Publikationer 1997

I dette afsnit gives en oversigt over artikler, rapporter, foredrag mv. som DMU’s medarbejdere har produceret i 1997. På listen er DMU’s medarbejdere fremhævet med fed skrift. Listen er organiseret efter DMU’s indsatsområder:


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Samfund og Miljø Arktisk Miljø og Natur Miljøfremmede Organismer
Miljøfremmede Stoffer Luftforurening Ferskvand
Marin Miljø og Natur Terrestrisk Miljø og Natur Faglig, tværgående indsats
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Samfund og Miljø

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Geernaert, G.L. & Jensen, S.S. (1997): Health and Economics of Urban Air Pollution Management. - Environmental Research Forum 7-8:502-507.

Hansen, H.S. (1997): A GIS Based Approach to the Areal Interpolation Problem. In: Hauska, H. (ed.): ScanGIS’97. Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, 1st-3rd June 1997, Stockholm, Sweden. The Royal Institute of Technology. Centre for Geoinformatics. pp. 171-181.

Pretel, E., Rasmussen, A., Rasmussen, P. & Holten-Andersen, J. (1997): A Simplified Confined-Chain Model for AB Diblock Copolymers. - Macromolecules 30:2775-2784.

Sorensen, P.B., Agerbaek, M.L. & Sørensen, B.L. (1996): Predicting Cake Filtration Using Specific Filtration Flow Rate. - Water Environment Research 68-(7):1151-1155.

Sørensen, B.L. & Sorensen, P.B. (1997): Applying Cake Filtration Theory on Membrane Filtration Data. Research Note. - Water Research 31(3):665-670.

Sørensen, B.L. & Sørensen, P.B. (1997): Structure Compression in Cake Filtration. - Journal of Environmental Engineering 123(4):345-353.


Hasler, B. (1997): Styring af kvælstofanvendelsen i landbruget. En analyse af effekter på driftsøkonomi og udvaskning af udvalgte styringsmidler rettet mod kvælstofanvendelsen i landbruget. Ph.D.-afhandling. Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole og Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 279 s.

DMU rapporter

Christensen, L. (1997): Reduktion af CO2-udslip gennem differentierede bilafgifter. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 56 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 198.

Fenhann, J., Kilde, N.A., Runge, E., Winther, M. & Illerup, J.B. (1997): Inventory of Emissions to the Air from Danish Sources 1972-1995. Samfund og miljø - Emission Inventories. Department of Atmospheric Environment and Department of Policy Analysis. 130 pp.- Research Notes from NERI 68.

Iversen, T.M., Kjeldsen, K., Kristensen, P., de Haan, B., Oirschot, M. van, Parr, W. & Lack, T. (1997): Integrated Environmental Assessment on Eutro-phication. A Pilot Study. Department of Streams and Riparian Areas. 101pp.-NERI Technical Report 207.

Jensen, M. (1997): Benzin i blodet. Kvalitativ del. ALTRANS. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 130 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 191.

Jensen, M. (1997): Benzin i blodet. Kvantitativ del. ALTRANS. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 139 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 200.

Møller, F. (1997): Samfundsøkonomisk analyse på miljøområdet - en oversigt. Samfund og miljø - miljøøkonomi. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 43 s.- Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 49.

Nedergaard, K.D. & Maskell, P. (1997): Miljøbelastningen ved godstransport med lastbil og skib - et projekt om Hovedstadsregionen. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 126 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 192.

Nielsen, T.A.S. (1997): Visse skattereglers effekt. Samfund og miljø - trafik og miljø. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 41 s.- Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 34.

Runge, E., Hertel, O., Frohn, L., Sørensen, J.H. & Larsen, S. (1997): Modelling the Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Løgstør Bredning. Model Results for the Periods April 17 to 30 and August 7 to 19 1995. Department of Atmospheric Environment. 49 pp.- NERI Technical Report 195.

Winther, M. (1997): Analyse af emissionsmodellen Workbook on Emission Factors for Road Transport. Samfund og miljø - trafik og emissioner. Afdeling for Systemanalyse. 54 s.- Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 54.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Andersen, F.M., Jacobsen, H.K., Morthorst, P.E., Olsen, A., Rasmussen, M., Thomsen, T. & Trier, P. (1997): Energi- og emissionsmodeller til ADAM - Energy- and Emissionmodels for ADAM. Danmarks Statistik. 209 s.

Anderson, L.S., Davies, C.E., Moss, D., Münier, B., Ostermann, O., Roberts, T.M., Sandlund, O.T. & Schei, P. (1996): Assessment of Follow-Up Activities in the EEA Member Countries to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Monks Wood: Natural Environment Research Council. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 176 pp.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.) (1997): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. 120 pp.

Brendstrup, S., Emborg, L. & Nielsen, J. (1997): Er de grønne økonomer til nogen hjælp? I: Livet i drivhuset - en debatbog om miljø og samfund. Det Økologiske Råds årsrapport 1996-97. Det Økologiske Råd & Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. s. 102-120.

Brunvoll, F., Christensen, N., Vesselbo, E., Byholm, P., Hermannsdóttir, E., Høie, H., Chytraeus, B. & Widell, A. (eds.) (1997): Indicators of the State of the Environment in the Nordic Countries. Nordic Council of Ministers. 96 pp. - TemaNord 1997:537.

Bruun, H., Hasler, B., Jensen, J.J., Møller, F., Paaby, H. & Asman, W. (1997): Costs of Reducing Nutrient Loading of Danish Marine Waters - Model, Scenarios and Results. Poster. In: Olesen, S.E. (ed.): Proceedings of the NJF-Seminar Alternative Use of Agricultural Land. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. - SP Report 18:128-129.

Christensen, L. (1997): Betydningen af den kollektive trafiks serviceniveau. I: Lahrmann, H. & Christensen, A. (red.): Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 25.-26. august 1997. Supplementsrapport. Transportrådet og Aalborg Universitet. Trafikforskningsgruppen. - ISP’s Skriftserie 209:215-224.

Christensen, N. (1997): Restoration of Wetlands - Ecology and Economy. Final Report for the Project. The Danish Environmental Research Programme. 23 pp.

Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (bidragyder) (1997): Oversigt over statistikken på miljø-, natur- og energiområdet. Danmarks Statistik. Kontaktudvalget vedrørende miljø-, natur- og energistatistikken. 66 s.

Hansen, H.S. (1997): Avenue - a Powerful Environment for Developing Spatial Data Analysis Tools. In: 12th ESRI European User Conference. September 29 - October 1, 1997. Proceedings. Informi GIS A/S. 8 pp. on CD ROM.

Hansen, H.S., Jensen, S.S. & Berkowicz, R. (1997): Estimating Street Air Quality Using a 21/2Dimensional Urban Landscape Model. In: Den Store Nordiske GIS-Konference. Kolding 29.-31. oktober 1997. DAiSI, DKS, DSFL, AM/FM-GIS Nordic Region. u.pag.

Hasler, B. (1997): Policy Measurements to Regulate the Use and Losses of Nitrogen from Danish Farms. In: Olesen, S.E. (ed.): Proceedings of the NJF-Seminar Alternative Use of Agricultural Land. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. - SP Report 18:86-93.

Illerup, J.B., Runge, E. & Winther, M. (1997): Emissioner til atmosfæren - Dansk Kemi 3:10-15.

Jensen, J.J. & Bruun, H.G. (1997): Regional Modelling of Nitrogen Loss and Transport. In: Den Store Nordiske GIS-Konference. Kolding 29.-31. oktober 1997. DAiSI, DKS, DSFL, AM/FM-GIS Nordic Region. u.pag.

Jensen, M. (1997): Bilen som kulturfænomen. I: Lahrmann, H. & Pedersen, L.H. (red.): Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 25.-26. august 1997. Konferencerapport 1. Transportrådet og Aalborg Universitet. Trafikforskningsgruppen. - ISP’s Skriftserie 209:45-55.

Jensen, M. (1997): Mekanismer bag det stigende forbrug - transport som eksempel. I: Fremtidens forbrug og miljø. Slutdokument og ekspertindlæg fra konsensuskonferencen 1.-4. november 1996, arrangeret af Forbrugerrådet og Teknologirådet. Teknologirådet. - Teknologirådets rapporter 1996/7:63-66.

Jensen, M. (1997): „Politiske" forbrugere og transportens miljøproblemer. - Samfundsøkonomen 1997(2):26-33.

Jensen, S.S.: Mapping Human Exposure to Traffic Air Pollution Using GIS. In: Ale, B.J.M., Janssen, M.P.M. & Pruppers, M.J.M. (eds.): Risk 97. International Conference. Mapping Environmental Risks and Risk Comparison. Amsterdam, 21-24 October 1997. Book of Papers. RIVM. pp. 359-364.

Kristensen, P. (1997): EEA Environmental Indicator Report. A Report to the European Environment Agency. National Environmental Research Institute. 88 pp.

Kristensen, P. (1997): Feasibility Study on the Production of an Yearly EEA Indicator Report. A Report to the European Environment Agency. National Environmental Research Institute. 51 pp.

Larsen, P.B., Larsen, J.C., Fenger, J. & Jensen, S.S. (1997): Sundhedsmæssig vurdering af luftforurening fra vejtrafik. Miljøstyrelsen. 287 s. - Miljøprojekt 352.

Mortensen, L. (1997): Critical Levels of Air Pollutants to Protect Agricultural Ecosystems. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. p. 70.

Münier, B. & Christensen, N. (1997): Vegetation Modelling of Nature Restoration Scenarios at a Regional Scale. In: Olesen, S.E. (ed.): Proceedings of the NJF-Seminar Alternative Use of Agricultural Land. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. - SP Report 18:112-121.

Møller, F. & Wier, M. (1997): Indirekte miljøkonsekvenser i traditionel projektvurdering. - Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 135:58-72.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor): Zeuthen, H.E. (1997): AMOR. Final Report for the Centre for Environment and Economics. The Danish Environmental Research Programme. 46 pp.

Rich, J.H. (1997): Misspecifikationer i modal-split modeller. I: Lahrmann, H. & Christensen, A. (red.): Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 25.-26. august 1997. Supplementsrapport. Transportrådet og Aalborg Universitet. Trafikforskningsgruppen. - ISP’s Skriftserie 209:285-295.

Runge, E. (1997): Danish Inventory of PAH Emissions to Air. In: Report and Proceedings of the Workshop on the Assessment of EMEP Activities Concerning Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants and Their Further Development. Volume II. World Meteorological Organization. - World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere Watch 117:99-106.

Schou, J.S. & Skop, E. (1997): Analysis of Site-Specific Pollution from Agriculture - Economy and Nitrogen Loads in Vejle County. Valby: Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics. 56 pp. - Working Paper 15.

Skop, E. & Acquarone, M. (1997): GIS Mapping of Evapotranspiration in the Vejle Fjord Watershed, Denmark. In: 12th ESRI European User Conference. September 29 - October 1, 1997. Proceedings. Informi GIS A/S. 13 pp. on CD-ROM.

Skop, E. & Schou, J.S. (1996): Calculating the Economic and Environmental Effects of Agricultural Production. Valby: Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics. 30 pp. - Working Paper 11.

Wiborg, I. & Hasler, B. (1997): Landbrugslandets natur - Jord og Viden 142(20):21-23.

Wiborg, I.A. (1997): The Lack of Success of the Accompanying Measures in Denmark. In: Olesen, S.E. (ed.): Proceedings of the NJF-Seminar Alternative Use of Agricultural Land. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. - SP Report 18:57-65.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Asman, W.A.H.: Vil atmosfæren blive påvirket af glyphosat? Inviteret foredrag afholdt ved møde i Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark, København, 6. november 1997.

Fenger, J. (1997): Befolkningstruslen. - Information. den 20. november 1997.

Hansen, H.S. (1997): Barometer for nordisk GIS-forskning. - DAiSI. Medlemsmagasinet 4:4-8.

Hansen, H.S.: GIS i miljøforskningen. Seminar om forskning i anvendelser af geografisk information - status og udvikling, Geografisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, 15. september 1997.

Holten-Andersen, J. (1997): Danmark som foregangsland? Kronikken. - Det Fri Aktuelt. Tirsdag 11. februar 1997.

Holten-Andersen, J. (1997): Det grænseløse århundrede - og livet derefter. - Information. Lørdag 19. juli 1997.

Illerup, J.B.: Atmosfæriske emissioner fra energiproduktion. Status og trends. Møde i Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark om Luftkvalitet og forbrændingsprocesser, Ingeniørhuset, København, 20. februar 1997.

Jensen, J.J. (1997): NCGIA - University of California - et besøg værd. - DAiSI. Medlemsmagasinet 4:15-18.

Jensen, S.S.: Befolkningens udsættelse for luftforurening og de sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser heraf samt virkemidler til reduktion af luftforureningen. Inviteret foredrag holdt ved eftermiddagsmøde om „Trafik og luftforurening", Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark. Selskabet for Planlægning, Veje og Trafik, København, 15. maj 1997.

Pedersen, J.C. (1997): Lav pris for et bedre vandmiljø. - Ingeniøren nr. 2:17.

Rasmussen, D. & Illerup, J.B. (1997): Cadmiumbalance for dansk landbrugsjord. I. Kilder og udviklingstendenser. - Vand & Jord 4(1):28-31, 42.

Rasmussen, D., Sørensen, P. & Larsen, M.M. (1997): Cadmiumbalance for dansk landbrugsjord. II. Beregning af cadmiumudvaskningen i landbrugsjorden. - Vand & Jord 4(2):70-72.

Sandbech, H. (1997): Status over miljøtilstanden. - Stads- og Havneingeniøren 8:98-105.

Schou, J.S. & Skop, E. (1997): Kvælstoftab fra små bedrifter er dyrest. - Erhvervsjordbruget 4(3):18-20.

Skop, E. & Schou, J.S. (1997): Effekt af afgift på kvælstofbelastning og økonomi. - Vand & Jord 4(5):184-188.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Andersen, F.M., Trier, P., Olsen, A., Rasmussen, M., Thomsen, T., Jacobsen,H.K. & Morthorst, P.E.: Energi- og miljørelaterede satellitmodeller til ADAM. Jubilæumsmøde i Dansk Økonometrisk Selskab, Sandbjerg Gods, 22.-25. maj 1997.

Asman, W.A.H.: Lokale aspekten van de emissie, verspreiding en depositie van ammoniak. AB-DLO, Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2 October 1997.

Asman, W.A.H., Sutton, M.A. & Schjørring, J.K.: Ammonia: Emission, Atmospheric Transport and Deposition. New Physiologist Symposium,
Lancaster, England, 3-5 September 1997.

Bruun, H., Hasler, B., Jensen, J.J., Møller, F., Paaby, H. & Asman, W.: The Danish NP-Model. Integrated Modelling and Assessment of Costs and Environmental Effects of Reduced Antropogenic Loading to the Marine Waters in Denmark. Poster presented at NJF-Seminar No. 270 „Alternative Use of Agricultural Land", Foulum, Denmark, 9-10 June 1997.

Christensen, L.: Betydningen af den kollektive trafiks serviceniveau. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, 25.-26. august 1997.

Fenger, J.: Local Air Pollution: A Nuisance or a Health Problem? ACI Europe Specialist Conference „Airports and the Environment: How to Communicate the Facts", Salzburg, Austria, 7-9 April 1997.

Hansen, H.S.: A GIS Based Approach to the Areal Interpolation Problem. 6th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS. ScanGIS’97, Stockholm, Sweden,13 June 1997.

Hansen, H.S.: Avenue - a Powerful Environment for Developing Spatial Data Analysis Tools. 12th ESRI European User Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark,

29 September-1 October 1997.

Hansen, H.S., Jensen, S.S. & Berkowicz, R.: Estimating Street Air Quality Using a 21/2 Dimensional Urban Landscape Model. Den Store Nordiske GIS

Konference, Kolding, Denmark, 29.-31. oktober 1997.

Hasler, B.: Integrating Social and Natural Sciences - An Analysis of Policy Measurements towards Nitrogen Leaching from Agricultural Production. Conference on Science for a Sustainable Society - Integrating Natural and Social Sciences, RUC, Denmark, 26-29 October 1997.

Hasler, B.: Policy Measurements to Regulate the Use and Losses of Nitrogen from Danish Farms. NJF-Seminar No. 270 „Alternative Use of Agricultural Land", Foulum, Denmark, 9-10 June 1997.

Hertel, O., Palmgren, F. & Jensen, S.S.: Luftkvalitet og befolkningseksponering. Sundhedsministeriets Miljømedicinske Forskningscenters årsmøde, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 12. september 1997.

Hutchings, N.J., Asman, W.A.H. & Sommer, S.G.: Integrated Modelling of Ammonia Emission and Deposition: Preliminary Results. Conference on „Ammonia and Odour Control from Animal Production Facilities", Vinkeloord, The Netherlands, 6-10 October 1997.

Hutchings, N.J., Asman, W.A.H. & Sommer, S.G.: Integrated Modelling of Ammonia Emission and Deposition: Preliminary Results. EUROTRAC-
GENEMIS Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, 7-8 October 1997.

Illerup, J.B. & Runge, E.: Emissionsopgørelser - opgørelsesmetoder og usikkerhed. Seminar om CO2 og drivhuseffekt, Elkraft, Ballerup, 24. april 1997.

Jensen, J.J. & Bruun, H.G.: Regional Modelling of Nitrogen Loss and Transport. Den Store Nordiske GIS-Konference, Kolding, Denmark, 29.-31. oktober 1997.

Jensen, M.: Benzin i blodet. 19. Nordiske Sociologkongres. Arbejdsgruppe 16, Risiko og miljøsociologi, København, 13.-15. juni 1997.

Jensen, S.S.: Mapping Human Exposure to Traffic Air Pollution Using GIS. Risk 97 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21-24 October 1997.

Løkke, H.: Ammoniaks betydning for forsuring, eutrofiering og reduktionsstrategi. Nordisk seminar vedrørende forhandlinger om ECE-kvælstofprotokollen, Gammel Dok, København, 4.-5. marts 1997.

Münier, B.: GIS Modelling of Ecological Consequences of Nature Restoration Scenarios. 12th ESRI European User Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 September-1 October 1997.

Münier, B. & Christensen, N.: Vegetation Modelling of Nature Restoration Scenarios at a Regional Scale. NJF-Seminar No. 270 „Alternative Use of Agricultural Land", Foulum, Denmark, 9-10 June 1997.

Nielsen, J. & Emborg, L.: Environmental Utilisation Space - Implementing Perspectives in Environmental Policy. International Workshop: Economic Globalization and Sustainable Development: Are They Compatible? University of Versailles, Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France, 7-8 November 1997.

Rich, J.H.: Misspecifikationer i modal-split modeller. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, 25.-26. august 1997.

Skop, E. & Acquarone, M.: GIS Mapping of Evapotranspiration in the Vejle Fjord Watershed, Denmark. 12th ESRI European User Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 September-1 October 1997.

Wiborg, I.A.: The Lack of Success of the Accompanying Measures in Denmark. NJF-Seminar No. 270 „Alternative Use of Agricultural Land", Foulum, Denmark, 9-10 June 1997.

Winther, M.: Computer Model and Emission Factors Used to Calculate the Danish Traffic Emissions. Invited speech at the 1st Nordic On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, IVL, Göteborg, Sweden, 21 October 1997.


