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Papers in international journals and publications in proceedings


Journal papers (152)


   1. S. S. Abdalmogith, R. M. Harrison and Z. Zlatev: "Intercomparison of secondary inorganic aerosol concentrations in the UK with predictions of the Unified Danish Eulerian Model". Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Vol. 54 (2006), 43-66.

   2. V. Alexandrov, W. Owczarz, P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel runs of a large air pollution model of a grid of SUN computers". Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 65 (2004), 557-577.

   3. V. Alexandrov, A. Sameh, Y. Siddique and Z. Zlatev: "Numerical integration of chemical ODE problems arising in air pollution models". Environmental Modelling and Assessment, Vol. 2 (1997), 365-377.

   4. C. Ambelas Skjøth, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying variations of pollution levels in a given region of Europe during a long time-period". Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, Vol. 37 (2000), 297-311.

   5. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Testing meteorological fields and PBL parameterization for modelling transport, dispersion, and deposition - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2 and Chernobyl", Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 16 (1998), Supplement 2, C624.

   6. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev: "Studying cumulative ozone exposures in Europe during a seven-year period". Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102 (1997), 23917-23935.

   7. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Using partitioned ODE solvers in large air pollution models". Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, Vol. 32 (1998), 3-17.

   8. C. Bendtsen, P. C. Hansen, J. Wasniewski, J. B. Hansen, J. N. Sørensen and Z. Zlatev: "Experience with the KSR-1 parallel computer". Supercomputer, Vol. 10, No. 6 (1994), 34-43.

   9. Å. Björck and Z. Zlatev: "Exploiting the separability in the solution of linear ordinary differential equations". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 18 (1989), 421-438.

 10. J. Brandt, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. H. Christensen, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Testing the importance of accurate meteorological input fields and parameterizations in atmospheric transport modelling, using DREAM - validation against ETEX-1". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 32 (1998), 4167-4186.

 11. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, F. Palmgren, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev: "Operational air pollution forecasts from European to local scale". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 35 (2001), S91-S98.

 12. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev: "Numerical modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2 and Chernobyl". Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 15 (2000), 521-531.

 13. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev: "Operational air pollution forecast modelling by using the THOR system". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol. 26 (2001), 117-122.

 14. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev: "Real time predictions of transport, dispersion and deposition from nuclear accidents". Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 10 (1999), 216-223.

 15. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 23, No. 10 (1996), 99-115.

 16. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "The Danish RIMPUFF and Eulerian accidental release model (the DREAM)". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol. 21, No. 5-6 (1997), 441-444.

 17. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Testing different PBL parameterizations for modelling transport – validation from the Chernobyl accident” Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 15, (1997), Supplement 2.

 18. J. Brandt, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Handling the chemical part of large air pollution models", International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, (1996), 331-351.

 19. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying long-range transport from accidental nuclear release by mathematical models", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 62(1998), 136-144.

 20. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Efficient algorithms for handling the chemical part of large air pollution models", Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 62 (1998), 145-154.

 21. J. Brown, P. C. Hansen, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Comparing the performance of SIMD computers by running large air pollution models". Supercomputer, Vol. 64 (1996), 21-35.

 22. J. Brown, P. C. Hansen, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Performance of air pollution models on massively parallel computers". Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 25, No. 5 (1996), 1113-1130.

 23. J. Brown, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Running air pollution models on massively parallel machines". Parallel Computing, Vol. 21 (1995), 971-991.

 24. H. Chervenkov, I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Spline interpolation for modelling of accumulated effects of ozone". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol.54, No. 1 (2016), 15-31.

 25. A. T. Chronopoulos and Z. Zlatev: "Iterative methods for non-linear operator equations". Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 51 (1992), 167-180.

 26. I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: “Special Section: Applications of distributed and grid computing”. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2008), 582-584.

 27. I. Dimov, I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “L-commutativity of the operators in splitting methods for air pollution models”. Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Vol. 44 (2001), 127-148.

 28. I. Dimov, I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “Operator splitting and commutativity analysis for the Danish Eulerian Model”. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 67 (2004), 217-233.

 29. I. Dimov, I. Faragó, A. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “Different splitting techniques with application to air pollution models”. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2008), 174-199.

 30. I. Dimov, I. Faragó and Z. Zlatev: “Parallel computations with large-scale air pollution models”. Problems in Programming, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2003), 44-52.

 31. I. Dimov, G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: “Impact of future climate changes on high pollution levels”. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2008), 200-230.

 32. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: “Computational challenges in the numerical treatment of large air pollution models”. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 179 (2004), 187-203.

 33. I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, S. Ivanovska, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: “Studying sensitivity of pollutants concentrations caused by variations of chemical rates”. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235 (2010), 391-402.

 34. I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Advanced algorithms for multidimensional sensitivity studies of large air pollution models based on Sobol sequences", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, No. 3 (2013), 338-351.

 35. I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Sensitivity studies of pollutant concentrations calculated by UNI-DEM with respect to input emissions", Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 8 (2013), 1531-1545 (DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0256-2).

