impact Assessments. "Annnual Atmospheric Emissions Inventory - 1999. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser har udarbejdet en oversigtspublikation om luftemissioner. Publikationen viser de nyeste emissionsopgørelser. Publikationen kan fås ved henvendelse til Frontlinien tlf. 33 95 40 00 eller ses i pdf-format på DMU's hjemmeside. Analysing Airborne Optical Remote Sensing Data from a Hyperspectral Scanner and Implications for Environmental Mapping and Monitoring - results from a study of casi data and Danish semi-natural, dry grasslands.
"Implikationer for policy-analysen af antropocentriske versus økocentriske tilgange til miljøøkonomien - om betydningen af nogle forskelle mellem neoklassisk og økologisk økonomi". Satellitbaseret vegetationskortlænging i Vestgrønland. Brugervenlig udgave af gadeluftkvalitetsmodellen OSPM. Fase 1. Status notat. Traineeship report. Series of background studies to provide input into the development of an air quality management strategy for the Province of Gauteng, South Africa. A Geographic Approach to Modelling Human Exposure to Traffic Air Pollution using GIS. Vandmiljøplan II - midtvejsevaluering. Kvælstofbalancer i danks landbrug. Mark- og staldbalancer. AIS - Areal Informations Systemet "Annnual Atmospheric Emissions Inventory - 1998". Samfundsøkonomisk vurdering af miljøprojekter: Ammoniakfordampning fra Landbruget Vitaminer til miljødebatten og -undervisningen. pdf Ammoniak i landbrug og natur.pdf River Restoration - Danish experience and examples". "Restauración de Rios y Arroyos - Experiencias y ejemplos de Dinamarca". River Restoration ´96 - Session Lectures Proceedings. Skjern Å. River Restoration ´96 - Plenary lectures. |
Helle Thomsen |
01.11.2007 | |
DMU | dmu@dmu.dk |
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