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Samfund og Miljø Arktisk Miljø og Natur Miljøfremmede Organismer
Miljøfremmede Stoffer Luftforurening Ferskvand
Marin Miljø og Natur Terrestrisk Miljø og Natur Faglig, tværgående indsats
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Arktisk Miljø og Natur

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Boertmann, D., Mosbech, A. & Frimer, O. (1997): Autumn Migration of Light-Bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota through North-West Greenland. - Wildfowl 48:98-107.

Boje, J., Riget, F. & Køie, M. (1997): Helminth Parasites as Biological Tags in Population Studies of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum)), in the North-West Atlantic. - ICES Journal of Marine Science 54:886-895.

Born, E.W., Dietz, R., Heide-Jørgensen, M.P. & Knutsen, L.Ø. (1997): Historical and Present Distribution, Abundance and Exploitation of Atlantic Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus L.) in eastern Greenland. 73 pp. - Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience 46.

Glahder, C.M., Fox, A.D. & Walsh, A.J. (1997): Effects of Fitting Dummy Satellite Transmitters to Greenland White-Fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris. - Wildfowl 48:88-97.

Mosbech, A. (1997): Assessment of Seabird Vulnerability to Oil Spills in the Eastern Davis Strait. In: Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Effects of Oil on Wildlife. November 3-6, 1997, Double Tree Hotel, Monterey, California, USA. University of California. School of Veterinary Medicine. pp. 32-49.

Palsbøll, P.J., Heide-Jørgensen, M.P. & Dietz, R. (1997): Population Structure and Seasonal Movements of Narwhals, Monodon monoceros, Determined from mtDNA Analysis. - Heredity 78:284-292.

Riget, F., Dietz, R. & Johansen, P. (1997): Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury and Se-lenium in Greenland Fish. 29 pp. - Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience 48.

Riget, F., Johansen, P. & Asmund, G. (1997): Baseline Levels and Natural Variability of Elements in Three Seaweed Species from West Greenland. - Marine Pollution Bulletin 34(3):171-176.

Riget, F., Johansen, P. & Asmund, G. (1997): Uptake and Release of Lead and Zinc by Blue Mussels. Experience from Transplantation Experiments in Greenland. - Marine Pollution Bulletin 34(10):805-815.

Strandberg, M. (1997): Distribution of 137Cs in a Low Arctic Ecosystem in West Greenland. - Arctic 50(3):216-223.

DMU rapporter

Asmund, G., Riget, F. & Johansen, P. (1997): Miljøundersøgelser ved Mestersvig 1996. Afdeling for Arktisk Miljø. 31 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 202.

Bay, C. (1997): Effects of Experimental Spills of Crude and Diesel Oil on Arctic Vegetation. A Long-Term Study on High Arctic Terrestrial Plant Communities in Jameson Land, Central East Greenland. Department of Arctic Environment. 44 pp.- NERI Technical Report 205.

Johansen, P., Riget, F. & Asmund, G. (1997): Miljøundersøgelser ved Maarmorilik 1996. Afdeling for Arktisk Miljø. 97 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 193.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P. (1997): AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 792 pp. - Environmental Project 356.

Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R. & Johansen, P. (1997): Marine Programme. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:145-278.

Asmund, G., Riget, F., Aastrup, P. & Johansen, P. (1997): Terrestrial and Freshwater Programme. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:279-373.

Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P. (1997): AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 373 pp. - Working Report 29.

Cleemann, M., Fromberg, A., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Poulsen, M., Pritzl, G., Riget, F. & Storr-Hansen, E. (1997): Persistent Organic Pollutants. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:163-210.

Cleemann, M., Fromberg, A., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Poulsen, M., Pritzl, G., Riget, F. & Storr-Hansen, E. (1997): Persistent Organic Pollutants Marine Data from Greenland 1994-1995. Technical Report. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J.,Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen,P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:409-509.

Cleemann, M., Fromberg, A., Paulsen, G.B., Poulsen, M., Pritzl, G. & Riget, F. (1997): Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup,P.,

Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen,P.,Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl,G.,Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:605-621.

Cleemann, M., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Poulsen, M., Pritzl, G. & Riget,F. (1997): AMAP. Persistent Organic Pollutants Freshwater Data from Greenland 1994-1995. Technical Report. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz,R.,Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen,H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996.
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:739-778.

Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E. & Spliid, H. (1997): Comparability of PCB and OCP Data within the Subprograms of AMAP, Greenland 1994-1996. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:27-45.

Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E. & Spliid, H. (1997): Comparability of PCB and OCP Data within the Subprograms of AMAP, Greenland 1994-1996. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund,

G.,Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:49-89.

Dietz, R., Johansen, P., Riget, F. & Asmund, G. (1997): Data on Heavy Metals in the Greenland Marine Environment before 1994. Danish National Assessment. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:247-350.

Dietz, R., Johansen, P., Riget, F. & Asmund, G. (1997): Heavy Metals. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:119-162.

Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Boertmann, D. (1997): Introduction to Contaminants in the Greenland Marine Environment. National Assessment. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:111-118.

Fromberg, A., Cleemann, M. & Carlsen, L. (1997): Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Environment of Greenland and Faroe Islands. Literature Review. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:511-556.

Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmospheric Assessment for Greenland. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:47-103.

Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmospheric Assessment for Greenland. Data Report 1 of 3. Gases and Aerosol-Ions. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:91-96.

Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmospheric Assessment for Greenland. Data Report 2 of 3. Elements. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:97-120.

Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmospheric Assessment for Greenland. Data Report 3 of 3. Tropospheric Ozone. In: Bjerregaard, P., Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Storr-Hansen, E., Spliid, H., Heidam, N.Z., Christensen, J., Wåhlin, P., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Aastrup, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Data Report. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Working Report 29:121-143.

Johansen, P. (1997): Heavy Metals in Greenland. An Evaluation of Data - INUSSUK. Arktisk Forskningsjournal 4:57-71.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor) (1997): Arctic Pollution Issues. A State of the Arctic Environment Report. Oslo: AMAP. 188 pp.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor): The Circumpolar Seabird Working Group (1997): Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna. 16 pp.

Riget, F., Aastrup, P., Johansen, P. & Asmund, G. (1997): AMAP. Heavy Metals in the Greenland Terrestrial and Freshwater Environment. AMAP Results 1994 and 1995. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:657-713.

Riget, F., Aastrup, P., Dietz, R. & Johansen, P. (1997): Introduction to Contaminants in the Greenland Terrestrial and Freshwater Environment. National Assessment. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:573-579.

Riget, F., Dietz, R., Johansen, P. & Asmund, G. (1997): AMAP. Heavy Metals in the Greenland Marine Environment. AMAP Results 1994 and 1995. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:351-407.

Riget, F., Johansen, P., Aastrup, P. & Asmund, G. (1997): Heavy Metals. In: Aarkrog, A., Aastrup, P., Asmund, G., Bjerregaard, P., Boertmann, D., Carlsen, L., Christensen, J., Cleemann, M., Dietz, R., Fromberg, A., Storr-Hansen, E., Heidam, N.Z., Johansen, P., Larsen, H., Paulsen, G.B., Petersen, H., Pilegaard, K., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Skov, H., Spliid, H., Weihe, P. & Wåhlin, P.: AMAP Greenland 1994-1996. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Environmental Project 356:581-604.

Rysgaard, S., Berg, P., Christensen, P.B., Dalsgaard, T., Fossing, H., Glud, R.N., Holby, O., Jensen, T., Lund-Hansen, L., Revsbech, N.P., Risgaard-Petersen, N. & Thamdrup, B. (1997): Nutrient Dynamics in North-East Greenland Waters and Sediments. In: Meltofte, H. & Thing, H. (eds.): Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 2nd Annual Report 1996. Danish Polar Center. pp. 59-64.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Boertmann, D. & Mosbech, A. (1997): Grønlandske fugle under vingerne. - Fugle og Natur 1:20-23.

Heide-Jørgensen, M.P. & Dietz, R. (1997): Satellitsporing af hvaler i Arktis. - Naturens Verden 1:16-29.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Asmund, G.: Compilation of Sediment Data from AMAP International Assessment. The Use of Li as Normaliser for Trace Element Data. Poster presented at the AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Asmund, G. & Riget, F.: Mercury and Methylmercury in Migratory and Non-Migratory Arctic Char from Greenland. Poster presented at the AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Christensen, P.B.: Nutrient Dynamics in an Arctic Marine Ecosystem - Young Sound. 6th Annual Meeting of Arctic Biology, August Krogh Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 22, 1997.

Christensen, P.B.: Production and Consumption in Arctic Marine Coastal Waters and Sediment. 2nd Annual Meeting Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 11, 1997.

Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.P., Poulsen, M.E., Pritzl, G. & Riget, F.: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Greenland Fauna. The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Dietz, R., Agger, C.T. & Paludan-Müller, P.: Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc and Selenium in Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida), Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and Hooded Seals (Cystophora cristata) from Greenland Waters. Poster presented at the AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Dietz, R., Johansen, P., Riget, F. & Asmund, G.: Heavy Metals in the Greenland Marine Environment. Results from the AMAP Programme. Poster presented at the AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Dietz, R., Pacyna, J. & Thomas, D.J.: What Have We Learned from the AMAP International Assessment about Heavy Metals in the Arctic? The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Glahder, C.: Udpegning af forårsrastepladser i Vestgrønland for grønlandsk blisgås Anser albifrons flavirostris. Arktisk Biologisk Forskermøde VI 1997, Dansk Polarcenter, København, 22. februar 1997.

Johansen, P.: Heavy Metals in Greenland. An Evaluation of Data. Seminar on Food Tables for Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-8 January 1997.

Mosbech, A.: Assessment of Seabird Vulnerability to Oil Spills in the Eastern Davis Strait. Fifth International Conference on Effects of Oil on Wildlife, Double Tree Hotel, Monterey, California, USA, 3-6 November 1997.

Mosbech, A. & Boertmann, D.: Distribution and Abundance of Moulting and Postbreeding King Eiders in West Greenland. Canadian Wildlife Service/Circumpolar Seabird Working Group. Joint Paper Session on Marine Birds, St. John’s, Canada, 16 April 1997.

Richard, P., Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Orr, J. & Dietz, R.: Summer and Fall Movements of Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) with Satellite-Linked Transmitters, in Lancaster Sound, Jones Sound and Northern Baffin Bay. Canada/Greenland JCCM Scientific Working Group. Working Paper SWG97, Elsinore, Denmark, 7-14 June 1997.

Riget, F., Dietz, R., Asmund, G. & Johansen, P.: Heavy Metals in the Greenland Terrestrial and Freshwater Environment. Results from the AMAP Programme. Poster presented at the AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Rysgaard, S.: Future Changes in Arctic Marine Production and Consumption. 2nd Annual Meeting Ecological Research Operations, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 11, 1997.

Rysgaard, S.: Nutrient Carbon Cycling in a Northeast Greenland Fjord. Invited speech at Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany, May 15, 1997.

Rysgaard, S. & Christensen, P.B.: Nutrient Dynamics in Northeast Greenland Waters and Sediments. 2nd Annual Meeting Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 11, 1997.

Tamstorf, M.P.: Vegetationsanalyse ved interpolation af Landsat TM og SPOT HRV satellitbilleder. Arktisk Biologisk Forskermøde VI 1997, Dansk Polarcenter, København, 22. februar 1997.


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Miljøfremmede Organismer

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Ammann, K., Felber, F., Jacot, Y., Jørgensen, R.B., Kjellsson, G., Olesen, J.M., Philipp, M., Rufener Al Mazyad, P., Schierup, M.H. & Simonsen, V. (1997): Synopsis of Subcategories and Recommended Methods. In: Kjellsson, G., Simonsen, V. & Ammann, K. (eds.): Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts. Birkhaüser Verlag. pp. 49-81.

Damgaard, C. & Østergaard, H. (1997): Density-Dependent Growth and Life History Evolution of Polycyclic Leaf Pathogens. A Continuous Time Growth Model. - Journal of Phytopathology 145:17-23.

Damgaard, P.H., Hansen, B.M., Pedersen, J.C. & Eilenberg, J. (1997): Natural Occurrence of Bacillus thuringiensis on Cabbage Foliage and in Insects Associated with Cabbage Crops. - Journal of Applied Microbiology 82:253-258.

Felber, F., Jacot, Y., Jørgensen, R.B., Kjellsson, G., Madsen, K.H., Olesen, J.M., Philipp, M., Rufener Al Mazyad, P., Schierup, M.H. & Simonsen, V. (1997): List of Methods and their Description. In: Kjellsson, G., Simonsen, V. & Ammann, K. (eds.): Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts. Birkhaüser Verlag. pp. 83-194.

Hansen, B.M. & Winding, A. (1997): Detection of Pseudomonas putida B in the Rhizosphere by RAPD. - Letters in Applied Microbiology 24:249-252.

Hendriksen, N.B. (1997): Earthworm Effects on Respiratory Activity in a Dung-Soil System. - Soil Biology & Biochemistry 29(3/4):347-351.

Højberg, O., Binnerup, S.J. & Sørensen, J. (1997): Growth of Silicone-Immobilized Bacteria on Polycarbonate Membrane Filters, a Technique to Study Microcolony Formation under Anaerobic Conditions. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63(7):2920-2924.

Kjellsson, G. (1997): Principles and Procedures for Ecological Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. In: Kjellsson, G., Simonsen, V. & Ammann, K. (eds.): Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts. Birkhaüser Verlag. pp. 221-236.

Kjellsson, G., Simonsen, V. & Ammann, K. (eds.) (1997): Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts. Birkhäuser Verlag. 308 pp.

Ritz, K., Griffiths, B.S., Torsvik, V.L. & Hendriksen, N.B. (1997): Analysis of Soil and Bacterioplankton Community DNA by Melting Profiles and Reassociation Kinetics. - FEMS Microbiology Letters 149:151-156.

Simonsen, V. & Jørgensen, R.B. (1997): Genetic Engineering Techniques. In: Kjellsson, G., Simonsen, V. & Ammann, K. (eds.): Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts. Birkhaüser Verlag. pp. 195-202.

Sørensen, A.H. & Ahring, B.K. (1997): An Improved Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Whole-Cell Determination of Methanogens in Samples from Anaerobic Reactors. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63(5):2001-2006.

Sørensen, A.H., Torsvik, V.L., Torsvik, T., Poulsen, L.K. & Ahring, B.K. (1997): Whole-Cell Hybridization of Methanosarcina Cells with Two New Oligonu-cleotide Probes. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63(8):3043-3050.

Willumsen, P.A. & Karlson, U. (1997): Screening of Bacteria, Isolated from PAH-Contaminated Soils, for Production of Biosurfactants and Bioemulsifiers. - Biodegradation 7:415-423.

Winding, A., Rønn, R. & Hendriksen, N.B. (1997): Bacteria and Protozoa in Soil Microhabitats as Affected by Earthworms. - Biology and Fertility of Soils 24:133-140.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Damgaard, C.F. & Østergaard, H. (1997): Density Dependent Growth of Barley Powdery Mildew on a Partial Resistant Barley Variety. Infection Efficiency and Spore Production. In: Limpert, E., Finckh, M.R. & Wolfe, M.S. (eds.): Integrated Control of Cereal Mildews and Rusts. Towards Coordination of Research Across Europe. European Commission. - COST 817; EUR 16884 EN: 241-245.

Karlson, U. & Jacobsen, C.S. (1997): Planter renser forurenet jord. I: Løkke, H. (red.): Miljøfarlige stoffer. Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram. Silkeborg: Dansk Center for Økotoksikologisk Forskning. s. 4-5.

Karlson, U. & Willumsen, P.A. (1997): Kan jordmikrober opløse tjærestoffer? - Miljøforskning 33:46-49.

Winding, A. (1997): Establishment and Survival of Bacteria in Soil. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 78 pp. - Environmental Project 364.

Winding, A. & Hendriksen, N.B. (1997): Biolog Substrate Utilisation Assay for Metabolic Fingerprints of Soil Bacteria: Incubation Effects. In: Insam, H. & Rangger, A. (eds.): Microbial Communities. Functional Versus Structural Approaches. Springer. pp. 195-205.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Hansen, B.M. & Pedersen, J.C. (1997): Sådan gensplejses planter. - Ingeniøren 26/27:16.

Hendriksen, N.B. & Binnerup, S. (1997): Mikrobiologiske bekæmpelsesmidler i planteproduktionen - muligheder og risici. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Havmiljø og Mikrobiologi. 28 s.- TEMA-rapport fra DMU 14/1997.

Pedersen, J.C. (1997): Ny indsigt i bakteriers sexliv. - Ingeniøren 12:23.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Brazil, G.M., Bermingham, A., Gardiner, S., Whelan, C., O’Gara, F., Karlson, U. & Dowling, D.N.: Novel Bacterial Inoculants for the Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Rhizosphere. Poster presented at the Society for General Microbiology (SGM) Symposium „Microorganisms: the Answer to Environmental Pollution?", University College Dublin, Ireland, 18-19 September 1997.

Damgaard, C.: The Effect of Downy Powdery Mildew (Peronospora parasitica) on the Competition between Arabidopsis thaliana Genotypes. Arabidopsis and Related Species in the Wild. Field & Lab Interfaces. European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on Plant Adaption, Marine Biology Station, Sete, France, May 15-18, 1997.

Damgaard, C.: The Effect of Pathogens on Plant Competition. COST-Meeting, Risø, Roskilde, Denmark, February 27-28, 1997.

Damgaard, C.F.: Plant Competition Experiments. The Condition for Coexistence and Estimating the Probalities of the Different Ecological Scenarios. Sixth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 24-28 August 1997.

Eilenberg, J., Damgaard, P.H., Hansen, B.M. & Pedersen, J.C.: Natural Occurrence of Bacillus thuringiensis. Second International Congress of Vector Ecology, Orlando, Florida, 19-24 October 1997.

Hansen, B.M. & Hendriksen, N.B.: Bacillus thuringiensis and B. cereus enterotoxins. Poster presented at the 6th European Meeting in the IOBC/WPRS Working Group, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-15 August 1997.

Hansen, B.M. & Hendriksen, N.B.: Comparative PCR Analysis of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus. Poster presented at the International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of B. Cereus, B. Anthracis and B. thuringiensis, Soria Moria, Oslo, Norway, 23-25 May 1997.

Hendriksen, N.B. & Hansen, B.M.: Risk Analysis of Microbial Pest Control Agents. 6th European Meeting in the IOBC/WPRS Working Group, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-15 August 1997.

Jørgensen, N.O.G., Kroer, N., Coffin, R.B. & Hoch, M.P.: Nitrogen Assimilation in Marine Bacteria: Relations between Nitrogen Metabolism and Oxygen Consumption. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Kjellsson, G.: Risk Assessment. Concepts and Methods. Research Conference on Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnological Applications. Plants as Producers and Raw Material for Industry, The Okobank Group Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 29 August-3 September 1997.

Kreiberg, J.D., Christensen, T.M.I.E., Nielsen, J.E. & Hansen, B.M.: Reduction of the Sugar Level in Transgenic Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) by Antisensing a-amylase. Poster presented at the Fifth International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Singapore, 21-27 September 1997.

Kroer, N.: Effect of Bacterial Distribution and Metabolic Activity on Conjugal Gene Transfer. Invited speech at State University of West Georgia, USA, 5 December 1997.

Kroer, N.: Genetic Exchange between Bacteria. Invited speech at Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH (GBF), Germany, 11 June 1997.

Kroer, N.: The Effect of Bacterial Distribution and Activity on Conjugal Gene Transfer. Invited speech at Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsö, Norway, 31 October 1997.