 36. I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, I. Tzvetanov and Z. Zlatev: "Economical estimations of the losses of crops due to high ozone levels". Agricultural Economics and Management Vol. 5 (1999), 48-52.

 37. A. C. N. van Duin, P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, H. Wijshoff and Z. Zlatev: "Improving the numerical stability and the performance of a parallel sparse solver". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 30, No. 12 (1995), 81-96.

 38. I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Efficient Numerical Methods for Scientific Applications: Introduction", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, No. 2 (2013), 297-300.

 39. I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Efficient algorithms for large scale scientific problems", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 67, No. 12 (2014), 2085-2087.

 40. I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: “Preface: Numerical and computational issues related to applied mathematical modelling”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 32, No. 8 (2008), 1475-1476.

 41. I. Faragó, A. Havasi, S. Margenov and Z. Zlatev: “Special issue on advanced computational algorithms: Introduction”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235, No. 2 (2010), 345-347.

 42. I. Faragó, A. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “Advanced splitting techniques and their application: Preface”, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2007), 243-244.

 43. I. Faragó, A. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “Special issue on advanced numerical algorithms for large scale computations: Introduction”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 55, No. 10 (2008), 2183-2184.

 44. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: “Richardson-extrapolated sequential splitting and its application”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 226, No. 2 (2009), 218-227.

 45. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: Efficient Implementation of Stable Richardson Extrapolation Algorithms”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 60, No. 8 (2010), 2309-2325.

 46. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "The convergence of diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta Methods with Richardson Extrapolation", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, No. 3, (2013), 395-401.

 47. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Richardson Extrapolation combined with the sequential splitting procedure and the θ-method", Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 10, (2012) 159-172. 

 48. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Completed Richardson Extrapolation and Its Application to the Advection Equation", Idojáras, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, Vol. 123 (2019), 135-146 (

 49. I. Faragó, P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: On the additive splitting procedures and their computer realization”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 32, No. 8 (2008), 1552-1569.  

 50. K. Gallivan, P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Locally optimized reordering algorithm and its application to a parallel sparse linear system solver". Computing, Vol. 54, No. 1 (1995), 39-67.

 51. K. Gallivan, A. Sameh and Z. Zlatev: "A parallel hybrid sparse linear system solver". Computing Systems in Engineering, Vol. 1 (1990), 183-195.

 52. K. Ganev, D. Syrakov and Z. Zlatev: "New parameterization scheme for effective indices from road transport". Ecological Modelling, Vol. 217 (2008), 270-278.

 53. G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: "Studying the influence of biogenic emissions on AOT40 levels in Europe". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 22, No. 1-2 (2004), 29-42.

 54. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel Sparse Matrix Algorithms for Air Pollution Models". Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1999), 429-443.

 55. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Implementation of sparse matrix algorithms in an advection-diffusion-chemistry module". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 236, (2011), 342-353.

 56. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Studying air pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula area by using an IBM Blue Gene/P computer". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 46, No. 1-2 (2011), 97-114.

 57. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev and A. Ebel: "Advanced applications of environmental modelling systems: Editorial". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 46, No. 1-2 (2011), 1-5.

  58. K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev and I. Georgiev: Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications II: Preface”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 80, No. 2, (2020), 285-286.

  59. P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, A. Sameh and Z. Zlatev: "Solving sparse linear least-squares problems on some supercomputers by using large dense blocks". BIT, Vol. 37, No. 3 (1997), 535-558.

 60. R. M. Harrison, Z. Zlatev and C. J. Ottley: "A comparison of the predictions of an Eulerian atmospheric transport chemistry model with experimental measurements over the North Sea". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 28 (1994), 497-516.

 61. Á. Havasi, L. Bozó and Z. Zlatev: "Model simulation on transboundary contribution to the atmospheric sulfur concentration and deposition in Hungary". Idojárás, Vol. 105 (2001), 135-144.

 62. Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Trends in Hungarian air pollution levels on a long time-scale". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 36 (2002), 4145-4156.

 63. Ø. Hov, Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz, A. Eliassen and L. P. Prahm: "Comparison of numerical techniques for use in air pollution models with nonlinear chemical reactions". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 23 (1989), 967-983.

 64. S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, M. Winther, Z. Zlatev and F. Palmgren: Future air quality in Danish cities due to new emission and fuel quality directives of the European Union”. International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 27 (2001), 195-208.

 65. Tz. Ostromsky, V. Alexandrov, I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "On the performance, scalability and sensitivity analysis of a large air pollution model ". Procedia Computer Science, Vol.80 (2016), 2053-2061.

 66. Tz. Ostromsky. I. Dimov, V. Alexandrov and Z. Zlatev: "Preparing input data for sensitivity analysis of an air pollution model by using high performance computers and algorithms", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 70 (2015), 2773-2782.

 67. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva and Z. Zlatev: "Air pollution modelling, sensitivity analysis and parallel implementation ". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 46, No. 1-2 (2011), 83-96.