Nielsen, M., Miethling, R. & Karlson, U.: Soil Bioremediation: Mineralization of Pentachlorophenol upon Inoculation with Sphingomonas chlorophenolica SR3 and Abiotic Amendment. Poster presented at Pseudomonas ’97, Madrid, Spain, 4-8 September 1997.

Normander, B., Molin, S. & Kroer, N.: In situ Detection of Conjugal Plasmid Transfer on the Phylloplane of Bean Using gfp as Reporter Gene. Poster presented at the MAREP International Conference on Marker/Reporter Genes in Microbial Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-17 June 1997.

Ravn, H.: Caffeic Acid Derivatives, Biological Active Compounds. Biologically Active Secondary Metabolites in Plants - Workshop, VTT Biotechnology and Food Research, Espoo, Finland, 30 January-1 February 1997.

Vestergaard, S., Eilenberg, J. & Hansen, B.M.: Dispersal and Characterization of Metarhizium anisopliae after Field Releases in Denmark. SIP Banff ’97. 30th Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 24-29 August 1997.


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Miljøfremmede Stoffer

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Axelsen, J.A. (1997): A Physiologically Driven Mathematical Simulation Model as a Tool for Extension of Results from Laboratory Tests to Ecosystem Effects. In: Van Straalen, N.M. & Løkke, H. (eds.): Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil. Chapman & Hall. - Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series 5:233-250.

Axelsen, J.A., Holst, N., Hamers, T. & Krogh, P.H. (1997): Simulations of the Predator-Prey Interactions in a Two Species Ecotoxicological Test System. - Ecological Modelling 101:15-25.

Bruus Pedersen, M., Temminghoff, E.J.M., Marinussen, M.P.J.C., Elmegaard, N. & van Gestel, C.A.M. (1997): Copper Accumulation and Fitness of Folsomia candida Willem in a Copper Contaminated Sandy Soil as Affected by pH and Soil Moisture. - Applied Soil Ecology 6:135-146.

Bryld, L.E., Agner, T., Rastogi, S.C. & Menné, T. (1997): Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate: a New Contact Allergen. - Contact Dermatitis 36:156-158.

Carlsen, L., Feldthus, A., Klarskov, T. & Shedrinsky, A. (1997): Geographical Classification of Amber Based on Pyrolysis and Infra-Red Spectroscopy Data. - Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 43:71-81.

Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Poulsen, M.E., Boer, J. de & Klungsøyr, J. (1997): Organochlorines in Sediments and Biota from Greenland. In: Hites, R. (ed.): Dioxin ’97. 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, August 25-29, 1997. Indiana University. - Organohalogen Compounds 32:268-271.

Forbes, T.L. & Kure, L.K. (1997): Linking Structure and Function in Marine Sedimentary and Terrestrial Soil Ecosystems: Implications for Extrapolation from the Laboratory to the Field. In: Van Straalen, N.M. & Løkke, H. (eds.): Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil. Chapman & Hall. - Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series 5:127-156.

Forbes, V.E. & Forbes, T.L. (1997): Dietary Absorption of Sediment-Bound Fluoranthene by a Deposit-Feeding Gastropod Using the 14C:51Cr Dual-Labeling Method. - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(5):1002-1009.

Eijsackers, H. & Løkke, H. (1996): Soil Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment. - Ecosystem Health 2(4):259-270.

Hamers, T. & Krogh, P.H. (1997): Predator-Prey Relationships in a Two-Species Toxicity Test System. - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 37:203-212.

Holmer, M., Forbes, V.E. & Forbes, T.L. (1997): Impact of the Polychaete Capitella sp. I on Microbial Activity in an Organic-Rich Marine Sediment Contaminated with the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Fluoranthene. - Marine Biology 128:679-688.

Holmstrup, M. (1997): Drought Tolerance in Folsomia candida Willem (Collembola) after Exposure to Sublethal Concentrations of Three Soil-Polluting Chemicals. - Pedobiologia 41:361-368.

Holmstrup, M. & Friis Petersen, B. (1997): Freeze-Tolerance in the Subarctic Earthworm Eisenia nordenskioeldi (Eisen). - Cryo-Letters 18:153-156.

Jacobsen, J.A., Stuer-Lauridsen, F. & Pritzl, G. (1997): Organotin Speciation in Environmental Samples by Capillary Gas Chromatography and Pulsed Flame Photometric Detection (PFPD). - Applied Organometallic Chemistry 11:737 741.

Jacobsen, O.S. & Bossi, R. (1997): Degradation of Ethylenethiourea (ETU) in Oxic and Anoxic Sandy Aquifers. - FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:539-544.

Jensen, J.-E.B., Larsen, M.M., Kringsholm, B., Pritzl, G. & Sørensen, O.H. (1996): Measurement of Trace Elements in Bone by ICP-MS. In: Nève, J., Chappuis, P. & Lamand, M. (eds.): Therapeutic Uses of Trace Elements. Plenum Press. pp. 297-301.

Johansen, J.D., Rastogi, S.C., Andersen, K.E. & Menné, T. (1997): Content and Reactivity to Product Perfumes in Fragrance Mix Positive and Negative Eczema Patients. A Study of Perfumes Used in Toiletries and Skin-Care Products. - Contact Dermatitis 36:291-296.

Johansen, S.S., Arvin, E., Mosbæk, H. & Hansen, A.B. (1997): Degradation Pathway of Quinolines in a Biofilm System under Denitrifying Conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(9):1821-1828.

Johansen, S.S., Hansen, A.B., Mosbæk, H. & Arvin, E. (1997): Identification of Heteroaromatic and other Organic Compounds in Ground Water at Creosote-Contaminated Sites in Denmark. - Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 17(2):106-115.

Johansen, S.S., Licht, D., Arvin, E., Mosbæk, H. & Hansen, A.B. (1997): Metabolic Pathways of Quinoline, Indole and their Methylated Analogs by Desulfobacterium indolicum (DSM 3383). - Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 47(3):292-300.

Krogh, P.H. & Bruus Pedersen, M. (1997): Ecological Effects Assessment of Industrial Sludge for Microarthropods and Decomposition in a Spruce Plantation. - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 36:162-168.

Køppen, B. (1997): Determination of Ethephon in Pesticide Formulations by Headspace Gas Chromatography. - Journal of AOAC International 80(2):289-293

Lassen, P. & Carlsen, L. (1997): Solubilization of Phenanthrene by Humic Acids. - Chemosphere 34(4):817-825.

Lassen, P., Poulsen, M.E., Stuer-Lauridsen, F. & Carlsen, L. (1997): Leaching of Selected PAH’s and Hetero-Analogues from an Organic Matrix into Synthetic Ground Water. Influence of Dissolved Humic Material. - Chemosphere 34(2):335-344.

Licht, D., Johansen, S.S., Arvin, E. & Ahring, B.K. (1997): Transformation of Indole and Quinoline by Desulfobacterium indolicum (DSM 3383). - Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 47(2):167-172.

Madsen, S.D., Forbes, T.L. & Forbes, V.E. (1997): Particle Mixing by the Polychaete Capitella Species 1: Coupling Fate and Effect of a Particle-Bound Organic Contaminant (Fluoranthene) in a Marine Sediment. - Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:129-142.

Rastogi, S.C., Barwick, V.J. & Carter, S.V. (1997): Identification of Organic Colourants in Cosmetics by HPLC-Diode Array Detection. - Chromatographia 45:215-228.

Rietz, B., Heydorn, K. & Pritzl, G. (1997): Determination of Aluminium in Fish Tissues by Means of INAA and ICP-MS. - Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 216(1):113-116.

Scott-Fordsmand, J. J. & Depledge, M.H. (1997): Changes in the Tissue Concentrations and Contents of Calcium, Copper and Zinc in the Shore Crab Carcinus maenas (L.) (Crustacea: Decapoda) during the Moult Cycle and following Copper Exposure during Ecdysis. - Marine Environmental Research 44(4):397-414.

Scott-Fordsmand, J.J., Krogh, P.H. & Weeks, J.M. (1997): Sublethal Toxicity of Copper to a Soil-Dwelling Springtail (Folsomia fimetaria) (Collembola: Isotomidae). - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(12):2538-2542.

Scott-Fordsmand, J.J. (1997): Toxicity of Nickel to Soil Organisms in Denmark. - Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 148:1-34.

Van Straalen, N.M. & Løkke, H. (1997): Ecological Approaches in Soil Ecotoxicology. In: Van Straalen, N.M. & Løkke, H. (eds.): Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil. Chapman & Hall. - Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series 5:3-21.

Van Straalen, N.M. & Løkke, H. (eds.) (1997): Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil. Chapman & Hall. 333 pp. - Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series 5.

Warwick, P., Hall, A., Zhu, J., Dimmock, P.W., Robbins, R., Carlsen, L. & Lassen, P. (1997): Effect of Temperature on the Nickel Humic Acid Equilibrium Reaction. - Chemosphere 35(11):2471-2477.

Warwick, P., Randall, A., Lassen, P. & Carlsen, L. (1997): Radiolabelling of Humic Material by Enzymatically Mediated Incorporation of 14C-Phenol. - Chemosphere 35(6):1161-1174.


Johansen, S.S. (1996): Heteroaromatic Compounds and Their Biodegradation Products in Creosote-Contaminated Groundwater. PhD thesis. Technical University of Denmark and National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Environmental Chemistry. 119 pp.

DMU rapporter

Carlsen, L., Lassen, P., Pritzl, G., Poulsen, M.E., Willumsen, P.A. & Karlson, U. (1997): Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment. Department of Environmental Chemistry and Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 84 pp.- NERI Technical Report 190.

Køppen, B. (1997): Control of Pesticides 1996. Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations. Department of Environmental Chemistry. 28 pp.- NERI Technical Report 194.

Rastogi, S.C. & Jensen, G.H. (1997): Kontrol af indholdet af benzen og benzo(a)pyren i kul- og olieafledte stoffer. Analytisk-kemisk kontrol af kemiske stoffer og produkter. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 25 s.- Faglig rapport fraDMU 196.

Rastogi, S.C., Jensen, G.H., Jensen, C.D. & Frausig, A.H. (1997): Identification of Organic Colourants in Cosmetics by HPLC-Photodiode Array Detection. Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations. Department of Environmental Chemistry. 233 pp.- NERI Technical Report 183.

Rastogi, S.C., Vikelsøe, J., Jensen, G.H., Johansen, E. & Carlsen, L. (1997): Migration of Phthalates from Teethers. Miljøkemi - Analytical Chemical Control of Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations. Department of Environmental Chemistry. 22 pp.- Research Notes from NERI 64.

Rastogi, S.C., Worsøe, I.M., Køppen, B., Hansen, A.B. & Avnskjold, J. (1997): Indhold af organiske opløsningsmidler og phthalater i legetøj. Analytisk-kemisk kontrol af kemiske stoffer og produkter. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 34 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 217.

Spliid, N.H. & Nyeland, B.A. (1997): Pesticider i drikkevand 1. Præstationsprøvning. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 273 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 206.

Vikelsøe, J., Nielsen, B. & Johansen, E. (1997): Analyse af miljøfremmede stoffer i kommunalt spildevand og slam. Intensivt måleprogram for miljøfremmede stoffer og hygiejnisk kvalitet i kommunalt spildevand. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 63 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 186.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Axelsen, J.A. (1997): Kan man med simple metoder i laboratoriet forudsige, hvad der vil ske, hvis en mark forurenes? I: Løkke, H. (red.): Miljøfarlige stoffer. Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram. Silkeborg: Dansk Center for Økotoksikologisk Forskning. 6-7.

Axelsen, J.A., Scott-Fordsmand, J.J., Holmstrup, M., Kjær, C., Krogh, P.H., Bruus Pedersen, M., Simonsen, V. & Strandberg, B. (1997): Kan man forudsige giftstoffers effekt på planter og smådyr i jorden? - Miljøforskning 32:7-20.

Bignert, A., Cleemann, M., Dannenberger, D., Gaul, H. & Roots, O. (1996): Halogenated Hydrocarbons. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:130-138.

Bjerre Jacobsen, B., Rødgaard, S. & Løkke, H. (red.) (1997): Miljøfremmede stoffers skæbne. 78 s. - Miljøforskning 33.

Carlsen, L. (1997): Book Review of Alfons E. Baumstark (ed.): Advances in Oxygenated Processes. Vol. 4. JAI Press, 1995. - Sulfur Reports 20(1):149-150.

Carlsen, L. & Lassen, P. (1997): Transport af PAH’er i jord- og grundvandssystemer. - Miljøforskning 33:30-36.

Felding, G., Mogensen, B.B., Sørensen, J.B. & Hansen, A.C. (1997): Surface Run-Off of Pesticides from Farmland to Streams and Lakes. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 76 pp. - Pesticides Research 29.

Hansen, A.B. (1997): Olieforurening ved Hasle, Bornholm. Analyser og identitetsvurdering i relation til olieprøver fra m/s Buna HP-7106. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 49 s.*

Hansen, A.B. (1997): Olieforureninger - ved Nordjyllands vestkyst. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Miljøkemi. 45 s.*

Hardy, J.T., Hunter, K.A., Calmet, D., Cleary, J.J., Duce, R.A., Forbes, T.L., Gladyshev, M.L., Harding, G., Shenker, J.M., Tratnyek, P. & Zaitsev, Y. (1997): Report Group 2 - Biological Effects of Chemical and Radiative Change in the Sea Surface. In: Liss, P.S. & Duce, R.A.: The Sea Surface and Global Change. Cambridge University Press. pp. 35-70.

Jacobsen, O.S. & Bossi, R. (1997): Risiko for udvaskning af ETU ved anvendelse af maneb, zineb og mancozeb til svampebekæmpelse - Leaching of ETU to Groundwater after Use of Maneb, Zineb or Mancozeb Fungicides. I: 14. Danske Planteværnskonference. Pesticider og miljø. Ukrudt. Statens Planteavlsforsøg. - SP rapport 7:41-49.

Jensen, J., Kristensen, H.L., Scott-Fordsmand, J.J. & Bruus Pedersen, M. (1997): Soil Quality Criteria for Selected Compounds. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 134 pp. - Working Report 83.

Jensen, J., Kristensen, H.L., Scott-Fordsmand, J.J. & Bruus Pedersen, M. (1997): Økotoksikologiske jordkvalitetskriterier. Miljøstyrelsen. 32 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen 82.

Kammenga, J.E. & Simonsen, V. (eds.) (1997): Manual of Bioprint-II. Application and Standardisation of Biochemical Fingerprint Techniques in View of the Risk Assessment of Toxicants in Soil Ecosystems. First Technical Report. Report from a Workshop held in Silkeborg, Denmark September 20-21, 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. 40 pp. - EU Environment and Climate Programme. Contract No. ENV4-CT96-0222.

Krogh, P.H. (1997): Påvirker kemiske stoffer jordens naturlige processer og dyreliv, således at jordens frugtbarhed ændres på lang sigt? I: Løkke, H. (red.): Miljøfarlige stoffer. Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram. Silkeborg: Dansk Center for Økotoksikologisk Forskning. s. 8-9.

Krogh, P.H. (1997): Test Methods for Effects on Organisms. Springtails. In: Development of Ecotoxicity and Toxicity Testing of Chemicals. Proceeding of the 2nd Network Meeting. Nordic Council of Ministers. - TemaNord 1997:524 70-73.

Krogh, P.H. & Holmstrup, M. (1997): Biologisk måling af kemikalieeffekter på springhaler. - Miljøforskning 32:21-24.

Krogh, P.H., Holmstrup, M., Jensen, J. & Petersen, S.O. (1997): Ecotoxicological Assessment of Sewage Sludge in Agricultural Soil. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 53 pp. - Working Report 69.

Larsen, M.M. & Stuer-Lauridsen, F. (1997): Nye niveauer for kviksølv. - Vand & Jord 4(5):194-197.

Løkke, H. (1997): Forord om miljøfremmede stoffers effekter. - Miljøforskning 32:4-6.

Løkke, H. (1997): Forord om miljøfremmede stoffers skæbne. - Miljøforskning 33:4-7.

Løkke, H. (1997): Regulatory Work in International Fora for Assessing Terrestrial Ecotoxicology. In: Development of Ecotoxicity and Toxicity Testing of Chemicals. Proceeding of the 2nd Network Meeting. Nordic Council of Ministers. - TemaNord 1997:524 58-60.

Løkke, H. (red.) (1997): Miljøfarlige stoffer. Det Strategiske Miljøforsknings-

program. Silkeborg: Dansk Center for Økotoksikologisk Forskning. 16 s.

Maes, A., Czerwinski, K., Kim, J., Carlsen, L., Warwick, P. & Jensen, B.S. (1997): Organic Substances in Natural Aquifer Systems. In: McMenamin, T. (ed.): Fourth European Conference on Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste. European Commission. - EUR 17543 EN: 486-502.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor) (1997): Quality Assurance in Environmental Monitoring. A Guidance Document. Nordic Council of Ministers. 86 pp. - TemaNord 1997:591.

Pedersen, F., Stuer-Lauridsen, F., Larsen, H., Poulsen, M.E. & Bjørnestad, E. (1997): Biotilgængelighed af PAH-forbindelser i sedimenter - Miljøforskning 33:65-72.

Simonsen, V. (1997): Biomarkører kan påvise forurening. - Miljøforskning 32:36-38.

Simonsen, V. (1997): Detailed Report of the Contractors. In: Kammenga, J.E. (ed.): Progress Report 1997 of BIOPRINT-II. Application and Standardisation of Biochemical Fingerprint Techniques in View of the Risk Assessment of Toxicants in Soil Ecosystem. Second Technical Report. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. - EU Environment and Climate Research Programme. Contract No. ENV4-CT96-0222. pp. 25-28.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Rastogi, S.C., Carlsen, L., Løkke, H. & Jensen, J. (1997): Kemikalier i hverdagen. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Miljøkemi og Afdeling forTerrestrisk Økologi. 40 s.- TEMA-rapport fra DMU 15/1997.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Axelsen, J.A. & Holmstrup, M.: Simulation of Pesticide Effects on Populations of three Species of Earthworms. Second International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 3-5, 1997.

Cleemann, M., Paulsen, G.B., Pritzl, G., Riget, F., Poulsen, M.E., Boer, J. de & Klungsøyr, J.: Organochlorines in Sediments and Biota from Greenland. Dioxin ’97. 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 25-29 August 1997.

Cleemann, M., Pritzl, G., Paulsen, G.B., Poulsen, M.E. & Riget, F.: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Greenland Aquatic Environment. Poster presented at the SETAC 18th Annual Meeting. Bridging the Global Environment: Technology, Communication, and Education, San Francisco, CA, 16-20 November 1997.

Holmstrup, M. & Friis Petersen, B.: Combined Effects of Copper, Desiccation and Frost on the Survival of Earthworm Cocoons. Poster presented at Second International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology, Amsterdam, The Ne-
therlands, April 3-5, 1997.

Jacobsen, J.A. & Stuer-Lauridsen, F.: Fate Modelling of TBT and TPhT in Marine Mesocosm Experiments. Poster presented at the SETAC 18th Annual Meeting. Bridging the Global Environment: Technology, Communication, and Education, San Francisco, CA, 16-20 November 1997.

Jacobsen, J.A. & Stuer-Lauridsen, F.: Release of TBT and TPhT from Sediment in Marine Mesocosm Experiments. Poster presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 April 1997.

Jacobsen, J.A., Strand, J., Larsen, M.M., Granmo, Å., Pritzl, G., Foverskov, S. & Pedersen, B.: TBT Levels in Biota in Danish Waters - Relations to Shipping Activities. Poster presented at the SETAC 18th Annual Meeting. Bridging the Global Environment: Technology, Communication, and Education, San Francisco, CA, 16-20 November 1997.