 68. Tz. Ostromsky, P. C. Hansen and Z. Zlatev: "A coarse-grain parallel QR-factorization algorithm for sparse matrices". Parallel Computing, Vol. 24 (1998), 937-964.

 69. W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev: "Running a large air pollution model on an IBM SMP computer". International Journal of Computer Research, Vol. 10, No. 4 (2001), 485-500.

 70. W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel matrix computations in air pollution modelling". Parallel Computing, Vol. 28 (2002), 355-368.

 71. K. Schaumburg, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Solution of ordinary differential equations with time-dependent coefficients. Development of a semiexplicit Runge-Kutta algorithm and application to a spectroscopic problem". Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 3 (1979), 56-63.

 72. K. Schaumburg, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "The use of sparse matrix technique in the numerical integration of stiff systems of ordinary differential equations". Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 4 (1980), 1-12.

 73. P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: "Two-parameter families of predictor-corrector methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations". BIT, Vol. 19 (1979), 503-517.

 74. P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: "Development of a data assimilation algorithm". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 55, No. 10 (2008), 2381-2393.

 75. J. Wasniewski, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, S. Toledo and Z. Zlatev: “Editorial introduction to the special issue on computational linear algebra and sparse computations”. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, Vol. 18, No. 3, (2007), 205-207.

 76. J. Wasniewski, K. Schaumburg and Z. Zlatev: "Vectorizing codes for solving systems of linear ODE's". Supercomputer, Vol. 18 (1987), 40-51.

 77. J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev and K. Schaumburg: "A method for reduction of the storage requirements by the use of some special computer facilities; application to linear systems of algebraic equations". Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 6 (1982), 181-192.

 78. Z. Zlatev: "Stability properties of variable stepsize variable formula methods". Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 31 (1978), 175-182.

 79. Z. Zlatev: "On some pivotal strategies in Gaussian elimination by sparse technique". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 17 (1980), 18-30.

 80. Z. Zlatev: "Zero-stability properties of three-ordinate variable stepsize variable formula methods". Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 37 (1981), 157-166.

 81. Z. Zlatev: "Modified diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods". SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistic Computing, Vol. 2 (1981), 321-334.

 82. Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of two pivotal strategies in sparse plane rotations". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 8 (1982), 119-135.

 83. Z. Zlatev: "Use of iterative refinement in the solution of large and sparse systems". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 19 (1982), 381-399.

 84. Z. Zlatev: "Consistency and convergence of general multistep variable stepsize variable formula methods". Computing, Vol. 31 (1983), 47-67.

 85. Z. Zlatev: "Application of predictor-corrector schemes with several correctors in solving air pollution problems". BIT, Vol. 24 (1984), 700-715.

 86. Z. Zlatev: "General scheme for solving linear algebraic problems by direct methods". Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 1 (1985), 177-186.

 87. Z. Zlatev: "Mathematical model for studying the sulphur pollution in Europe". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12 (1985), 651-666.

 88. Z. Zlatev: "Variable stepsize variable formula methods based on predictor-corrector schemes". Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 1 (1985), 223-233.

 89. Z. Zlatev: "Survey of the advances of exploiting the sparsity in the solution of large problems". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 20 (1987), 83-105.

 90. Z. Zlatev: "Treatment of some mathematical models describing long-range transport of air pollutants on vector processors". Parallel Computing, Vol. 6 (1988), 87-98.

 91. Z. Zlatev: "Advances in the theory of variable stepsize variable formula methods for ordinary differential equations". Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 31 (1989), 209-249.

 92. Z. Zlatev: "Running large air pollution models on high speed computers". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 14 (1990), 737-740.

 93. Z. Zlatev: "Modelling long-range transport of air pollution". Computational Fluid Dynamics News, Vol. 3 (1992), 4-17.

 94. Z. Zlatev: "Application of Special Sparse Solvers in the Chemical Part of Air Pollution Models". Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 73 (2000), 42-53.

 95. Z. Zlatev: "Parallel algorithms for the chemical part of large air pollution models”. Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 13, No. 3 (2001), 22-32.

 96. Z. Zlatev: "Partitioning ODE systems with an application to air pollution models”. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 42 (2001), 817-832.

 97. Z. Zlatev: “Computer Treatment of Partial Differential Equations in Environmental Modelling”. Mathematica Balkanica (New Series), Vol. 20 (2006), 101-124.

 98. Z. Zlatev: “Impact of Climate Changes in Europe on European Pollution Levels”. Problems in Programming, Vol. 8 (2006), 659-663.

 99. Z. Zlatev: “Impact of future climate changes on high ozone levels in European suburban areas”, Climatic Change, Vol. 101, No. 3-4, (2010), 447-483.

100. Z. Zlatev and R. Berkowicz: "Numerical treatment of large-scale air pollution models". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 16 (1988), 93-109.

101. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Testing subroutines solving advection-diffusion problems in atmospheric environments". Computers and Fluids, Vol. 11 (1983), 13-38.

102. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Stability restrictions on time-stepsize for numerical methods for first-order partial differential equations". Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 51 (1983), 1-27.

103. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Three-dimensional advection-diffusion modelling for regional scale". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 17 (1983), 491-499.

104. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Implementation of a variable stepsize variable formula method in the time-integration part of a code for treatment of long-range transport of air pollution". Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 55 (1984), 278-301.

105. Z. Zlatev and J. Brandt: “Testing the accuracy of a data assimilation algorithm”, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2007), 305-314.

106. Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt and G. Geernaert: "Editorial”. Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 10 (1999), 198-200.

107. Z. Zlatev, H. Chervenkov and Á. Havasi: "Special Issue on Challenges in Large-scale Pollution Modelling - Editorial Introduction". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 66, 1/2/3 (2020).

108. Z. Zlatev og J. Christensen: Luftforurening over landegrænserne”. Forskning & Samfund, Vol. 17, No. 8 (1991), 29-31.

109. Z. Zlatev, J. Christensen and A. Eliassen: "Studying high ozone concentrations by using the Danish Eulerian Model". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 27A (1993), 845-865.

110. Z. Zlatev, J. Christensen and Ø. Hov: "A Eulerian air pollution model for Europe with non-linear chemistry". Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Vol. 15 (1992), 1-37.

111. Z. Zlatev, J. Christensen, J. Moth and J. Wasniewski: "Vectorizing codes for studying long-range transport of air pollutants". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 15 (1991), 37-48.

112. Z. Zlatev, P. D'Ambra, I. Faragó and I. Fekete: "Numerical Methods for Advanced Scientific Models - Introductory paper", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 340 (2018), 421-423.

113. Z. Zlatev, P. D'Ambra, I. Faragó, V. Shaydurov and L. Vulkov: "Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Scientific and Engineering Problems - Editorial Introduction", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol 372 (July 2020), 112595, .

114. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Stability of the Richardson Extrapolation combined with some Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 310 (2017), 224-240.

115. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods Combined with Advanced Versions of the Richardson Extrapolation", Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2019, htpps://

116. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Advanced Algorithms for Studying the Impact of Climate Changes on Ozone Levels in the Atmosphere", International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 66, 1/2/3 (2020), 212-238, DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2019.104522.

117. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Large-scale air pollution modelling in Europe under different climatic scenarios", International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2020),

118. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Tz. Ostromsky: "Solving advection equations by applying the Crank-Nicolson scheme combined with the Richardson Extrapolation", International Journal of Differential Equations, DOI:10.1155/2011/530840, (2011).

119. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Tz. Ostromsky: "Application of Richardson Extrapolation for multi-dimensional advection equations", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 67, No. 12 (2014), pp, 2279-2293.

120. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov and K. Georgiev: "Studying long-range transport of air pollutants". Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1994), 45-52.

121. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov and K. Georgiev: "Three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian Model". Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 76 (1996) S4, 473-476.

122. Z Zlatev, I Dimov, K Georgiev, S Margenov: Numerical algorithms for scientific and engineering application – Editorial Introduction”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 310 (2017), 1-4.

123. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov and I. Lirkov: "Efficient numerical methods for large-scale scientific computations". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 293, Issue C (2016), 1-6.

124. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, G. Geernaert, I. Tzvetanov and A. Bastrup-Birk: "Calculating losses of crops in Denmark caused by high ozone levels". Environmental Modelling and Assessment, Vol. 6 (2001), 35-55.

125. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel and K. Georgiev: “Preface”, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 22, No. 1-2 (2004), 1-2.

126. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel and K. Georgiev: “Editorial: Large-scale computations in environmental modelling”, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2008), 135-138.

127. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, K. Georgiev and R. San José: “Large-scale computations in environmental modelling: Editorial introduction”, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 217, No. 3-4 (2008), 207-208.

128. Z. Zlatev, I. Faragó and Á. Havasi: “Stability of the Richardson Extrapolation applied together with the θ-method”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235, No. 2 (2010), 507-520.

129. Z. Zlatev, I. Faragó and P. Simon: “Large scale scientific computations: Editorial introduction”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 226, No. 2 (2009), 187-189.

130. Z. Zlatev, J. Fenger and L. Mortensen: "Relationships between emission sources and excess ozone concentrations". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 32, No. 11 (1996), 101-123.

131. Z. Zlatev, G. Geernaert and H. Skov: "A study of ozone critical levels in Denmark", EUROSAP Newsletter, Vol. 36, (1999), 1-9.

132. Z. Zlatev and K. Georgiev: "Applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners in eight iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations", Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 11, Number 8 (2013), 1510-1530 (DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0248-2).

133. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov: "Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 65, No. 3 (2013), 544-562.

134. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev and I. Dimov: "Studying absolute stability properties of the Richardson Extrapolation combined with explicit Runge-Kutta methods", Computers and Mathematics with Applications,, Vol.67, No. 12, 2014, 2294-2307.