Jacobsen, O.S. & Bossi, R.: Risiko for udvaskning af ETU ved anvendelse af maneb, zineb og mancozeb til svampebekæmpelse - Leaching of ETU to Groundwater after Use of Maneb, Zineb or Mancozeb Fungicides. 14. Danske Planteværnskonference. Pesticider og miljø. Ukrudt, Nyborg, Danmark, marts 1997.

Jensen, J. & Krogh, P.H.: Ecotoxicological Assessment of Sewage Sludge Application. Poster presented at Specialty Conference on Management and Fate of Toxic Organics in Sludge Applied to Land, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 April-2 May 1997.

Johansen, J.D., Menné, T., Rastogi, S.C. & Andersen, K.E.: Fragrance Allergic Contact Dermatitis and Testing with Commercially Available Fragrances. 6th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Dublin, Ireland, 11-15 September 1997.

Kjær, C. & Strandberg, B.: Effects of Copper Increasing Complexity/Realism. EUROTOX ’97. XXXVI European Congress of Toxicology Diversification in Toxicology. Man and Environment. Danish Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Collaboration with EUROTOX, Aarhus, Denmark, June 25-28, 1997.

Løkke, H.: Belastningstal for bekæmpelsesmidler. Er der sket forbedringer i sortimentets miljøbelastning? Hvad er problemerne i at opstille et miljøindeks? Inviteret indlæg ved Presseseminar om planteværnsmidler Dansk Agrokemisk Forening, Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, 4. december 1997.

Løkke, H.: Fremtidens anvendelse af bekæmpelsesmidler. Bekæmpelsesmidler. Farlige? - Hvor farlige? Selskab for Arbejdsmiljø (SAM) og IDA, Scandinavian Congress Center, Århus, 4. november 1997.

Rastogi, S.C., Johansen, J.D., Frosch, P., Menné, T., Bruze, M., Leppoitevin, J.P., Andersen, K.E. & White, I.: Fragrances in Deodorants. Poster presented at the 6th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Dublin, Ireland, 11-15 September 1997.

Rastogi, S.C., Johansen, J.D., Frosch, P., Menné, T., Bruze, M., Leppoitevin, J.P., Andersen, K.E. & White, I.: GC-MS Analysis of 21 Fragrance Substances in Deodorants. Poster presented at the Nineteenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Wintergreen Conference Center, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA, 18-22 May 1997.

Schramm-Nielsen, K., Merry, J., Nyeland, B.A. & Spliid, N.H.: Pesticide Analysis in Ground Water. Statistical Evaluation of Certification Data of a Multicomponent Reference Material. BERM - 7. Seventh International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Reference Materials, Antwerp Zoo Congress Centre, Belgium, 21-25 April 1997.

Scott-Fordsmand, J.J. & Weeks, J.M.: Biomarkers in Earthworms. A Review. Second International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 3-5, 1997.

Seiden, P., Streibig, J.C., Jensen, J.E. & Bossi, R.: Linking Environmental Concentration and No Observable Effect Level (NOEL) of Sulfonylureas in the Agroecosystem. 1997 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America, Clarion Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida, 3-6 February 1997.

Strandberg, B. & Axelsen, J.A.: Biomonitoring of Polluted Sites by use of Plant and Soil Fauna Analysis. Seventh Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe. Prospects for the European Environment beyond 2000. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 April 1997.

Stuer-Lauridsen, F., Mogensen, B.B. & Fatum, P.: Accumulation of Pyrethroids in Surface Microlayer of Freshwater Ponds. Poster presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe. Prospects for the European Environment beyond 2000. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 April 1997.

Thomsen, M., Rasmussen, A.G. & Carlsen, L.: QSAR Approaches to Solubility, Partitioning and Sorption of Phthalates. Poster presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe. Prospects for the European Environment beyond 2000. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 April 1997.


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Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J., Zlatev, Z. & Uria, I. (1997): Studying Cumulative Ozone Exposures in Europe During a 7-Year Period. - Journal of Geophysical Research 102(D20):23917-23935.

Bendtsen, C. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Running Large-Scale Air Pollution Models on Message Passing Machines. In: Bubak, M., Dongarra, J. & Wasniewski, J. (eds.): Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 4th European PVM/MPI Users’ Group Meeting, Cracow, Poland, November 3-5, 1997. Proceedings. Springer. - Lecture Notes in Computer science 1332:417-426.

Brandt, J., Christensen, J., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Uria, I. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models. In: Vulkov, L., Wasniewski, J. & Yalamov, P. (eds.): Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. First International Workshop, WNAA ’96, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 1996. Procee-dings. Springer. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1196:66-77.

Brandt, J., Mikkelsen, T., Thykier-Nielsen, S. & Zlatev, Z. (1996): The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental Release Model (The DREAM). - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 21(5-6):441-444.

Christensen, C.S., Hansen, A.B., Nielsen, T., Skov, H. & Lohse, C. (1997): Long Range Transport of Carbonyl Compounds and Other Photochemical Products. In: Larsen, B., Versino, B. & Angeletti, G. (eds.): The Oxidizing Capacity of the Troposphere. Proceedings of the Seventh European Symposium on Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Venice, Italy, 2 to 4 October 1996. European Commission. - Report EUR 17482 EN: 365-369.

Christensen, J.H. (1997): The Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model - a Three-Dimensional Air Pollution Model Used for the Arctic. - Atmospheric Environment 31(24):4169-4191.

Granby, K., Christensen, C.S. & Lohse, C. (1997): Urban and Semi-Rural Observations of Carboxylic Acids and Carbonyls. - Atmospheric Environment 31(10):1403-1415.

Granby, K., Egeløv, A.H., Nielsen, T. & Lohse, C. (1997): Carboxylic Acids: Seasonal Variation and Relation to Chemical and Meteorological Parameters. - Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 28:195-207.

Hansen, P.C., Ostromsky, Tz., Sameh, A. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Solving Sparse Linear Least-Squares Problems on Some Supercomputers by Using Large Dense Blocks. - Bit 37(3):535-558.

Hov, Ø., Flatøy, F., Krognes, T., Schmidbauer, N., Heidam, N.Z., Manscher, O.H., Lättilä, H., Areskoug, H., Ferm, M. & Lindskog, A. (1997): The Relationship between Ozone, Peroxyacetylnitrate and Precursors in Long Range Transport of Photooxidants to Scandinavia. - Atmospheric Environment 31(17):2853-2869.

Jørgensen, H.E., Mikkelsen, T., Streicher, J., Herrmann, H., Werner, C. & Lyck, E. (1997): Lidar Calibration Experiments. - Applied Physics B 64:355-361.

Leeuw, G. de, Neele, F.P., Eijk, A.M.J. van, Vignati, E., Hill, M.K. & Smith, M.H. (1997): Aerosol Production in the Surf Zone and Effects on IR Extinction. In: Bissonnette, L.R. & Dainty, C. (eds.): Propagation and Imaging through the Atmosphere. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. - SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3125:14-27.

Nielsen, T., Hertel, O., Christensen, C.S., Egeløv, A.H., Granby, K., Hansen, A.B., Platz, J. & Skov, H. (1997): Comparison of Measurements and Modelling of Ozone, Other Photochemical Oxidants, Precursors and Atmospheric Reaction Products during a Summer High Pressure Episode in Denmark. A Contribution to Subproject TOR. In: Borrell, P.M., Borrell, P., Kelly, K., Cvitas, T. & Seiler, W. (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium ’96, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 25th-29th March 1996. Transport and Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. Volume 1: Clouds, Aerosols, Modelling and Photo-Oxidants. Computational Mechanics Publications. pp. 923-927.

Ostromsky, Tz. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Using Dense Matrix Computations in the Solution of Sparse Problems. In: Vulkov, L., Wasniewski, J. & Yalamov, P. (eds.): Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. First International Workshop, WNAA ’96, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 1996. Proceedings. Springer. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1196:357-364.

Perkauskas, D., Senuta, K., Mikelinskiene, A., Giedraitis, B., Berkowicz, R. & Olesen, H.R. (1997): Evaluation of Air Pollution Levels from the Elektrënai Electric Power Station with Respect to the Alternative Use of Black Mineral Oil or Orimulsion in its Boilers. Guest Contribution. In: Borrell, P.M., Borrell, P., Kelly, K., Cvitas, T. & Seiler, W. (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium ’96, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 25th-29th March 1996. Transport and Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. Volume 2: Emissions, Deposition, Laboratory Work and Instrumentation. Computational Mechanics Publications. pp. 113-117.

Raaschou-Nielsen, O., Skov, H., Lohse, C., Thomsen, B.L. & Olsen, J.H. (1997): Front-Door Concentrations and Personal Exposures of Danish Children to Nitrogen Dioxide. - Environmental Health Perspectives 105(9):964-970.

Sandberg, B.C., Duus, B., Christensen, C.S. & Lohse, C. (1997): Acetone as a Regional Pollutant in Denmark. In: Larsen, B., Versino, B. & Angeletti, G. (eds.): The Oxidizing Capacity of the Troposphere. Proceedings of the Seventh European Symposium on Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Venice, Italy, 2 to 4 October 1996. European Commission. - Report EUR 17482 EN: 370-374.

Scheel, H.E., Areskoug, H., Geiss, H., Gomischek, B., Granby, K., Haszpra, L., Klasinc, L., Kley, D., Laurila, T., Lindskog, A., Roemer, M., Schmitt, R., Simmonds, P., Solberg, S. & Toupance, G. (1997): On the Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Lower-Troposphere Ozone over Europe. - Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 28:11-28.

Skelboe, S. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Exploiting the Natural Partitioning in the Numerical Solution of ODE Systems Arising in Atmospheric Chemistry. In: Vulkov, L., Wasniewski, J. & Yalamov, P. (eds.): Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. First International Workshop, WNAA ’96, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 1996. Proceedings. Springer. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1196:458-465.

Skov, H., Egeløv, A.H., Granby, K. & Nielsen, T. (1997): Relationships between Ozone and other Photochemical Products at Ll. Valby, Denmark. - Atmospheric Environment 31(5):685-691.

Vignati, E., Leeuw, G. de & Plate, E. (1997): Coastal Aerosols, Air Mass History and Meteorological Conditions. Abstract of the 1997 European Aerosol Conference. - Journal of Aerosol Science 28(Suppl. 1):S5-S6.


Granby, K. (1997): Tropospheric Measurements of Photochemical Products. PhD thesis. University of Odense and National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Atmospheric Environment. 233 pp.

DMU rapporter

Ellermann, T., Hertel, O., Kemp, K., Manscher, O.H. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmosfærisk deposition af kvælstof. Vandmiljøplanens Overvågningsprogram 1996. Afdeling for Atmosfærisk Miljø. 87 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 212.

Fenger, J. (ed.) (1997): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. Department of Atmospheric Environment. 185 pp.- NERI Technical Report 199.

Hertel, O. & Frohn, L. (1997): Nitrogen Deposition to Danish Waters 1989 to 1995. Estimation of the Contribution from Danish Sources. Department of Atmospheric Environment. 53 pp.- NERI Technical Report 215.

Jensen, S.S. (1997): Standardised Traffic Inputs for the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM). Department of Atmospheric Environment. 54 pp.- NERI Technical Report 197.

Vignati, E., Hertel, O., Berkowicz, R. & Raaschou-Nielsen, O. (1997): Generation of Input Parameters for OSPM Calculations. Sensitivity Analysis of a Method Based on a Questionnaire. Department of Atmospheric Environment. 52 pp.- NERI Technical Report 188.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Asman, W.A.H. (1996): Meso-Scale, Sources and Models: Sources. In: The Danish Environmental Research Programme 1992-1996. Final Report. Centre for Air Pollution Processes and Models. pp. 59-67.

Asman, W.A., Nielsen, H., Langberg, H., Sommer, S.G., Pedersen, S., Kjær, H. & Knudsen, L. (1997): Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in the NH3 Emission Rate. In: Ebel, A., Friedrich, R. & Rodhe, H. (eds.): Tropospheric Modelling and Emission Estimation. Chemical Transport and Emission Modelling on Regional, Global and Urban Scales. Springer. - Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere 7:238-242.

Bastrup-Birk, A. (1997): Agroecosystems: Deposition of Ozone to an Agricultural Grassland in Denmark. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 85-86.

Bastrup-Birk, A. & Mortensen, L. (1997): Effects of Ozone on Vegetation. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:103-133.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Modelling the Impact of Long-Range Transported Air Pollutants on Vegetation. In: Geernaert, G., Hansen, A.W. & Zlatev, Z. (eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 7-17.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J., Uria, I. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Studying High Ozone Concentrations in Europe During a Seven-Year Period. In: Geernaert, G., Hansen, A.W. & Zlatev, Z. (eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 19-47.

Berkowicz, R. (1996): Pollution from Traffic. In: The Danish Environmental Research Programme 1992-1996. Final Report. Centre for Air Pollution Processes and Models. pp. 29-33.

Berkowicz, R. (1997): Parametrization of Dry Deposition - the ACDEP Model. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environ-mental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. p. 87.

Berkowicz, R. (1997): The Use of Measurements and Models for Evaluation of Air Quality in Cities. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 42-43.

Berkowicz, R., Hertel, O., Sørensen, N.N. & Michelsen, J.A. (1997): Modelling Air Pollution from Traffic in Urban Areas. In: Perkins, R.J. & Belcher,S.E.-(eds.): Flow and Dispersion through Groups of Obstacles. Clarendon Press.pp. 121-141.

Brandt, J., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Uria, I. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): Numerical Algorithms for the Three-Dimensional Version of the Danish Eulerian Model. In: Geernaert, G., Hansen, A.W. & Zlatev, Z. (eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 249-262.

Brandt, J., Ebel, A., Elbern, H., Jakobs, H., Memmesheimer, M., Mikkelsen, T., Thykier-Nielsen, S. & Zlatev, Z. (1997): The Importance of Accurate Meteorological Input Fields and Accurate Planetary Boundary Layer Paramete-rizations, Tested against ETEX-1. In: Nodop, K. (ed.): ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmospheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response. Proceedings. 13-16 May 1997, Vienna (Austria). European Commission. - EUR 17346 EN: 195-198.

Brandt, J., Zlatev, Z., Mikkelsen, T. & Thykier-Nielsen, S. (1997): The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental Release Model (the DREAM) - Results with ETEX-1. In: Tveten, U. (ed.): Report of the Second Meeting on Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Intercomparison with the ETEX-1 Full-Scale Experiment. NKS/EKO-4 Intercomparison/Validation Exercise held at FMI, Helsinki, 4th and 5th December 1996. Finnish Meteorological Institute. - NKS/EKO-4(97)1: 19-32.

Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (1997): Analyse af RAINS-modellen og beregnede emissionslofter for Danmark. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 34 s. *.

Ellermann, T. & Lyck, E. (1997): Tracer Measurements During ETEX at Roskilde, Denmark. In: Nodop, K. (ed.): ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmospheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response. Proceedings. 13-16 May 1997, Vienna (Austria). European Commission. - EUR 17-346 EN: 91-94.

Ellermann, T., Hertel, O. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmospheric Processes. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:11-44.

Fenger, J. (1997): Statement of the Problem and Summary of Results. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:7-9.

Geernaert, G., Hansen, A.W. & Zlatev, Z. (eds.) (1997): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. 279 pp.

Granby, K., Kemp, K., Palmgren, F., Hovmand, M. & Egeløv, A. (1997): Measurements of Photochemical Pollutants. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:63-101.

Hertel, O. (1996): Meso-Scale, Sources and Models: Planning of A Meso-Scale-Experiment and A Meso-Scale-Model. In: The Danish Environmental Research Programme 1992-1996. Final Report. Centre for Air Pollution Processes and Models. pp. 75-79.

Hertel, O., Berkowicz, R., Vignati, E. & Palmgren, F. (1997): Modelling Photochemical Air Pollution in Urban Areas. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:165-182.

Hertel, O., Skov, H. & Ellermann, T. (1997): Long-Term Modelling of Nitrogen Deposition to Danish Waters. In: Geernaert, G., Hansen, A.W. & Zlatev, Z. (eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 53-61.

Hovmand, M. (1996): Horizontal Gradient in Heterogenous Terrain. In: The Danish Environmental Research Programme 1992-1996. Final Report. Centre for Air Pollution Processes and Models. pp. 57-58.

Jensen, F.P. (1997): Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS). Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. p. 44.

Jensen, S.S., Larsen, P.B. & Fenger, J. (1997): Sundhedsmæssig vurdering af luftforurening fra vejtrafik - med særlig fokus på partikler. I: Lahrmann, H. & Pedersen, L.H. (red.): Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 25.-26. august 1997. Konferencerapport 2. Transportrådet og Aalborg Universitet. Trafikforskningsgruppen. - ISP’s Skriftserie 209:585-594.

Kemp, K. (1997): Size Fractionated Sampling of Particulate Matter. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. p. 45.

Lyck, E. (1996): Long-Range Tracer Experiment and Model Evaluation. In: The Danish Environmental Research Programme 1992-1996. Final Report. Centre for Air Pollution Processes and Models. pp. 45-47.

Løfstrøm, P., Berkowicz, R. & Palmgren, F. (1997): Luftforurening i Køge. Undersøgelse udført af Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser for Roskilde Amt og Køge Kommune. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 127 s.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor): Dissing, L., Torp, U. & Rasmussen, E. (eds.) (1997): Denmark’s Second National Commu-nication on Climate Change. Submitted under the United Nations Frame-work Convention on Climate Change. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 135pp.

National Environmental Research Institute (Contributor): Moussiopoulos, N. (1997): Research Priorities Towards a Better Understanding of Urban Air Pollution - EUROTRAC Newsletter 19:28-35.

Nielsen, T., Granby, K., Christensen, C.S., Hansen, A.B. & Skov, H. (1997): Atmosfærens indhold af NOy forbindelser - Dansk Kemi 3:16-25.

Runge, E. (1997): Sources and Emissions. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photochemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:45-62.

Rühling, Å., Steinnes, E. & Berg, T. With Text Contributions from Brumelis, G., Ceburnis, D., Dam, M., Fedoretz, N., Goltsova, N., Larsen, M., Liiv, S., Lippo, H., Magnússon, S. & Mäkinen, A. (1996): Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Northern Europe 1995. Nordic Council of Ministers. 46 pp. - Nord 1996:37.

Skov, H. (1997): Automatic Gas Chromatography in Atmospheric Monitoring. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Ros-kilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future De-mands. National Environmental Research Institute. p. 45.

Stranddorf, J.K., Fenger, J., Wilhardt, P. & Petersen, H.J.S. (1997): Miljø. I: Schneider, T. (red.): Teknisk arbejdshygiejne. Bind II. Basisbog. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet. s. 279-317.

Vignati, E. (1997): Parametrizations of Interactions Between Gas Com-pounds and Aerosols. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 87-88.

Zlatev, Z., Fenger, J. & Mortensen, L. (1997): Relationships between Emission Sources and Excess Ozone Concentrations. In: Fenger, J. (ed.): Photo-chemical Air Pollution. Danish Aspects. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 199:135-164.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Fenger, J. (1997): Atmosfærens - og luftforureningens - historie. - Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi 184(4):194-201.

Fenger, J. (1997): En atmosfære med voksende problemer... Luftforureningens historie. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Atmosfærisk Miljø. 64 s.- TEMA-rapport fra DMU 11/1997.