135. Z. Zlatev, Á. Havasi and I. Faragó: "Influence of climatic changes on pollution levels in Hungary and surrounding countries ", Atmosphere, Vol. 2, (2011), 201-221.

136. Z. Zlatev and L. Moseholm: “Impact of climatic changes on pollution levels in Denmark”, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 217 (2008), 305-319.

137. Z. Zlatev and H. B. Nielsen: "Solving large and sparse linear least squares problems by conjugate gradients algorithms". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 15 (1988), 185-202.

138. Z. Zlatev, K. Schaumburg and J. Wasniewski: "Classification of the systems of ordinary differential equations and practical aspects in numerical integration of large systems". Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 4 (1980), 13-18.

139. Z. Zlatev, K. Schaumburg and J. Wasniewski: "Implementation of an iterative refinement option in a code for large and sparse systems".  Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 4 (1980), 87-99.

140. Z. Zlatev, K. Schaumburg and J. Wasniewski: "A testing scheme for subroutines solving large linear problems". Computers and Chemistry, Vol. 4 (1980), 91-100.

141. Z. Zlatev and D. Syrakov: A fine resolution modelling study of pollution levels in Bulgaria. Part 1 -  and  pollution”, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 22, No. 1-2 (2004), 186-202.

142. Z. Zlatev and D. Syrakov: "A fine resolution modelling study of pollution levels in Bulgaria. Part 2: High ozone levels". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 22, No. 1-2 (2004), 203-222.

143. Z. Zlatev and P. G. Thomsen: "Application of backward differentiation methods to the finite element solution of time-dependent problems". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 14 (1979), 1051-1061.

144. Z. Zlatev and P. G. Thomsen: "Automatic solution of differential equations based on the use of linear multistep methods". ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 5 (1979), 401-414.

145. Z. Zlatev, Ph. Vu, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Computations with symmetric, positive definite and band matrices on vector parallel processors". Parallel Computing, Vol. 8 (1988), 301-312.

146. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "Running air pollution models on the Connection Machine". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 20, No. 6 (1994), 1-17.

147. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski, J. Moth and M. Venugopal: "Optimizing air pollution models on parallel machines". Supercomputer, Vol. 8, No. 9 (1992), 23-36.

148. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Comparison of two algorithms for solving large linear systems". SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistic Computing, Vol. 3 (1982), 486-501.

149. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Exploiting the sparsity in the solution of linear ordinary differential equations". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 11 (1985), 1069-1087.

150. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Numerical treatment of models arising in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy". Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 8 (1986), 223-233.

151. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Condition number estimators in a sparse matrix software". SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistic Computing, Vol. 7 (1986), 1175-1186.

152. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Running conjugate gradient algorithms on three vector machines". Supercomputer, Vol. 29 (1989), 31-41.



Other scientific publications (233)


    1. V. N. Alexandrov and Z. Zlatev: "Using parallel Monte Carlo methods in large-scale air pollution modelling". In: "Computational Science – ICCS 2004" (M. Bubak, G. D. Albada, P. M. A. Sloot and J. Dongarra, eds.), 491-498, Springer, Berlin, 2004.

    2. C. Ambelas Skjøth, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying air pollution problems in France by the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Proceedings of APMS'98", Vol. 1, pp. 45-55. ENPC (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees) and INRIA (Institute National de Resherche en Informatique et en Automatique), Paris, 1998.

    3. C. Ambelas Skjøth, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Long-term calculations with large air pollution models". In: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling" (Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose, eds.), pp. 25-38. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1999.

    4. C. Ambelas Skjøth, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying ozone episodes in Europe with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Air Pollution Modelling and Its Applications" (S.-E. Grynning and E. Batchvarova, eds.), pp. 331-338. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000.

    5. C. Ambelas Skjøth, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Long-term calculations with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Proceedings of the Second GLOREAM Workshop" (R. San Jose and P. Builtjes, eds.), pp. 116-126. Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1999.

    6. C. Ambelas Skjøth and Z. Zlatev: "Handling the output data from large-scale air pollution models". In: "Modelling Physical and Chemical Processes in the Atmosphere" (O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, S. Larsen and T. Mikkelsen, eds.), pp. 79-93. Proceedings of the Risø-NERI Workshop (March, 12-13, 1999, Roskilde). National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1999.

    7. C. Ambelas Skjøth, Z. Zlatev and H. Skov: "The EU Critical Levels for Ozone: are these Exceeded in Denmark?". Contribution to the proceedings of the workshop of "DSAR: Danish Society for Atmospheric Research, 1999.

    8. B. S. Andersen, P. Kaae, C. Keable, W. Owczarz, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "PVM implementations of advection-chemistry modules of air pollution models". In: "Parallel Scientific Computing" (J. Dongarra and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 11-16. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

    9. A. Antonov, K, Georgiev, E. Komsalova and Z. Zlatev: "Implementation of bilinear non-conforming finite elements in an Eulerian air pollution model: Results obtained by using the rotational test”. In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (I. Dimov, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 379-386. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 2542, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

  10. A. Antonov, K, Georgiev, E. Komsalova and Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of two local refinement methods for large scale air pollution models”. In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations IV". (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 337-344 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.