Granby, K., Larsen, P.B., Nielsen, T. & Skov, H. (1997): Danskerne generes af ozonforurening. - Ingeniøren 32:16.

Larsen, P.B., Jensen, S.S. & Fenger, J. (1997): Sundhedsskader fra små partikler i byluft. - Aktuelt Miljø 4(3):12-16.

Larsen, P.B., Jensen, S.S. & Fenger, J. (1997): Sundhedsskader fra små partikler i byluft. - Miljø og sundhed 6:7-12.

Løfstrøm, P.: Beregning af lugtimmision. Inviteret foredrag ved workshop: Lugtgener fra gasmotorbaserede kraftvarmeanlæg, Dansk Gasteknisk Center, Byggecentrum, Middelfart, 12. maj 1997.

Løfstrøm, P.: Luftforurening i Køge. Inviteret foredrag ved temamøde: Begrænsning og kontrol af luftforurening, Dansk Amtsvandingeniørforening, Ingeniørhuset, København, 10. juni 1997.

Palmgren, F., Berkowicz, R., Jensen, S.S. & Kemp, K. (1997): Luftkvalitet i danske byer. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Atmosfærisk Miljø. 63 s.- TEMA-rapport fra DMU 16/1997.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Bastrup-Birk, A.: Omsætning af CO2, rains-modellen mv. Seminar om CO2 og drivhuseffekt, Elkraft, Ballerup, 24. april 1997.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J., Uria, I. & Zlatev, Z.: Studying Ozone Exposure in Europe During a 7-Year Period. Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, Laxenburg, Austria, 9-11 December 1996.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Modelling of Transport and Dispersion from Accidental Releases. First GLOREAM Workshop, Aachen, Germany, 10-12 September 1997.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Running Different Scenarios with the Danish Eulerian Model. Poster presented at ModSim ’97. Workshop on the Role of Modeling and Simulation in Environmental Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 21-24 September 1997.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Studying the Impact of Ozone Episodes and Acid Deposition on Vegetation by Coupling a Long-Range Transport Model to an Effect Model. First GLOREAM Workshop, Aachen, Germany, 10-12 September 1997.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Tybirk, K., Emborg, L., Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Integrated Environmental Assessment of Effects from Long-Range Transported Air Pollution. Poster presented at the 5th US - Dutch International Symposium on Air Pollution in the 21st Century. Priority Issues and Policy Trends, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 13-17 April 1997.

Brandt, J.: Modelling Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Air Pollutants. Invited speech at Sandbjerg Winter School, Sønderborg, Denmark, 19-24 January 1997.

Brandt, J. & Knudsen, T.: Integrating GIS & External Tools for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Time Series of Remote Sensing Data. Poster presented at the EARSEL Symposium „Future Trends in Remote Sensing", Lyngby, Denmark, 17-19 June 1997.

Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Efficient Algorithms for the Chemical Part of Large Air Pollution Models. 1st Workshop on „Large-Scale Scientific Computations", Varna, Bulgaria, 7-11 June 1997.

Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Studying Long-Range Transport from Accidental Nuclear Releases by Mathematical Models. 1st Workshop on „Large-Scale Scientific Computations", Varna, Bulgaria, 7-11 June 1997.

Brandt, J., Mikkelsen, T., Thykier-Nielsen, S. & Zlatev, Z.: The Importance of Accurate Meteorological Input Fields and Accurate Planetary Boundary Layer Parameters, Tested against ETEX-1. ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmos-pheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response, Vienna, Austria, 13-16 May 1997.

Ellermann, T. & Lyck, E.: Tracer Measurements During ETEX at Roskilde, Denmark. Poster presented at the ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmos-pheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response, Vienna, Austria, 13-16 May 1997.

Fenger, J.: Atmosfærens sammensætning og historiske udvikling. Naturlig og menneskeskabt påvirkning. Det Kgl. Landhusholdningsselskabs seminar om „Jordbruget som årsag til og offer for luftforureninger", Den Kgl. Veteri-nær- og Landbohøjskole, 4. september 1997.

Fenger, J.: Drivhuseffekt/CO2 mv. Nationale og internationale aspekter regionale synsvinkler mv. Seminar om CO2 og drivhuseffekt, Elkraft, Ballerup, 24. april 1997.

Heidam, N.Z., Wåhlin, P., Christensen, J., Egeløv, A.H. & Skov, H.: Atmospheric Aerosols and Gases in North East Greenland. Poster presented at the IGAC - SPARC - GAW Conference on Global Measurement Systems for Atmospheric Composition, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 May 1997.

Heidam, N.Z., Wåhlin, P. & Skov, H.: Atmospheric Gases and Aerosols in North East Greenland. The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997.

Jensen, S.S.: Luftforurening og humaneffekter. Møde om Luftforurening og humaneffekter, Kemisk Forening, Dansk Selskab for Miljøkemi, København, 27. november 1997.

Jensen, S.S.: Sundhedsmæssig vurdering af luftforurening fra vejtrafik - med særlig fokus på partikler. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, 25.-26. august 1997.

Knudsen, T. & Brandt, J.: GIS and High-Resolution Atmospheric Modelling for Improved Corrections of Sea Surface Observations from the TOPEX/POSEIDON Satellite Altimeter. Poster presented at the EARSEL Symposium „Future Trends in Remote Sensing", Lyngby, Denmark, 17-19 June 1997.

Leeuw, G. de, Eijk, A.M.J. van & Vignati, E.: Aerosol Particle Size Distributions on Östergarnsholm (Sweden). NOSA 97. Annual Nordic Aerosol Symposium, Göteborg, Sweden, 23-24 October 1997.

Leeuw, G. de, Neele, F.P., Vignati, E., Hill, M.K. & Smith, M.H.: Surf Effect on Sea Spray Aerosol. Poster presented at the NOSA 97. Annual Nordic Aerosol Symposium, Göteborg, Sweden, 23-24 October 1997.

Lyck, E.: SF6-Tracer Measurements Performed in Connection with the Project „Odour and Concentration Fluctuation" under the Danish Environmental Research Programme, 1992-1996. SMP Workshop. The Stochastic Nature of Smoke Plumes, Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 4 February 1997.

Løfstrøm, P.: Model for Concentration Fluctuations. SMP Workshop. The Stochastic Nature of Smoke Plumes, Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 4 February 1997.

Olesen, H.R.: Tools for Model Evaluation. 22nd NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 1997.

Palmgren, F.: Preparation of Position Paper for Air Quality on Nitrogen Dioxide. TAIEX Workshop on Air Quality, Brussels, Belgium, 4-5 March 1997.

Palmgren, F.: Præsentation af DMU’s måleprogrammer for luftkvalitet. Anvendelse af DOAS til gasanalyse og miljøovervågning. Møde i interessegruppen for gasanalyse, Risø, 9. oktober 1997.

Palmgren, F.: Udviklingen i luftkvalitet i de danske byer. Møde om Luftforurening og humaneffekter, Kemisk Forening, Dansk Selskab for Miljøkemi, København, 27. november 1997.

Palmgren, F. & Berkowicz, R.: Emission Estimates from the Actual Car Fleet by Air Quality Measurements in Streets and Street Pollution Models. 1st Nordic On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, IVL, Göteborg, Sweden, 21 October 1997.

Palmgren, F. & Berkowicz, R.: Emission Estimates from the Actual Car Fleet by Air Quality Measurements in Streets and Street Pollution Models. Urban Air Monitoring Workshop, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 October 1997.

Palmgren, F., Berkowicz, R. & Christensen, C.S.: Benzen i byluft. Temamøde i Center for Luftforureningsprocesser og Modeller, København, 10. juni 1997.

Vignati, E., Raes, F. & Berkowicz, R.: On the Internal and External Mixing of Aerosols in the H2O-H2SO4 and Soot System. NOSA 97. Annual Nordic Aerosol Symposium, Göteborg, Sweden, 23-24 October 1997.

Zlatev, Z.: Using Partitioned Ode Solvers in Large Air Pollution Models. ERCIM Environmental Modelling Group Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 7-8 April 1997.


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Marin Miljø og Natur Terrestrisk Miljø og Natur Faglig, tværgående indsats
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Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Beardall, J., Berman, T., Markager, S., Martinez, R. & Montecino, V. (1997): The Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Respiration and Photosynthesis in Two Species of Microalgae. - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54(3):687-696.

Berg, S., Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M. (1997): Pike (Esox lucius L.) Stocking as a Biomanipulation Tool. 1. Effects on the Fish Population in Lake Lyng, Denmark. - Hydrobiologia 342/343:311-318.

Bott, T.L., Brock, J.T., Battrup-Pedersen, A., Chambers, P.A., Dodds, W.K., Himbeault, K.T., Lawrence, J.R., Plansa, D., Snyder, E. & Wolfaardt, G.M. (1997): An Evaluation of Techniques for Measuring Periphyton Metabolism in Chambers. - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:715-725.

Friberg, N. (1997): Benthic Invertebrate Communities in Six Danish Forest Streams. Impact of Forest Type on Structure and Function. - ECOGRAPHY 20(1):19-28.

Friberg, N. & Winterbourn, M.J. (1997): Effects of Native and Exotic Forests on Benthic Stream Biota in New Zealand. A Colonization Study. - Marine and Freshwater Research 48:267-75.

Friberg, N. & Winterbourn, M.J. (1996): Interactions between Riparian Leaves and Algal/Microbial Activity in Streams. - Hydrobiologia 341:51-56.

Friberg, N., Winterbourn, M.J., Shearer, K.A. & Larsen, S.E. (1997): Benthic Communities of Forest Streams in the South Island, New Zealand. Effects of Forest Type and Location. - Archiv für Hydrobiologie 138(3):289-306.

Jacobsen, D. & Friberg, N. (1997): Macroinvertebrate Communities in Danish Streams. The Effect of Riparian Forest Cover. In: Sand-Jensen, K. & Pedersen, O. (eds.): Freshwater Biology. Priorities and Development in Danish Research. Gad. pp.208-222.

Jacobsen, L., Perrow, M.R., Landkildehus, F., Hjørne, M., Lauridsen, T.L. & Berg, S. (1997): Interactions between Piscivores, Zooplanktivores and Zooplankton in Submerged Macrophytes. Preliminary Observations from Enclosure and Pond Experiments. - Hydrobiologia 342/343:197-205.

Jeppesen, E., Erlandsen, M. & Søndergaard, M. (1997): Can Simple Empirical Equations Describe the Seasonal Dynamics of Bacterioplankton in Lakes. An Eight-Year Study in Shallow Hypertropic and Biologically Highly Dynamic Lake Søbygård, Denmark. - Microbial Ecology 34:11-26.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Junge Pedersen, L. & Jensen, L. (1997): Top-Down Control in Freshwater Lakes. The Role of Nutrient State, Submerged Macrophytes and Water Depth. - Hydrobiologia 342/343:151-164.

Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L., Mitchell, S.F. & Burns, C.W. (1997): Do Planktivorous Fish Structure the Zooplankton Communities in New Zealand Lakes? - New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 31:163-173.

Kronvang, B. & Bruhn, A.J. (1996): Choice of Sampling Strategy and Estimation Method for Calculating Nitrogen and Phosphorus Transport in Small Lowland Streams. - Hydrological Processes 10:1483-1501.

Kronvang, B., Grant, R. & Laubel, A.R. (1997): Sediment and Phosphorus Export from a Lowland Catchment. Quantification of Sources. - Water, Air and Soil Pollution 99:465-476.

Også publiceret som:

Kronvang, B., Grant, R. & Laubel, A.R. (1997): Sediment and Phosphorus Export from a Lowland Catchment. Quantification of Sources. In: Evans, R.D., Wisniewski, J.R. & Wisniewski, J. (eds.): The Interactions between Sediments and Water. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium, September 22-25, 1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 465-476.

Kronvang, B., Laubel, A. & Grant, R. (1997): Suspended Sediment and Particulate Phosphorus Transport and Delivery Pathways in an Arable Catchment, Gelbæk Stream, Denmark. - Hydrological Processes 11:627-642.

Kronvang, B., Svendsen, L.M., Friberg, N. & Dørge, J. (1997): Stream Restoration in Denmark. Assessment of the Ecological Benefits. - Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I(H. 10):969-981.

Middelboe, A.L. & Markager, S. (1997): Depth Limits and Minimum Light Requirements of Freshwater Macrophytes. - Freshwater Biology 37:553-568.

Perrow, M.R., Meijer, M.-L., Dawidowicz, P. & Coops, H. (1997): Biomani-pulation in Shallow Lakes. State of the Art. - Hydrobiologia 342/343:355-365.

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E. & Berg, S. (1997): Pike (Esox lucius L.) Stocking as a Biomanipulation Tool. 2. Effects on Lower Trophic Levels in Lake Lyng, Denmark. - Hydrobiologia 342/343:319-325.

DMU rapporter

Grant, R., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Andersen, H.E., Laubel, A.R., Grevy Jensen, P. & Rasmussen, P. (1997): Landovervågningsoplande. Vandmiljøplanens Overvågningsprogram 1996. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi. 141 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 210.

Iversen, H.L. & Ovesen, N.B. (1997): Vandføringsevne i danske vandløb 1976-1995. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi. 55 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 189.

Iversen, H.L. & Ovesen, N.B. (1997): Vandføringsevne i danske vandløb 1976-1995. 2. udg. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi. 54 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 218.

Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L. & Sortkjær, L. (1997): Ferske vandområder - Søer. Vandmiljøplanens Overvågningsprogram 1996. Afdeling for Sø- og Fjordøkologi. 103 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 211.

Svendsen, L.M., Andersen, H.E. & Larsen, S.E. (1997): Transport af suspenderet stof og fosfor i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi. 88 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 185.

Windolf, J., Svendsen, L.M., Kronvang, B., Skriver, J., Olesen, N.B., Larsen, S.E., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Iversen, H.L., Erfurt, J., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. & Jensen, J.P. (1997): Ferske vandområder - Vandløb og kilder. Vandmiljøplanens Overvågningsprogram 1996. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi og Afdeling for Sø- og Fjordøkologi. 109 s.- Faglig rapport fra DMU 214.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Andersen, H.E., Larsen, S.E., Laubel, A.R. & Svendsen, L.M. (1997): Skjern Å’s fysik og sedimenttransport. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljø-undersøgelser. s.53-68.

Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Grant, R. & Andersen, H.E. (1997): Landbrugets kvælstof- og fosforudvaskning. - Vand & Jord 4(5):180-183.

Falkum, Ø., Kronvang, B. & Svendsen, L.M. (1997): Stoftilbageholdelse på oversvømmede enge. - Vand & Jord 4(3):125-129.

Grant, R., Kronvang, B. & Laubel, A. (1997): Catchment Studies of the Loss of Phosphorus from Agriculture to Surface Water. In: Tunney, H., Carton, O.T., Brookes, P.C. & Johnston, A.E. (eds.): Phoshorus Loss from Soil to Water. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. pp. 383-384.

Grant, R., Laubel, A.R. & Kronvang, B. (1997): Nedvaskning af fosfor til dræn. - Vand & Jord 4(4):169-172.

Hansen, H.O. (red.) (1997): Restauración de Rios y Arroyos. Experiencias y ejenplos de Dinamarca. Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Medio Ambiente. 99 pp.

Hansen, H.O. & Madsen, B.L. (1997): Introducción. I: Hansen, H.O. (red.): Restauración de Ríos y Arroyos. Experiencias y ejemplos de Dinamarca. Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Medio Ambiente. pp.5-12.

Hansen, H.O. & Paludan, C. (1997): Skjern Å’s biologi. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. s.83-104.

Hansen, H.O. & Paludan, C. (1997): Skjern Å-oplandets biologi. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. s.35-52.

Hansen, H.O., Kronvang, B. & Madsen, B.L. (1997): Impacto medioam-biental de la rehabilitación de los arroyos. I: Hansen, H.O. (red.): Restauración de Ríos y Arroyos. Experiencias y ejemplos de Dinamarca. Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Medio Ambiente. pp.80-89.

Hansen, H.O., Kronvang, B. & Madsen, B.L. (1997): Sistema de clasificación para la rehabilitación de ríos y arroyos. I: Hansen, H.O. (red.): Restauración de Ríos y Arroyos. Experiencias y ejemplos de Dinamarca. Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Medio Ambiente. pp.73-79.

Henriksen, A., Skjelkvåle, B.L., Mannio, J., Wilander, A., Jensen, J.P., Moiseenko, T., Harriman, R., Traaen, T.S., Fjeld, E., Vuorenmaa, J., Kortelainen, P. & Forsius, M., (1997): Results of National Lake Surveys (1995) in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russian Kola, Russian Karelia, Scotland and Wales. Norwegian Institute for Water Research. 43 pp. - NIVA Report SNO 3645-97. Acid Rain Research Report 47/97.

Iversen, T.M. & Andersen, S.P. (1997): Danish Experiences on River Restoration. I. Trends and Statistics. In: Hansen, H.O. & Madsen, B.L. (eds.): River Restoration ’96 - Plenary Lectures. International Conference Arranged by the European Centre for River Restoration. National Environmental Research Institute. pp.31-36.

Iversen, T.M. & Hoffmann, C.C. (1997): Reduction of Agricultural Nitrate Loading through Microbial Wetland Processes. In: Biotechnology for Water Use and Conservation. The Mexico ’96 Workshop. Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico, 20-23 October 1996. OECD. pp. 609-615.

Iversen, T.M. & Madsen, B.L. (1997): Introduction to River Restoration ’96 - Plenary Lectures. In: Hansen, H.O. & Madsen, B.L. (eds.): River Restoration ’96 - Plenary Lectures. International Conference Arranged by the European Centre for River Restoration. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 6-9.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Jacobsen, L. & Berg, S. (1997): Biologiske samfund og samspil i lavvandede søer. - Vand & Jord 4(6):223-228.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Petersen, B. & Kanstrup, E. (1997): Biologiske samspil i brakvandssøer. - Vand & Jord 4(5):214-217.

Kronvang, B., Windolf, J., Larsen, S.E., Platou, S.W. & Jensen, H. (1997): Næringsstoftilførsel til Horsens Fjord. - Vand & Jord 4(6):250-255.

Laubel, A.R., Paludan, C. & Svendsen, L.M. (1997): Skjern Å-oplandets fysik og kemi. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser.

Lauridsen, T.L., Hald Møller, P. & Delphin, P. (1997): Genetablering af undervandsvegetation. - Vand & Jord 4(3):97-100.

Lauridsen, T.L., Junge Pedersen, L., Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M. (1997): Dyreplanktons horisontale vandringer. - Vand & Jord 4(6):229-231.

Rebsdorf, Aa. (1996): Overfladevand. I: Hansen, K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Gundersen, P.: Skovdriftens effekter på dyrkningsgrundlag, grund- og overfladevand. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. - Skovbrugsserien 18:55-65.

Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.) (1997): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 198 s.

Svendsen, L.M. & Laubel, A.R. (1997): Skjern Å. En introduktion. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. s.7-15.

Svendsen, L.M., Hansen, H.O., Andersen, H.E. & Laubel, A.R. (1997): Skjern Å. Diskussion og sammenfatning. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. s.105-123.

Svendsen, L.M., Larsen, S.E. & Andersen, H.E. (1997): Skjern Å’s kemi. I: Svendsen, L.M. & Hansen, H.O. (red.): Skjern Å. Sammenfatning af den eksisterende viden om de fysiske, kemiske og biologiske forhold i den nedre del af Skjern Å-systemet. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. s.69-82.