  11. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev: "Studying high ozone concentrations in Europe during a seven-year period". In: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe" (G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 19-47. National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1997.

  12. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev: "Using a series of scenarios to study the effect of varying ozone concentrations on forests in Scandinavia ". Report, NMR (Nordic Council of Ministers), 1997.

  13. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling the impact of long-range transported air pollutants on vegetation". In: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe" (G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 7-17. National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1997.

  14. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: " Running Different Scenarios with the Danish Eulerian Model. Poster presented at the ModSim ’97. Workshop on the “Role of Modeling and Simulation in Environmental Management”, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 21-24 September, 1997.

  15. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Long term calculations with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling" (H. Hass and I. J. Ackermann, eds.), pp. 147-156. Proceedings from the First GLOREAM Workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, 1998.

  16. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying the impact of ozone episodes in Europe on vegetation". In: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling" (H. Hass and I. J. Ackermann, eds.), pp. 157-166. Proceedings from the First GLOREAM Workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, 1998.

  17. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling transport and dispersion from accidental releases". In: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling" (H. Hass and I. J. Ackermann, eds.), pp. 167-176. Proceedings from the First GLOREAM Workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, 1998.

  18. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: ""Studying Air Pollution Problems in Europe by Using the Danish Eulerian Model and TreGro". Presented at the “Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere”, EUROTRAC II Symposium, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, March 23-27, 1998.

  19. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying air pollution levels in Europe with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Measuring and Modelling Investigation of Environmental Processes" (R. San Jose, ed.), pp. 71-105. WIT Press, Boston-Southampton, 1999.

  20. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Real time predictions of transport, dispersion and deposition from nuclear accidents". In: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling" (Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose, eds.), pp. 53-62. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1999.

  21. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying air pollution problems in Europe using the Danish Eulerian Model and TREGRO". In: "Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere" (P. M. Borrell and P. Borrell, eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 565-569. WIT Press, Boston-Southampton, 1999. 

  22. A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: “Modelling atmospheric transport, dispersion and deposition on short- and long-range scale: Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2 and Chernobyl". In: "Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere", (P. M. Borrell and P. Borrell, eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 570-574. WIT Press, Boston-Southampton, 1999.

  23. A Bastrup-Birk, K Tybirk, L Emborg, J Brandt, Z Zlatev: “Integrated Environmental Assessment of Effects from Long Range Transported Air Pollution". Presented at: "US-Dutch International Symposium on Air Pollution in the 21st Century", 1997.

  24. C. Bendtsen and Z. Zlatev: "Running air pollution models on message passing machines". In: "Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface" (M. Bubak, J. Dongarra and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 417-426. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

   25. C. Bendtsen, Z. Zlatev and J. Østergaard: "Porting large air pollution codes to parallel architectures" In: "Modelling Physical and Chemical Processes in the Atmosphere" (O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, S. Larsen and T. Mikkelsen, eds.), pp. 105-110. Proceedings of the Risø-NERI Workshop (March, 12-13, 1999, Roskilde). National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1999.

   26. J. Brandt, A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Christensen and Z. Zlatev: "Numerical modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2 and Chernobyl". In: "Proceedings of APMS'98", Vol. 2, pp. 351-376. ENPC (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees) and INRIA (Institute National de Resherche en Informatique et en Automatique), Paris, 1998.

   27. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev: "Treatment of large air pollution models". In: "Numerical Analysis and Its Applications" (L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 66-77. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

   28. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, A. Ebel, H. Elbern, H. Jakobs, M. Memmesheimer, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "ETEX-1, Second phase: Calculations performed by NERI/Risø (Denmark) and the University of Cologne (Germany)". In: "ATMES-2 - Evaluation of Long-range Dispersion Models using first ETEX Release Data. Vol. II - Models Description", Proceedings of the ETEX Symposium on Long-range Atmospheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response, Vienna (S. Mosca, R. Bianconi, R. Bellasio, G. Graziani and W. Klug, eds), 1998.

   29. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, A. L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev: "Optimization of operational air pollution forecast modelling on European scale)". In: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling ", (G. Barone, P. J. Builtjes and G. Giunta, eds.), pp. 269-279, Annalli, Facolta di Scienze Nautiche, Instituto Universitario Navale, Napoli, Italy, 2000.

   30. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz, C. Ambelas Skjøth, C. Geels, K. M. Hansen, J. Frydendall, G. B. Heedegaard,  O. Hertel, S. S. Jensen, M. Hvidberg, M. Ketzel, H. R. Olesen, P. Løfstrøm, Z. Zlatev and M. S. Andersen: “THOR - An operational and integrated model system for air pollution forecasting, management and assessment from global to local scale”. In: “The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere. First Accent Symposium, Urbino, September 12-16, 2005” (S. Fuzzi and M. Maione, eds.), pp. 113-118, ACCENT: The European Network for Excellence, 2006.

   31. J. Brandt, J. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, G. Geernaert, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev: “Development of a New Operational Air Pollution Forecast System on Regional and Urban Scale”, Presented at : “Millennium NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application”, Boulder, Colorado, USA, May 15-19 May, 2006.

   32. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev: “Optimization of operational air pollution forecast modelling on European scale”, presented at “The Third GLOREAM Workshop” Napoli, Italy, September 24-26, 1999.

   33. J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, F. Palmgren, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev: “Operational air pollution forecasts on European and local scale”. In: “Air Quality in Europe: Challenges for the 2000s” Venice, May 19-21, 1999.

   34. J. Brandt, J. Christensen and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling of high-resolution long-range transport and deposition from the Chernobyl accident by using DREAM". In: "Proceedings of the Second GLOREAM Workshop" (R. San Jose and P. Builtjes, eds.), pp. 135-146. Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1998.

   35. J. Brandt, J. Christensen and Z. Zlatev: Numerical modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl". Presented at the "International Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation (APMS98)", Paris, France, October 26-29, 1998.

   36. J. Brandt, J. Christensen and Z. Zlatev: Air pollution: forecasting and scenarios". Presented at the " European Centre for Research and Advance Training in Scientific Computation (CERFACS)", Toulouse, France, July 1-2, 1999.

   37. J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev: "Numerical algorithms for the three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe" (G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 249-262. National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1997.

   38. J. Brandt, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Coupling the advection and the chemical parts of large air pollution models". In: "Applied Parallel Computing. Industrial Computation and Optimization" (J. Wasniewski, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and D. Olesen, eds.), pp. 65-76. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

   39. J. Brandt, A. Ebel, H. Elbern, H. Jakobs, M. Memmesheimer, T. Mikkelsen, S.  Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "The importance of accurate meteorological input fields and accurate planetary boundary layer parameterizations, tested against ETEX-1". In: “ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmospheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response”, 13-16 May 1997, Vienna, Austria, (K. Nodop, ed.), pp. 195-198. Proceedings. European Commission - EUR 17346 EN, 1997.

  40. J. Brandt, T. Ellermann, E. Lyck, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Validation of a combination of two models for long-range tracer simulations". In: "Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XI" (S. E. Gryning and F. A. Schiermeier, eds.), pp.325-332. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1996.

  41. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". In: "Nuclear Safety. Dispersion Prognoses and Consequences in the Environment" (U. Tveten, ed.), pp. 85-111, Tema Nord, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 1995.

  42. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling of the two ETEX-releases compared with measurements from Risø”. The Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Intercomparison with the ETEX-1 Experiment, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, June 6-7,.1995.

  43. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The DREAM)”. Presented at the “Twenty-First European Geophysical Society Assembly”, Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.

  44. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The Dream) - Results with ETEX-1". In: "Report on the Second Meeting on Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Intercomparison with the ETEX-1 Full-scale Experiment", Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, (U. Tveten, ed.), pp. 19-32. 1997.

  45. J. Brandt, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev: "Testing meteorological fields and PBL parameterizations for modelling transport, dispersion, and deposition - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl", presented at “The European Geophysical Society XXIII Assembly”, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.

  46. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Animation of tracer model simulations". Presented at the CALMAR Workshop on "Computer Applications of Large Models in Atmospheric Research" May 26-27, 1995.

  47. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". Presented at the Tenth EUMAC on "European Modelling of Atmospheric Constituents" Cologne, Germany, August 30 - September 1, 1995.

  48. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Using different numerical algorithms in air pollution modelling". Presented at the First Annual Danish Meeting on Numerical Methods, Technical University of Denmark, February 14, 1996.

  49. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Large-scale parallel computations in air pollution modelling: fantasy, reality and ... dreams". In: "Physics Computing" (P. Borcheds, M. Bubak and A. Maksymowicz, eds.), pp. 524-531. Academic Computing Centre, Krakow, Poland, 1996.

  50. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Studying long-range transport from accidental nuclear releases by mathematical models", presented at the First Workshop on "Large-scale Scientific Computations", Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1997.

  51. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling transport and dispersion from accidental releases ", presented at the First GLOREAM Workshop", Aachen, Germany, September 10-12, 1997.

  52. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Modelling Atmospheric Transport, Dispersion, and Deposition on Short and Long Range - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl ". In: "Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium ’98" (Patricia. Borrell and Peter Borrell, eds.), pp. 570-574. WIT Press, Computational Mechanics Publication, 1998.

  53. J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev: "Real time predictions of transport and dispersion from a nuclear accident ". In: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling", NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental Security (Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P.J.H. Builtjes, I Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose, eds.), pp. 53-62,  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1998.