Søndergaard, M. & Jensen, J.P. (1997): Betydning af vind og brasen for resuspension i Nørresø. Rapport til Ringkøbing amtskommune. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 61 s.

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Iversen, T.M. (1997): Landbrug og vandmiljø. Kronik. - Aktuelt 6.10.1997 s.10.

Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M. (1997): Biomanipulation som sørestau-reringsmetode - en status. - Miljø- og Vandpleje 17:6-7.

Kronvang, B., Svendsen, L.M., Jensen, J.P. & Dørge, J. (1997): Næringsstoffer. Arealanvendelse og naturgenopretning. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi og Afdeling for Sø- og Fjordøkologi. 38 s.- TEMA-rapport fra DMU 13/97.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E. & Mitchell, S. (1997): En fiskeundersøgelse i New Zealandske søer. - Ferskvandsfiskeribladet 95(1):6-9.

Pedersen, J.C. (1997): Man må sno sig - sagde åen. Den havde været lige - længe nok. - Ingeniøren 11:16-17.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Baattrup-Pedersen, A. & Riis, T.: Plant Species Composition and Abundance in Free-Flowing and Regulated Lowland Streams. Poster presented at the 2nd Nordic Benthological Meeting, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark, 13-14 November 1997.

Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Riis, T., Friberg, N. & Hansen, H.O.: Restoration of a Danish Headwater Stream. Short Term Changes in Plant Species Abundance and Composition. Poster presented at Seminar on Restoration of Aquatic Systems, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2-3 September 1997.

Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Riis, T., Friberg, N. & Hansen, H.O.: Restoration of a Danish Headwater Stream. Short Term Changes in Plant Species Abundance and Composition. Poster presented at 2nd Nordic Benthological Meeting, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark, 13-14 November 1997.

Blicher-Mathiesen, G.: Driftsmæssige muligheder. Landmandens gødskningsadfærd. Høring om udledning af næringsstoffer til vandmiljøet. Teknologi-Rådet, Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, 29. oktober 1997.

Grant, R.: Gødskningspraksis samt N- og P-tab fra landbrugsjorden. Seminar for planteavlskonsulenter, Nyborg Strand, 1.-2. oktober 1997.

Grant, R.: Phosphorus in Danish Agriculture, Turnover, Accumulation and Losses. Phosphorus Balance and Utilization in Agriculture - Towards Sustainability, Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Stockholm, Sverige, 17-19 March 1997.

Hansen, H.O., Baattrup-Pedersen, A. & Friberg, N.: Restoration of Channelized Streams in Denmark. Seminar on Restoration of Aquatic Systems, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2-3 September 1997.

Hansen, H.O., Friberg, N. & Baattrup-Pedersen, A.: Remeandering of Three Danish Streams. Impacts on the Biota. 2nd Nordic Benthological Meeting, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark, 13-14 November 1997.

Hansen, H.O., Kronvang, B., Simonsen, P. & Nielsen, M.B.: River Restoration in Denmark. Poster presented at Seminar on Restoration of Aquatic Systems, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2-3 September 1997.

Iversen, H.L.: Low Flow - Consequences on Water Quality and Nutrient Transport. Nordic Seminar on Low Flow. NHR/CHIN, Oslo, Norway, November 19-21, 1997.

Iversen, T.M.: Næringsstoffer og vandkvalitet. Høring om udledning af næringsstoffer til vandmiljøet. Teknologi-Rådet, Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, 29. oktober 1997.

Jeppesen, E.: Biologiske samspil i søer - den seneste viden. DAVID-møde om søer, Frederiksdal, 1.-2. oktober 1997.

Jeppesen, E.: Fish Manipulation and Biomanipulation in Lakes. Invited speech at International Workshop on Fish Manipulation and Biomanipulation in Lakes, Freshwater Biological Association, Sewrey, Ambleside, UK, November 7, 1997.

Jeppesen, E., Agerbo, E. & Jensen, J.P.: Reconstruction of the Historical Changes in the Density of Planktivorous Fish in Danish Lakes. Poster presented at ASLO-Meeting. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fee, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Jeppesen, E., Christoffersen, K. & Landkildehus, F.: Lake Studies at Zackenberg 1997. 2nd Annual Meeting Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 11, 1997.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Aaser, H.F., Kanstrup, E., Petersen, B. & Nielsen, F.: Top-Down Control in Brakish Lakes. The Role of Neomysis integer and Sticklebacks. Invited speech at Workshop on Mysid Ecology, Cornell University, Bridgeport, USA, 21-23 March 1997.

Kronvang, B., Hoffmann, C.C. & Svendsen, L.M.: Retention of Nutrients in River Basins. Invited speech at International Workshop on Coastal Eutrophication, Renesse, The Netherlands, June 15-19, 1997.

Nielsen, K.: Integrated Management of Danish Shallow Lakes. 1997 Shallow Lakes Conference, Craigavon Civic Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 9-12 September 1997.

Ovesen, N.B.: Low Flow - Status on Management Tools - Denmark. Nordic Seminar on Low Flow. NHR/CHIN, Oslo, Norway, November 19-21, 1997.

Skriver, J.: Danish Stream Fauna Index (DSFI) as an Indicator of Rare and Threatened Species (Red List Species). 2nd Nordic Benthological Meeting, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark, 13-14 November 1997.

Søndergaard, M.: Lake Restoration in Denmark. Examples and Conclusions. Symposium on Integrated Lake and Landscape Management, University of Helsinki, Lahti, Finland, 18-21 August 1997.

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E. & Aaser, H.F.: Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Neomysis integer in Brakish Lake Ferring and its Interactions with Sticklebacks and Zooplankton. Workshop on Mysid Ecology, Cornell University, Bridgeport, USA, 21-23 March 1997.


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Marin Miljø og Natur

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Birkan, M., Vessem, J. van, Havet, P., Madsen, J., Trolliet, B. & Moser, M. (eds.) (1996): Anatidae 2000. An International Conference on the Conservation, Habitat Management and Wise Use of Ducks, Geese and Swans, 5-9 December 1994, Strasbourg, France. 1354 pp. - Gibier Faune Sauvage. Game and Wildlife 13 (2 & 3).

Blackburn, N., Azam, F. & Hagström, Å. (1997): Spatially Explicit Simulations of a Microbial Food Web. - Limnology and Oceanography 42(4):613-622.

Boyd, H. & Madsen, J. (1997): Impacts of Global Change on Arctic-Breeding Bird Populations and Migration. In: Oechel, W.C., Callaghan, T., Gilmanov, T., Holten, J.I., Maxwell, B., Molau, U. & Sveinbjörnsson (eds.): Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer Verlag. pp. 201-214.

Bregnballe, T. & Gregersen, J. (1997): Age-Related Reproductive Success in Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. - Ekologia Polska 45(1):127-135.

Bregnballe, T. & Gregersen, J. (1997): Development of the Breeding Population of Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Denmark up to 1993. - Ekologia Polska 45(1):23-29.

Bregnballe, T., Frederiksen, M. & Gregersen, J. (1997): Seasonal Distribution and Timing of Migration of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis Breeding in Denmark. - Bird Study 44:257-276.

Bregnballe, T., Goss-Custard, J.D. & Durell V. Dit le, S.E.A. (1997): Management of Cormorant Numbers in Europe: A Second Step towards a European Conservation and Management Plan. In: Dam, C. van & Asbirk, S. (eds.): Cormorants and Human Interests. Proceedings of the Workshop towards an International Conservation and Management Plan for the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), 3 and 4 October 1996, Lelystad, The Netherlands. Wageningen, IKC natuurbeheer. pp. 61-129.

Christensen, T.K., Bregnballe, T., Andersen, T.H. & Dietz, H.H. (1997): Outbreak of Pasteurellosis among Wintering and Breeding Common Eiders Somateria mollissima in Denmark. - Wildlife Biology 3(2):125-128.

Conley, D.J. (1997): Riverine Contribution of Biogenic Silica to the Oceanic Silica Budget. - Limnology and Oceanography 42(4):774-777.

Conley, D.J., Stockenberg, A., Carman, R., Johnstone, R.W., Rahm, L. & Wulff, F. (1997): Sediment-Water Nutrient Fluxes in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. - Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science 45(5):591-598.

Ferdelman, T.G., Lee, C., Pantoja, S., Harder, J., Bebout, B.M. & Fossing, H. (1997): Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in a Thioploca-Dominated Sediment off the Coast of Chile. - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61(15):3065-3079.

Fox, A.D. (1996): Factors Affecting the Reproductive Output of Northern Hemisphere Migratory Anatidae: The Role of Female Condition. A Review. - Gibier Faune Sauvage. Game and Wildlife 13(2):635-651.

Fox, A.D. (1997): Spring Migration of Greenland White-Fronted Geese, Hvanneyri, West Iceland, April-May 1997. - Ibis 139:727-728.

Fox, A.D. & Madsen, J. (1997): Behavioural and Distributional Effects of Hunting Disturbance on Waterbirds in Europe: Implications for Refuge Design. - Journal of Applied Ecology 34(1):1-13.

Fox, A.D. & Mitchell, C. (1997): Rafting Behaviour and Predator Disturbance to Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta stelleri) in Northern Norway. - Journal of Ornithology 137:103-109.

Fox, A.D. & Mitchell, C. (1997): Spring Habitat Use and Feeding Behaviour of Steller’s Eider Polysticta stelleri in Varangerfjord, Northern Norway. - Ibis 139:542-548.

Fox, A.D., Mitchell, C.R., Madsen, J. & Boyd, H. (1997): Pink-Footed Goose. - BWP Update 1:37-48.

Hansen, P.J. & Nielsen, T.G. (1997): Mixotrophic Feeding of Fragilidium subglobosum (Dinophyceae) on Three Species of Ceratium: Effects of Prey Concentration, Prey Species and Light Intensity. - Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:187-196.

Hansen, P.J., Bjørnsen, P.K. & Hansen, B.W. (1997): Zooplankton Grazing and Growth: Scaling within the 2-2,000-Tm Body Size Range. - Limnology and Oceanography 42(4):687-704.

Josefson, A.B. & Conley, D.J. (1997): Benthic Response to a Pelagic Front. - Marine Ecology Progress Series 147:49-62.

Larsen, J.K. (1997): Wigeon Anas penelope Numbers and Bags During Two Hunting Regulation Schemes at Skallingen, Denmark. - Wildfowl 47:126-133.

Laursen, K., Pihl, S., Durinck, J., Hansen, M., Skov, H., Frikke, J. & Danielsen, F. (1997): Numbers and Distribution of Waterbirds in Denmark 1987-1989. National Environmental Research Institute. Department of Coastal Zone Ecology. 181 pp. - Danish Review of Game Biology 15 (1).

Madsen, J. & Fox, A.D. (1997): The Impact of Hunting Disturbance on Waterbird Populations - The Concept of Flyway Networks of Disturbance-Free Areas. Game and Wildlife. - Gibier Faune Sauvage 14(2):201-209.

Madsen, J., Reed, A. & Andreev, A. (1996): Status and Trends of Geese (An-ser Sp., Branta Sp.) in the World. A Review, Updating and Evaluation. - Gibier Faune Sauvage. Game and Wildlife 13(2):337-353.

Massana, R., Gasol, J.M., Bjørnsen, P.K., Blackburn, N., Hagström, Å., Hietanen, S., Hygum, B.H., Kuparinen, J. & Pedrós-Alió, C. (1997): Measurement of Bacterial Size via Image Analysis of Epifluorescence Preparations: Description of an Inexpensive System and Solutions to Some of the Most Common Problems. - Scientia Marina 61(3):397-407.

McGlathery, K.J., Krause-Jensen, D., Rysgaard, S. & Christensen, P.B. (1997): Patterns of Ammonium Uptake within Dense Mats of the Filamentous Macroalga Chaetomorpha linum. - Aquatic Botany 59:99-115.

Middelboe, A.L., Sand-Jensen, K. & Brodersen, K. (1997): Patterns of Macroalgal Distribution in the Kattegat-Baltic Region. - Phycologia 36(3):208-219.

Nielsen, L.P., Risgaard-Petersen, N., Rysgaard, S. & Blackburn, T.H. (1996): Nitrate Fluxes and Understanding of Benthic Denitrification. Reply to the Note by Middelburg et al. - Limnology and Oceanography 41(8):1845-1846.

Petersen, J.K., Schou, O. & Thor, P. (1997): In Situ Growth of the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis (L.) and the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis in an Eelgrass Meadow. - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 218:1-11.

Pihl, S. & Laursen, K. (1996): A Reestimation of Western Palearctic Wintering Seaduck Numbers from the Baltic Sea 1993 Survey. - Gibier Faune Sauvage. Game and Wildlife 13(2):191-199.

Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L. & Hagström, Å. (1997): Dominant Marine Bacterioplankton Species Found among Colony-Forming Bacteria. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63(9):3359-3366.

Rasmussen, B. (1997): The Near-Surface Horizontal Buoyancy Flux in a Highly Stratified Region, Kattegat. - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 45:405-414.

Rysgaard, S. & Risgaard-Petersen, N. (1997): A Sensitive Method for Determining Nitrogen-15 Isotope in Urea. - Marine Biology 128:191-195.

Sand-Jensen, K. & Krause-Jensen, D. (1997): Broad-Scale Comparison of Photosynthesis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Plant Communities. - Oikos 80(1):203-208.

Thamdrup, B., Canfield, D.E., Ferdelman, T.G., Glud, R.N. & Gundersen, J. (1996): A Biogeochemical Survey of the Anoxic Basin Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. - Revista de Biologia Tropical 44. Suppl. 3:19-33.

Thingstad, T.F., Hagström, Å. & Rassoulzadegan, F. (1997): Accumulation of Degradable DOC in Surface Waters: Is it Caused by a Malfunctioning Microbial Loop? - Limnology and Oceanography 42(2):398-404.

Turk, V. & Hagström, A. (1997): Seasonal Distribution of Nanoflagellates and Bacterivory in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). - Periodicum Biologorum 99(2):205-208.

Vidondo, B., Duarte, C.M., Middelboe, A.L., Stefansen, K., Lützen, T. & Nielsen, S.L. (1997): Dynamics of a Landscape Mosaic: Size and Age Distribution, Growth and Demography of Seagrass Cymodocea nodosa Patches. - Marine Ecology Progress Series 158:131-138.


Krause-Jensen, D. (1997): Aquatic Plant Photosynthesis in Relation to Light and Nutrients. PhD thesis - Akvatiske planters fotosyntese i relation til lys og næringssalte. PhD afhandling. University of Copenhagen and National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Lake and Estuarine Ecology. 83 pp.

DMU rapporter

Amstrup, O. (1997): Ynglefugle 1995. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 72 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 40.

Amstrup, O. (1997): Ynglefugle 1996. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 70 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 44.

Clausager, I. (1997): Vingeindsamling fra jagtsæsonen 1996/97 i Danmark - Wing Survey from the 1996/97 Hunting Season in Denmark. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 45 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 201.

Degn, H.J. (1997): Hedeovervågning 1997. Randbøl Hede. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 34 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 63.

Eskildsen, J. (1997): Skarver 1996. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 45 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 33.

Eskildsen, J. (1997): Skarver 1997. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Natur-Inform og Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 47 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 60.

Gregersen, J. (1997): Årsrapport 1995. Vorsø. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 49 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 41.

Guillemette, M., Larsen, J.K. & Clausager, I. (1997): Effekt af Tunø Knob vindmøllepark på fuglelivet. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 33 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 209.

Hansen, M.J. & Thalund, J. (1997): Årsrapport 1995. Langli. Naturovervåg-ning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 75 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 38.

Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Mosbech, A. & Teilmann, J. (1997): Sæler 1996. Østersøen, Kattegat og Limfjorden. Naturovervågning. Danbiu ApS og Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 33 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 52.

Hjerrild Hansen, J. (1997): Årsrapport 1996. Langli. Naturovervågning.

Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 68 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 47.

Jensen, J.N., Ærtebjerg, G., Rasmussen, B., Dahl, K., Levinsen, H., Lisbjerg, D., Nielsen, T.G., Krause-Jensen, D., Middelboe, A.L., Svendsen, L.M. & Sand-Jensen, K. (1997): Marine områder - Fjorde, kyster og åbent hav. Vandmiljøplanens Overvågningsprogram 1996. Afdeling for Havmiljø og Mikrobiologi, Afdeling for Sø- og Fjordøkologi og Afdeling for Vandløbsøkologi. 124 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 213.

Jensen, J.S. (1997): Bundvegetation 1996. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 28 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 50.

Kahlert, J. & Nilsson, L. (1997): Monitoring of Moulting Greylag Geese on Saltholm, 1996. Department of Coastal Zone Ecology and Lund University. 56 pp.*

Kahlert, J., Clausen, P., Andersen-Harild, P. & Nilsson, L. (1997): Monitoring of Moulting Mute Swans around Saltholm, 1996. Department of Coastal Zone Ecology and Lund University. 50 pp.*

Kjeldsen, J.P. (1997): Ynglefugle 1996. Vejlerne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 85 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 35.

Laursen, K. & Frikke, J. (1997): Optælling fra fly af rastende vandfugle og menneskelige aktiviteter 1991-95. Vadehavet. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi & Ribe Amt. 46 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 32.

Laursen, K., Salvig, J. & Frikke, J. (1997): Vandfugle i relation til menneskelig aktivitet i Vadehavet 1980-1995. Med en vurdering af reservatbestem-melser. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi & Ribe Amt. 73 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 187.

Madsen, J. & Laubek, B. (1997): Markskader forvoldt af gæs og svaner - en litteraturudredning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 29 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 208.

Madsen, J., Hansen, F.,Kristensen, J.B. & Boyd, H. (1997): Spring Migration Strategies and Stopover Ecology of Pink-Footed Geese. Results of Field Work in Norway, 1996. Department of Coastal Zone Ecology & Canadian Wildlife Service. 31 pp. - NERI Technical Report 204.

Middelboe, A.L., Krause-Jensen, D., Nielsen, K. & Sand-Jensen, K. (1997): Interkalibrering af bundvegetationsundersøgelser. Afdeling for Sø- og Fjordøkologi. 34 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 220.

Noer, H. & Christensen, T.K. (1997): Monitoring of Breeding Eiders at Saltholm, 1996. Department of Coastal Zone Ecology. 42 pp.*

Olsen, K. (1997): Årsrapport 1995. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 72 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 36.

Petersen, J.R. & Knudsen, H. (1997): Årsrapport 1996. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 74 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 43.

Pihl, S., Madsen, J. & Laubek, B. (1997): Tællinger af vandfugle 1996/97. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 20 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 62.

Rasmussen, L.M. (1997): Trækfugle i Tøndermarsken 1994-1995. Tøndermarsken og Margrethe-Kog. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 48 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 55.

Rasmussen, L.M. & Gram, I. (1997): Ynglefugle i Tøndermarsken 1995. Tøndermarsken og Margrethe-Kog. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 98 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 56.

Rasmussen, L.M. & Gram, I. (1997): Ynglefugle i Tøndermarsken 1996. Tøndermarsken og Margrethe-Kog. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 95 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 57.

Rasmussen, T.B. (1997): Årsrapport 1995. Suserup. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 54 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 37.

Ravn, P. (1997): Monitering af markfirben Lacerta agilis 1995-1996. Sjælland. Naturovervågning. Ravn Consult og Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 26 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 58.

Risager, M. (1997): Højmoser 1996. Danmark. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 95 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 46.

Thorup, O. (1997): Ynglefugle 1994. Tipperne. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 87 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 39.

Thorup, O. (1997): Ynglefugleoptælling 1996. Vadehavet. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi og Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. 43 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 51.

Thorup, O. (1997): Ynglefugleoptælling 1997. Vadehavet. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi og Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. 32 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 65.

Tougaard, S. (1997): Sæler 1996. Vadehavet. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 17 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 53.

Tougaard, S. (1997): Sæler 1997. Vadehavet. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 21 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 67.

Wind, P. (1997): Overvågning af overdrev 1996. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 49 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 48.

Wind, P. & Ballegaard, T. (1997): Overvågning af danske orkidéer 1996. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. 118 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 59.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 174, 13-17 January 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 17 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 175, 17-21 March 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 16 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 177, 9-13 June 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 6 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 178, 7-11 July 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 9 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 179, 18-22 August 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 11 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 180, 15-19 September 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 11 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 181, 6-10 October 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 10 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Monitoring Cruise with r/v Gunnar Thorson in the Sound, Kattegat, Belt Sea and Arkona Sea. Cruise no. 182, 3-7 November 1997. Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology. 10 pp. - Monitoring Cruise Report.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Aertebjerg, G. (1996): Kattegat and Belt Sea (incl. Mecklenburg Bight, Kiel Bight, Fehmarn Belt, Great Belt, Little Belt and Sound). In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:105-128.

Aertebjerg, G. (1996): Nutrient Load. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:107-108.

Aertebjerg, G. (1996): Oxygen Variability. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:111-112.

Agger, C.T. & Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): Longterm Development of Autumn Oxygen Concentrations in the Kattegat and Belt Sea Area. In: Andrushaitis, A. (ed.): Proceedings of the 13th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium. Jurmala, Latvia, August 31 - September 4, 1993. University of Latvia. Institute of Aquatic Ecology. pp. 29-34.

Andreev, A., Madsen, J. & Reed, A. (1996): Conclusions and Recommendations of the Workshop: „Goose Populations and Migration". In: Birkan, M., Vessem, J. van, Havet, P., Madsen, J., Trolliet, B. & Moser, M. (eds.): Anatidae 2000. An International Conference on the Conservation, Habitat Management and Wise Use of Ducks, Geese and Swans, Strasbourg, 5-9 December 1994, France - Gibier Faune Sauvage. Game and Wildlife 13(2):403-404.

Bakker, J., Dankers, N., Jong, F. de, Gätje, C., Pedersen, T.F., Potel, P. & Berkel, K. van (1997): Assessment of the Wadden Sea Ecosystem. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Group & Trilateral Quality Status Report Group. 38 pp. - Wadden Sea Ecosystem 7.

Bustnes, J.O. & Clausen, P. (1997): Trekkveier og hekkeområder hos Svalbard bestanden av ringgås: et studium ved hjelp av satellitt telemetri. NINA. - Oppdragsmelding 514:1-13.

Christensen, T.K. (1996): An Outbreak of Pasteurellos in Denmark 1996. - Wetlands International Seaduck Specialist Group Bulletin 1996(6):44-48.

Clausen, P. (1997): Dark-Bellied Brent Geese Branta b. bernicla Use of the White Sea. A Progress Report. In: Nugteren, J. van. (red.): Dark-Bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla Flyway Management Plan. Dutch Society for the Preservation of the Wadden Sea. pp.174-183.

Conley, D. (1997): Baltic Marine Biologists Meet with Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Members to Compare Research on Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. Estuarine Meeting in Europe. - Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter 23(3):26.

Dahl, K. (1996): Macrophytobenthos. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:122-123.

Dahl, K. (1996): Effects of Construction Works. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:128.

Dalsgaard, T. (1997): Nitrogen Cycling in Estuaries. WWW page of the NICE Project funded by the EU under the framework of MAST III and ELOISE. (visited January 15, 1998).

Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (bidragyder): Støttrup, J.G. & Stokholm, H. (red.) (1997): Kunstige rev. Review om formål, anvendelse og potentiale i danske farvande. Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser. 28 s. + bilagsrapport. - DFU-rapport 42-97.

Fox, A.D. & Madsen, J. (1997): Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus. In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Birds. Their Distribution and Abundance. Poyser. pp.744-745.

Fox, A.D. & Stawarczyk, T. (1997): Pochard Aythya ferina. In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Birds. Their Distribution and Abundance. Poyser. pp.102-103.

Grell, M. & Rasmussen, L.M. (1997): Første ynglefund af hvidvinget terne Chlidonias leucopterus i Danmark. - Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 91(4):121-125.

Hagström, Å. (1997): Fast Response to Nutrient Input in the Marine Ecosystem:the Role of the Microbial Loop. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 72-73.

Holm, C. (1997): Time Budget and Flock Structure in Spring Staging Dark-Bellied Brent Geese. - Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 91(3):109-115.

Jacobsen, E.M. (1997): Punkttællinger af ynglefugle i eng, by og skov 1996. Samarbejdsrapport fra DMU. - Projekt udført af Ornis Consult A/S i samarbejde med Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen og Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 52 s.

Josefson, A. (1997): Myndighedernes kontrol- og overvågningsprogram for Øresundsforbindelsens kyst-til-kyst anlæg. Bundfauna. Dybvandsfauna. Tilstandsrapport 1996. SEMAC JV. 61 s.

Josefson, A. (1997): The Authorities’ Control and Monitoring Programme for the Fixed Link across Øresund. Benthic Fauna. Deep Water Fauna. Status Report 1996. SEMAC JV. 56 pp.

Josefson, A.B. (1996): Benthic Biology. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:229-230.

Josefson, A.B. (1996): Macrozoobenthos. In: Third Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93. Background Document. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 64 B:123-127.

Krause-Jensen, D. & Christensen, P.B. (1997): Trådalgemåtter er ustabile plantesamfund. - Vand & Jord 4(3):92-96.

Krause-Jensen, D., Christensen, P.B. & Rasmussen, M.B. (1997): Benthic Vegetation Zostera marina, Ruppia spp., and Laminaria saccharina. The Authorities’ Control and Monitoring Programme for the Fixed Link Across Øresund. Status Report 1996. Glostrup: SEMAC JV Sound Environmental Monitoring and Control Group. 95 pp.

Krause-Jensen, D., Christensen, P.B. & Rasmussen, M.B. (1997): Myndighedernes kontrol- og overvågningsprogram for Øresundsforbindelsens kyst-til-kyst anlæg. Bentisk vegetation - ålegræs, havgræs og sukkertang. Tilstandsrapport 1996. Glostrup: Sound Environmental Monitoring and Control Group - SEMAC JV. 101 s.

Madsen, J. (1997): Options for Reopening of Shooting of the Dark-Bellied Brent Goose and Migration of Disturbance Effects - a Discussion Paper. In: Nugteren, J. van. (red.): Dark-Bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla Flyway Management Plan. Dutch Society for the Preservation of the Wadden Sea. pp.197-198.

Madsen, J. & Fox, A.D. (1997): Pink-Footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus. In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Birds. their Distribution and Abundance. Poyser. pp.74.

Madsen, J., Hansen, F. & Kjeldsen, J.P. (1997): Spring Exposure of Pink-Footed Geese to Pesticide-Treated Seed. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 32 pp. - Pesticides Research 33.

Marencic, H., Bakker, J., Farke, H., Gätje, C., Jong, F. de, Kellermann, A., Laursen, K., Pedersen, T.F. & Vlas, J. de (1996): The Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Program (TMAP). Expert Workshop 1995/1996. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat & Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Group. 205 pp. - Wadden Sea Ecosystem 6.

Melter, J., Südbeck, P., Fleet, D.M., Rasmussen, L.M. & Vogel, R.L. (1997): Changes in Breeding Bird Numbers on Census Areas in the Wadden Sea 1990 until 1994. The Status of Shorelark Eremophila alpestris, Twite Carduelis flavirostris and Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis in the Wadden Sea. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat. 114 pp. - Wadden Sea Eco-system 4.

Mitchell, C., Stewart, B., Henriksen, G. & Fox, A.D. (1996): Oesophageal and Gizzard Contents of Wintering Steller’s Eider from Varangerfjord, Norway - Wetlands International Seaduck Specialist Group Bulletin 1996(6):13-20.

Pedersen, B. & Larsen, M.L. (1997): Myndighedernes kontrol- og overvågningsprogram for Øresundsforbindelsens kyst-til-kyst anlæg. Vandkvalitet. Tilstandsrapport 1996. SEMAC JV. 42 s.

Pedersen, B. & Larsen, M.L. (1997): The Authorities’ Control and Monitoring Programme for the Fixed Link across Øresund. Water Quality. Status Report 1996. SEMAC JV. 41 pp.

Petersen, J.K., Møhlenberg, F., Loo, L. -O. & Larsen, M.L. (1997): Myndighedernes kontrol- og overvågningsprogram for Øresundsforbindelsens kyst-til-kyst anlæg. Bundfauna. Blåmuslinger. Tilstandsrapport 1996. SEMAC JV. 100 s.

Petersen, J.K., Møhlenberg, F., Loo, L. -O. & Larsen, M.L. (1997): The Authorities’ Control and Monitoring Programme for the Fixed Link across Øresund. Benthic Fauna. Common Mussels. Status Report 1996. SEMAC JV. 95 pp.

Pihl, S. (1997): De internationale vandfugletællinger og deres anvendelse i internationalt fuglebeskyttelsesarbejde - Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 91(3):81-92.

Pihl, S. & Fox, A.D. (eds.) (1996): Wetlands International Seaduck Specialist Group Bulletin 6:52 pp.

Pihl, S. & Fox, A.D. (eds.) (1997): Wetlands International Seaduck Specialist Group Bulletin 7:48 pp.

Rasmussen, L.M. & Fischer, K. (1997): The Breeding Population of Gull-Billed Terns Gelochelidon nilotica in Denmark 1976-1996 - Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 91(3):101-108.

Rasmussen, L.M., Norden Andersen, O.G., Frikke, J., Laursen, K., Salvig, J., Fleet, D.M., Hälterlein, B., Heckenroth, H., Merck, T., Rösner, H.-U., Südbeck, P., Wolff, W.J. & Thissen, J.B.M. (1996): XI. Red List of Birds of the Wadden Sea Area. - Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 50(Suppl.):113-128.

Riemann, B. & Gustavson, K. (1997): Betydningen af giftige stoffer for havmiljøets tilstand. I: Løkke, H. (red.): Miljøfarlige stoffer. Det Strategiske miljøforskningsprogram. Silkeborg: Dansk Center for Økotoksikologisk Forskning. s. 12-13.

Riemann, B., Gustavson, K., Petersen, S. & Hansen, B. (1997): Betydningen af giftige stoffer for havmiljøets tilstand. - Miljøforskning 32:47-52.

Salvig, J.C., Asbirk, S., Kjeldsen, J.P., Rasmussen, P.A.F., Quade, A., Frikke, J. & Christophersen, E. (1997): Coastal Waders in Guinea-Bissau - Aerial Survey Results and Seasonal Occurence on Selected Low Water Plots. - Wader Study Group Bulletin 84(December):33-39.

Sand-Jensen, K., Middelboe, A.L., Krause-Jensen, D., Nielsen, K. & Christensen, P.B. (1997): Artsdiversitet af makroalger. - Vand & Jord 4(4):138-141.

Sand-Jensen, K., Pedersen, M.F. & Krause-Jensen, D. (1997): Ålegræssets udbredelse. - Vand & Jord 4(5):210-213

Stoltze, M. (1997): Dagsommerfugle i Danmark. Felthåndbog. Gyldendal. 112 s.

Ærtebjerg, G. (1997): The Danish Marine Monitoring System. Abstract. In:Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 99-100.

Populærfaglig formidling

Asferg, T. (1997): Hver femte jæger undlader at indberette. - Vildtinformation 97:8-9.

Asferg, T. (1997): Nedlagt vildt i sæsonen 1995/96. - Vildtinformation 97:15-16.

Clausager, I. (1997): Vingerne styrtdykker. - Vildtinformation 97:10.

Clausen, P. & Bustnes, J.O. (1997): Agerø’s knortegæs flytter grænser. Satellit sporing af de langt trækkende gæs fra Fugleværnfondens reservat gav overraskende resultater. - Fugle og Natur 4:4-6.

Clausen, P., Madsen, J., Uhd Jepsen, P. & Søgaard, B. (1997): Reservatnetværk for vandfugle. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. Afdeling for Kystzoneøkologi og Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. Reservatsektionen, Oksbøl. 52 s. - TEMA-rapport fra DMU 12/1997.

Degn, H.J. (1997): Ændringer i vegetationen på Randbøl Hede 1954-1995. - Flora og Fauna 103(2):25-46.

Laursen, K. & Frikke, J. (1997): Vadehavet, fugle og forvaltning. - Jæger 6(10): 118-119.

Madsen, J. (1997): Jagttider under revision. - Vildtinformation 97:11-12.

Nielsen, K. & Richardson, K. (1997): Iltsvind. Landbruget skal ændre adfærd - nu. - Politiken 26.9.97 Debat.

Noer, H. (1997): Fugle med hagl i kroppen. Mange anskydninger ved jagt med haglgevær. - Vildtinformation 97:14.

Pihl, S. (1997): An Action Plan for the Steller’s Eider. - WWF Arctic Bulletin 2.97:13.

Riemann, B. & Schlüter, L. (1997): Plantepigmenter - et diagnoseredskab i naturen. - Naturens Verden 9:339-343.

Wind, P. (1997): Overvågning af danske orkideer 1987-95. - Flora og Fauna 103(3):49-71.

Wind, P. (1997): Rødliste ’95. - Urt 21(1):3-9.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Berg, P., Risgaard-Petersen, N. & Rysgaard, S.: Interpretation of Concentration Profiles in Sediment Pore Water. 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference. The State of our Estuaries, Rhode Island Convention Center, USA, 12-16 October 1997.

Christensen, P.B.: Hvad har vi fået ud af havforskningsprogrammerne i Danmark i relation til Vandmiljøplanen? Møde om Havmiljøet i Danmark 10 år efter de døde hummere arrangeret af IDAmiljø, Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark, H.C. Andersens Hotel, Odense, 8. april 1997.

Clausager, I.: Development of Sustainable Energy Supply in Denmark with Special Reference to Wind Energy. 2nd European & African Conference on Wind Engineering. Satellite Workshop, Genova, Italy, 26-27 June 1997.

Conley, D. & The Littoral Zone Group: The Gulf of Riga Littoral Zone Project. BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997. Joint Conference of the Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA), Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997.

Conley, D.J. & Banta, G.T.: Direct and Indirect Controls on Benthic Microalgal Biomass and Productivity by Deposit Feeding Infauna in Sandy Sediments. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Dalsgaard, T.: Kvælstof, vandmiljø og monitering. Inviteret indlæg ved efteruddannelse af miljømedarbejdere inden for vandmiljøområdet. Dansk Magisterforening, Salten Skov Laboratoriet, Københavns Universitet, 24. september 1997.

Dalsgaard, T.: Nitrogen Cycling in Estuaries (NICE). Objectives, Strategy and Background. Poster presented at the First Annual ELOISE Conference, Arcachon, France, May 21-23, 1997.

Dalsgaard, T.: Nitrogen Cycling in Lovns Bredning as Influenced by Floating Macroalgae and Benthic Microalgae. Annual Meeting of the MAST III Project Nitrogen Cycling in Estuaries (NICE), University of Parma, Italy, October 22-25, 1997.

Dalsgaard, T., Christensen, P.B. & Rysgaard, S.: Benthic Microalgae as Regulators of Sediment-Water Nutrient Fluxes and Denitrification in a Danish Estuary. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Dalsgaard, T., Christensen, P.B., Rysgaard, S. & Risgaard-Petersen, N.: Kvælstoffjernelse i danske kystnære farvande. Betydning og regulering. Strategisk Havmiljøkonference, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, 21. -22. januar 1997.

Fox, A.D.: Length of Stay of Staging Teal Passing through SE Denmark, a Study Using Radio Telemetry. Conference on International Ringing and Migration Studies, Braemar, Scotland, 14-16 November 1997.

Fox, A.D.: Turnover Revisited. Final Conclusions and Recommendations for the Measure of Birds Use of Staging Areas and the Implications for Conservation. Wetlands International Africa-Eurasia International Waterbird Census Steering Committee, Beek, Neijmegen, The Netherlands, 7-8 November 1997.

Guillemette, M., Larsen, J.K. & Clausager, I.: Disturbance of Sea Ducks by an Offshore Windmill Park. An Experimental Approach. First International

Symposium on Large Scale Constructions in Coastal Environments, Norderney, Germany, 21-25 April 1997.

Gundersen, J.K.: Benthic Primary Production in the Aegean. Invited speech at Hydrothermal fluxes in the Aegean, Oceanographic Station - CNR, La Specia, Italy, November 14, 1997.

Hagström, Å.: Bacterioplankton Dynamics away from the Black Box Concept. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Jensen, H.S. & Nielsen, K.: Retention of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Danish Estuaries. Poster presented at 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference. The State of our Estuaries, Rhode Island Convention Center, USA, 12-16 October 1997.

Josefson, A.B.: Resource Limitation in Soft Sediments - Differential Effects of Food and Space in the Amphiura - Mysella System? 32nd EMBS, Lysekil, Sweden, August 1997.

Josefson, A.B. & Møhlenberg, F.: Retention of N-Nutrients in Macrozoobenthos of Danish Estuaries - Importance of Load and Water Depth. 14th Biennial ERF Conference. The State of Our Estuaries, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 12-16 October 1997.

Krause-Jensen, D.: Authorities Control and Monitoring of Eelgrass. The International Advisory Expert Panel for the Fixed Link Across Øresund, Malmø, Sweden, November 10-12, 1997.

Krause-Jensen, D.: Authorities Control and Monitoring of Ruppia. The International Advisory Expert Panel for the Fixed Link Across Øresund, Malmø, Sweden, November 10-12, 1997.

Krause-Jensen, D.: Authorities Control and Monitoring of Laminaria. The International Advisory Expert Panel for the Fixed Link Across Øresund, Malmø, Sweden , November 10-12, 1997.

Kristiansen, J.N., Fox, A.D., Stroud, D.A. & Boyd, H.: Greenland White-Fronted Goose use of Deschampsia caespitosa Tussocks on Spring Migration in Iceland. Poster Presented at The International Symposium on Geese. How to Manage Thriving Goose Populations, Ecodrome Park, Zwolle, The Netherlands, 30-31 October 1997.

Madsen, J.: Spring Migration Strategies and Stopover Ecology of Svalbard Pink-Footed Geese. Svalbard Goose Symposium, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo, Norge, 23.-26. september 1997.

Madsen, J.: Correlates of Predator Abundance with Snow and Ice Conditions and their Role in Determining Breeding Success in Svalbard Light-Bellied Brent Geese. Svalbard Goose Symposium, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo, Norge, 23.-26. september 1997.

Madsen, J. & Boyd, H.: Damage at a Distance - too many Geese? First European Vertebrate Pest Conference, University of York, England, 1.-3. September 1997

Madsen, J. & Boyd, H.: Increasing Goose Numbers in Europe: a Challenge for International Nature Conservation. International Symposium on Geese, Zwolle, Holland, 30.-31. October 1997.

Møhlenberg, F. & Conley, D.: Phytoplankton Growth Rates across the Littoral Zone in the Gulf of Riga. Poster presented at the BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997. Joint Conference of the Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA), Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997.

Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å., Martinez, J., Long, R.A. & Azam, F.: Substrate Induced Development of a Diverse Marine Bacterial Community. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Rasmussen, B. & Stips, A.: Upper Water Column Dissipation and Stability in View of External Forcing. 2nd Workshop on „Physical Processes in Natural Waters", JRC, Ispra, Italy, 3-5 November 1997.

Rassoulzadegan, F., Christaki, U., Dolan, J., Payet, G., Perez, M., Azam, F., Long, R., Berdalet, E., Marrase, C., Peters, F., Christensen, K., Havskum, H., Maar, M., Enger, O., Thingstad, T.F., Fuhrman, J., Noble, R., Ouverney, C., Hagström, Å., Riemann, B., Zweifel, U., Jacquet, S., Vaulot, D. & Suzuki,M.: On the Significan-ce of Insignificant Effects of Glucose Additions to Surface Seawater. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Riemann, B.: Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton Growth. ASLO 97. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 February 1997.

Rysgaard, S.: Annual Production and Fate of the Pelagic Primary Production in Young Sound, North East Greenland. Invited speech at Institute of Biological Science, Department of Microbial Ecology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, November 4, 1997.

Stips, A., Rasmussen, B. & Simon, A.: Investigation of Near Surface Fluxes and Turbulent Dissipation in two Alpine Lakes. 29th International Liége Colloquium on Hydrodynamics, Liége, France, 5-9 May 1997.

Zweifel, U.L.: Bacterial Utilization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Gulf of Riga. Poster presented at the BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997. Joint Conference of the Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA), Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997.


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Terrestrisk Miljø og Natur

Internationale videnskabelige publikationer

Axelsen, J.A., Fink, R. & Kjær, C. (1997): Global Solar Radiation as the Factor Controlling Induction of Diapause in the Pod Midge (Dasyneura brassicae Winn.). - Oecologia 111:178-182.

Baarlen, P. van, Topping, C.J. & Sunderland, K. D. (1996): Host Location by Gelis festinans, an Eggsac Parasitoid of the Linyphiid Spider Erigone atra. - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 81:155-163.

Borchsenius, F. & Skov, F. (1997): Ecological Amplitudes of Ecuadorian Palms. - Principes 41(4):179-183.

Knudsen, J.T. & Mori, S.A. (1996): Floral Scents and Pollination in Neotropical Lecythidaceae. - Biotropica 28(1):42-60.

Lawesson, J.E., Diekmann, M., Eilertsen, O., Fosaa, A.M. & Heikkilä, H. (1997): The Nordic Vegetation Survey - Concepts and Perspectives. - Journal of Vegetation Science 8:455-458.

Lawesson, J.E. (1997): Effects of Species Partition on Explanatory Variables in Direct Gradient Analysis - a Case Study from Senegal. - Journal of Vegetation Science 8:409-414.

Lawesson, J.E. & Krienke, T. (1996): Phytosociology in Denmark - A Review. - Annali di Botanica LIV:23-30.

Odderskær, P., Prang, A., Poulsen, J.G., Andersen, P.N. & Elmegaard, N. (1997): Skylark (Alauda arvensis) Utilisation of Micro-Habitats in Spring Barley Fields. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 62:21-29.

Pertoldi, C., Loeschcke, V., Madsen, A.B. & Randi, E. (1997): Developmental Stability in the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Denmark. - Annales Zoologici Fennici 34:187-196.

Reddersen, J. (1997): The Arthropod Fauna of Organic Versus Conventional Cereal Fields in Denmark. - Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 15:201-211

Topping, C.J. (1997): Predicting the Effect of Landscape Heterogeneity on the Distribution of Spiders in Agroecosystems Using a Population Dynamics Driven Landscape-Scale Simulation Model. - Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 15:325-336.

Topping, C.J. & Lövei, G.L. (1997): Spider Density and Diversity in Relation to Disturbance in Agroecosystems in New Zealand, with a Comparison to England. - New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21(2):121-128.

DMU rapporter

Asferg, T., Pagh, S., Rosengaard, M. & Bertelsen, J. (1997): Forekomst af egern Sciurus vulgaris i skove under 20 ha. Et eksempel på fragmentering af landskabet i Århus Amt. Afdeling for Landskabsøkologi. 37 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 184.

Dahl, K., Jensen, J.P., Larsen, H.S., Lawesson, J., Mark, S., Mogensen, B., Münier, B., Møller, P.F., Rune, F., Skriver, J., Søndergaard, M. & Wind, P. (1997): Indikatorer for naturkvalitet. Midtvejsrapport. Danmark. Naturovervågning. Afdelingerne for Havmiljø og Mikrobiologi, Kystzoneøkologi, Landskabsøkologi, Systemanalyse, Vandløbsøkologi & Sø- og Fjordøkologi. Flere pag. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 42.

Mogensen, B., Berthelsen, J.P., Hald, A.B., Hansen, K., Jeppesen, J.L., Odderskær, P., Reddersen, J., Fredshavn, J. & Krogh, P.H. (1997): Livsbetingelser for den vilde flora og fauna på braklagte arealer. - En litteraturudredning. Afdeling for Landskabsøkologi og Afdeling for Terrestrisk Økologi. 166 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 182.

Olesen, C.R., Andersen, A.H. & Hansen, T.S. (1997): Rådyr, mus og selvforyngelse af bøg ved naturnær skovdrift. Afdeling for Landskabsøkologi. 61 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 203.

Skov, F., Bertelsen, J.P., Andersen, T.Q., Asferg, T., Carstensen, H., Christensen, M. & Komdeur, J., Dalsgaard, K., Granat, H.J., Nielsen, B.O. & Rost, F. (1997): Basismonitering af Kaløskovene1993. Naturovervågning. Afdeling for Landskabsøkologi og Århus Universitet. 117 s. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU 45.

Øvrige faglige artikler, rapporter og bogbidrag

Andersen, H.V. (1997): Measurements of Ammonia and Nitric Acid Fluxes and Dry Deposition Velocities to a Spruce Forest in Denmark. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 83-84.

Andersen, H.V., Hovmand, M.F., Hummelshøj, P. & Jensen, N.O. (1996): Measurements of Ammonia Fluxes and Dry Deposition Velocities to a Spruce Forest in Denmark. Abstract. In: Sutton, M.A., Lee, D.S., Dollard, G.J. & Fowler, D. (eds.): Atmospheric Ammonia. Emission Deposition and Environmental Impacts - Poster Proceedings. Midlothian, UK: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. p. 126.

Bak, J. (1996): Luftforurening. I: Hansen, K., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Gundersen, P. (red.): Skovdriftens effekter på dyrkningsgrundlag, grund- og overfladevand. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. - Skovbrugsserien 18:7-13.

Bak, J. (1997): Modelling of Effects (CALLUNA). In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 88-89.

Bak, J. & Løkke, H. (1997): Denmark. In: Posch, M., Hettelingh, J. -P., de Smet, P.A.M. & Downing, R.J. (eds.): Calculation and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe Status Report 1997. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. RIVM. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. - RIVM Report 259101007:71-75.

Bastrup-Birk, A., Egeløv, A., Kemp, K., Mortensen, L. & Manscher, O. (1997): Effects of Ozone on Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) as a Function of the Soil Nitrogen Content. In: Final Report 1992-1996. NECO, HEATH, International Projects. Sub-Programme 1: Atmosphere and Air Pollution. The Danish Environmental Research Programme. Centre for Terrestrial Ecosystem Research. Appendix pp. 43-46.

Berthelsen, J.P., Rasmussen, K. & Kjellsson, G. (1997): Fouragerende fugles udnyttelse af ukrudtsfrøpuljen. Metodeudvikling og vurdering af fødemuligheder i relation til pesticidpåvirkning. Miljøstyrelsen. 47 s. - Bekæm-pelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen 28.

Forsius, M., Alveteg, M., Bak, J., Guardans, R., Holmberg, M., Jenkins, A., Johansson, M., Kleemola, S., Rankinen, K., Renshaw, M., Sverdrup, H. & Syri, S. (1997): Assessment of the Effects of the EU Acidification Strategy. Dynamic Modelling on Integrated Monitoring Sites. First Results. Finnish Environment Institute. 40 pp.

Hald, A.B. (1997): Growth and Seed Production of 3 Weed Species at sublethal Herbicide Dosage. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 56 pp. - Pesticides Research 30.

Hansen, K. (1996): Impact of Modern Farming on Food Supply of Hares (Lepus europaeus, Pallas) During the Summer Period. In: Mathias, M.L., Santos-Reis, M., Amori, G., Libois, R., Mitchell-Jones, R. & Saint-Girons, M.C.: Proceedings of the I European Congress of Mammalogy, 18-23 March 1991, Lisboa, Portugal. European Mammals. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de Historia Natural. pp.115-124.

Hovmand, M. (1997): Wet Deposition Measured as Wet-Only, Bulk, Throughfall and by Passive Impactor. Abstract. In: Bastrup-Birk, A., Clark, D.R. & Geernaert, G. (eds.): The Roskilde Project. Assessment of the Present State of International Environmental Observations, Research and Technology, and Identification of Future Demands. National Environmental Research Institute. pp. 82-83.

Lawesson, J., Gabrielsen, L., Hobitz, P., Jensen, L. & Komdeur, J. (1997): Farm Landscapes for Biodiversity: A Guide to Using Landscape Ecology to Assess and Improve the Quality of Northern European Farmed Landscapes for Biodiversity. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 35 pp. - CONNECT.

Münier, B. & Christensen, N. (1997): Vegetation Modelling of Nature Restoration Scenarios at a Regional Scale. In: Olesen, S.E. (ed.): Proceedings of the NJF-Seminar Alternative Use of Agricultural Land. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. - SP Report 18:112-121.

Odderskær, P., Lilleør, N. & Dietz, H.-H. (1997): Den vilde faunas forekomst i forbindelse med et udendørs svinehold. Afsluttende rapport over delprojekt: Nærmiljøets og produktionssystemets indflydelse på sundhed i udendørs svineproduktion. Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug & Fiskeri: Strukturdirektoratet. 36s.

Odderskær, P., Prang, A., Elmegaard, N. & Andersen, P.N. (1997): Skylark Reproduction in Pesticide Treated and Untreated Fields. Comparative Studies of Skylark Alauda arvensis Breeding Performance in Sprayed and Unsprayed Spring Barley Fields. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 72 pp. - Pesticides Research 32.

Tybirk, K., Jacobsen, M.K. & Strandberg, B. (1997): Vegetationen under en rødgranskærm. I: Koch, N.E. & Larsen, B.: Skov & Landskabskonferencen 1997. Hotel Nyborg Strand, 29. januar 1997. Forskningscenter for Skov & Landskab og Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole. s. 245.

Populærfaglig formidling

Berthelsen, J.P. (1997): Vildtvenlige landejendomme. - Vildtinformation 97:12-13.

Ejrnæs, R. & Mark, S. (1997): Den vilde, den tamme og den uautentiske. - Urt 21(1):22-29.

Hartmann, P. (1997): Nye hagl. - Vildtinformation 97:16-17.

Hels, T. (1997): Danmarks små mirakeldyr. - Samvirke 70(6):52-56.

Olesen, C.R., Coutant, A.E. & Theil, P.K. (1997): Større o-løb og forstyrrelser af råvildt. - Skoven 29(1):6-9.

Prang, A. (1997): Gør krager skade. - Vildtinformation 97:9.

Strandberg, M. (1997): Gør de det mere i Sverige og Finland end vi gør det i Danmark? - Svampe 36:32-37.

Strandberg, M. (1997): Køllekantarel (Gomphus clavatus) genfundet i Danmark. - Svampe 35:46-47.

Tybirk, K. & Strandberg, B. (1997): Egekrat og egeskov. Hvordan bevarer man et dynamisk økosystem? - Skoven 2:80-83.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Bak, J.: Is the BC/Al Limit an Appropriate Indicator? 8th CCE Workshop on Mapping Critical Loads and Levels UN/ECE-Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Corrib Great Southern Hotel, Gailimh (Galway), Ireland, 21-24 April 1997.

Bak, J. & Jensen, K.S.: Heavy Metals. A First Attempt to Map Critical Loads of Pb, Cd, and Hg in Denmark. Poster presented at the 8th CCE Workshop on Mapping Critical Loads and Levels UN/ECE-Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Corrib Great Southern Hotel, Gailimh (Galway), Ireland, 21-24 April 1997.

Brander, P.E., Højring, K., Johansen, I.E., Madsen, L.N., Odderskær, P., & Prang, A.: Hegn og småbiotoper. Poster præsenteret ved Det Agrare Landskab i Danmark, Middelfart, 28-30 november 1997.

Diekmann, M. & Lawesson, J.: Shifts in ecological Behaviour of Closely Related Species in Northern Europe. 40th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 18-23 August 1997.

Hammershøj, M., Madsen, A.B., Groth, D., Jeppesen, J.L. & Madsen, S.A.: Monitoring of Badgers (Meles meles) Comparison of Methods. Poster presented at 16th Mustelid Kollokvium, Fuglsø Centret, Fuglsø, Denmark, 9-12 October 1997.

Hels, T.: Do Roads Kill Toads? Sixth Nordic Herpetological Symposium, Ry, Denmark, 10.-15. June 1997.

Hels, T.: Dynamics in Small Fragmented Populations. Fragmentation Exemplified by Road Constructions. Poster presented at Postgraduate Course: Modelling the Abundance and Dispersal of Organisms on a Landscape Scale, Fuglsøcentret, Mols, Denmark, 17.-21. March 1997.

Kristensen, H.L.: European Heathlands. Soil N Transformations as Key Processes for Ecosystem Stability. Invited speech at the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, USA, May 13, 1997.

Kristensen, H.L.: Hedens næringsstofcyklus. Hedens kultur og natur. Workshop, Ferskvandscentret, Silkeborg, 22.-23. september 1997.

Kristensen, H.L., McCarty, G.W. & Meisinger, J.J.: Effects of Soil Structure Disturbance on Mineralization of Organic N in Soil under Different Tillage Treatments. Poster presented at 97th General Meeting. American Society for Microbiology, The Miami Beach Convention Center, USA, May 4-8, 1997.

Münier, B.: GIS Modelling of Ecological Consequences of Nature Restoration Scenarios. 12th ESRI European User Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 September-1 October 1997.

Münier, B. & Christensen, N.: Vegetation Modelling of Nature Restoration Scenarios at a Regional Scale. NJF-Seminar No. 270 „Alternative Use of Agricultural Land", Foulum, Denmark, 9-10 June 1997.

Nielsen, K.E.: Hvorfor integreret overvågning? Hedens kultur og natur. Workshop, Ferskvandscentret, Silkeborg, 22.-23. september 1997.

Nygaard, B. & Münier, B.: Landskabsmodeller for terrestriske naturtyper. Indikatorer for naturkvalitet - delprojekt 5. Poster præsenteret på Det Agrare Landskab i Danmark. Seminar 2, Middelfart, Danmark, 27.-28. november 1997.

Odderskær, P.: The Impact of Pesticides on Skylark Reproduction. A field Experiment. International Skylark Symposium, Vogelwarte Radolfzell, Germany, 28-30 November 1997.

Olesen, C.R.: The Impact of Antropogene Disturbances-Barriers for the Dispersal of Larger Mammals in the Landscape. Poster presented at Postgraduate Course: Modelling the Abundance and Dispersal of Organisms on a Landscape Scale, Fuglsøcentret, Mols, Denmark, 17.-21. March 1997.

Tybirk, K., Jacobsen, M.K. & Strandberg, B.: Vegetationen under en rød-gransskærm. Poster præsenteret ved Skov & Landskabskonferencen 1997. Forsk-ningscentret for Skov og Landskab, Hotel Nyborg Strand, 29. januar 1997.

Tybirk, K., Jakobsen, M. & Strandberg, B.: Understorey Vegetation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Stands in relation to Management and Environmental Parameters. Biodiversity in Managed Forests Concepts and Solutions, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (FLU), Uppsala, Sweden, May 29-31, 1997.


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Faglig tværgående indsats

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Hansen, H.S. (1997): Integration of Incompatible Zonal Systems Using Multiple Overlay Techniques. In: Hodgson, S., Rumor, M. & Harts, J.J. (eds.): Geo-graphical Information ’97. From Research to Application through Cooperation. Volume 1. Third Joint European Conference & Exhibition on Geographical Information, Vienna, Austria, 1997. IOS Press. pp. 266-270.

Krysanova, V. & Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. (1997): Modelling Water Balance of the Elbe Basin. A Pilot Application of the HBV Model. - Vannet i Norden 1:6-17.

Mielby, S., Platou, S.W. & Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. (1997): Land and Runoff Data in a Danish Nationwide Area Information System. In: Refsgaard, J.C. & Karalis, E.A. (eds.): Operational Water Management. Proceedings of the European Water Resources Association Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-6 September 1997. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. pp. 271-276.

Nyholm Poulsen, J. & Sortkjær, O. (1996): Assessment Report on Land Cover Results Obtained and Future Outlook. ETC/LC DIPS Final Draft Report 1995:7.2. The Danish Team of Land Cover. final/dipsVOL1II.pdf (visited January 21, 1998).

Sortkjær, O. (1997): Nyt om Miljøagenturet. Nyhedsbrev fra DMU - Det Danske Knudepunkt. (visited January 15, 1998).

Populærfaglig formidling mv.

Mielby, S., Groom, G., Platou, S.W. & Stjernholm, M. (1997): Kortlægning af naturtyper og arealanvendelse. - Stads- og Havneingeniøren 10:32-34.

Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier mv.

Hansen, H.S.: Integration of Incompatible Zonal Systems Using Multiple Overlay Techniques. Third Joint European Conference & Exhibition on Geographical Information, Austria Center, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 April 1997.

Mielby, S.: Datakvalitet og analyse. GIS i aktion. Seminar om Datakvalitet - GIS i aktion. Dansk Akademi for Stedbestemt Information (DAiSI), Københavns Bymuseum, 27. februar 1997.

Lahmer, W., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I., Pfützner, B. & Becker, A.: GIS-Based Hydrological Modelling with the Integrated modelling System ARC/EGMO. Proceedings of the International Conference on Regionalization in Hydrology, University of Braunschweig, Germany, 10-14 march 1997.

Mielby, S.: GIS anvendt i hydrologiske og miljømæssige problemstillinger. GIS som Miljøværktøj. IDA Miljømøde, Ingeniørhuset, København, 27. februar 1997.

Mielby, S., Groom, G., Platou, S.W. & Stjernholm, M.: Kortlægning af naturtyper i et landsdækkende dansk arealinformationssystem - Mapping Nature Types in a Danish Nation-Wide Area Information System. Den Store Nordiske GIS-Konference, Kolding, Denmark, 29.-31.oktober 1997.

Mielby, S., Platou, S.W. & Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I.: Land and Runoff Data in a Danish Nationwide Area Information System. Operational Water Management European Water Resources Association Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-6 September 1997.

Müller-Wohlfeil, D.-I. & Mielby, S.: Komponenten einer vollständig GIS-Integrierten Modellierung der Hydrologie und des Stofftransportes innerhalb großer Einzugsgebiete. Modellierung des Wasser- und Stofftransportes in Großen Einzugsgebieten Workshop, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenfor-schung (PIK), Deutschland, 15.-16. Dezember 1997.

Stjernholm, M., Hollebeck, P., Krause-Jensen, D. & Rasmussen, M.B.: RESCOMAN - Remote Sensing of Submerged Vegetation for Coastal Zone Management. Poster preseted at ECSA28 International Symposium. Remote Sensing of Coast and Estuaries, University of St Andrews, Scotland, September 1-6, 1997.


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