  54. J. Brandt, Z. Zlatev, T. Mikkelsen and S. Thykier-Nielsen: "Using a combination of two models for calculations of tracer simulations performed by the National Environmental Research Institute (DMU) and Risø National Laboratory". In: "Proceedings of the Nordic Dispersion-Trajectory Model Comparison with the ETEX Full-scale Experiment" (U. Tveten and T. Mikkelsen, eds.), pp. 33-48.  Risø National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, 1995.

  55. J. Brown, P. C. Hansen, P. Kaae, C. Keable, W. Owczarz, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of parallel computers using air pollution models". In: "Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing" (D. H. Bailey, P. E. Børnstad, J. R. Gilbert, M.  V. Mascagni, R. S. Schreiber, H. D. Simon, V. J. Tarczan and L. T. Watson, eds.), pp. 113-118. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1995.

  56. J. Brown, P. C. Hansen, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of massively parallel computers using air pollution models". In: "Parallel Scientific Computing" (J. Dongarra and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 110-126. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

  57. P. J. H. Builtjes, C. Borrego, A. C. Carvalho, A. Ebel, M. Memmesheimer, F. Feichter, A. Münzenberg, E. Schaller and Z. Zlatev: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling: Overview of Subproject GLOREAM". In: "Towards Cleaner Air for Europe – Science, Tools and Applications. Part 2: Overview from the Final Reports of the Eurotrac-2 Subprojects" (P. M. Midgley and M. Reuther, eds.), pp. 139-166. Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim, 2003 (available from: ).

  58. P. J. H. Builtjes, A. Ebel, J. Feichter, C. Borrego, R. Friedrich, J. Hass, J. E. Jonson, A. Lindskog, N. Moussiopoulos, E. Shaller, Z. Zlatev and A. Münzenberg: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling: GLOREAM". GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), EUROTRAC-2, Münich, 2003 (available also at:

  59. B. Denby, M. Kahnert, J. Brandt, J. Frydendall and Z. Zlatev: "Development and application of data assimilation in regional scale atmospheric chemistry models", Final report for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Project number 05FOX10, Nordic Council of Ministers, 2007.

  60. I. Dimov, I. Faragó and Z. Zlatev: "Commutativity of the operators in splitting methods for air pollution". Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 25A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999.

  61. I. Dimov, G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: “Influence of future climate changes in Europe on exceeded ozone critical levels”. In: “Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002” (P. M. Midgley and M. Reuther, eds.). Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, 2002.

  62. I. Dimov, G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: “Influence of future climate changes in Europe on exceeded ozone critical levels”. In: “Nordic Meteorological Meeting 23, 2002” (H. E. Joergensen, ed.)., 2002.

  63. I. Dimov, G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: “Fighting the great challenges in large-scale environmental modelling”, In: “Advances in Air Pollution Modeling for Environmental Security”, (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi, K. Georgiev, eds.), pp. 105-114, NATO Science Series, 54, Springer, Berlin, 2005.

  64. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "The three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian model". In: "Applied Parallel Computing" (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 151-157. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

  65. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Long-range transport of air pollutants and source receptor relations". In: "Large-scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 62 (M. Griebel, O. Iliev, S. Margenov and P. S. Vassilevski, eds.), pp. 155-166. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 1998.

  66. I. Dimov, K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Some source-receptor relations studied by the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes", Proceedings of the Eighth Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2002. National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Demetra Ltd., Sofia, 2002.

  67. I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Variance-based sensitivity analysis of the Unified Danish Eulerian Model", Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8236 (2013), pp. 247-254.

  68. I. Dimov, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and Z. Zlatev: "Numerical Methods and Applications", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2542, Springer, Berlin, 2003.

  69. I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, I. Tzvetanov and Z. Zlatev: "Economical estimations of the losses of crops due to high ozone levels". In: "Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics: II", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 73 (M. Griebel, S. Margenov and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 275-282. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 2000.

  70. I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, and Z. Zlatev: Challenges in using splitting techniques for large-scale environmental modeling, In: “Advances in Air Pollution Modeling for Environmental Security”, (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi, K. Georgiev, eds.), pp. 115-131,  NATO Science Series, 54, Springer, Berlin, 2005.

  71. I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Sensitivity simulation of concentrations to variation of some rate constants". In: "Large-scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 62 (M. Griebel, O. Iliev, S. Margenov and P. S. Vassilevski, eds.), pp. 167-175. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 1998.

  72. I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Optimization problems in air pollution modelling". In: "Handbook on Applied Optimization" (P. M. Pardalos and M. G. C. Resende, eds.), pp. 943-956. Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York, 2002.

  73. I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Richardson Extrapolation: accuracy, stepsize control, stability". In: "BGSIAM’10: Proceedings of the Figth Annual Meeting od the Bulgarian Section of SIAM",, 2010.

  74. I. Farago, K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Parallelization of advection-diffusion-chemistry modules". In: “Large-Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 28-39. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.

  75. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "The convergence of explicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with Richardson Extrapolation". In: “Conference Applications of Mathematics in honour of the 60th birthday of Michal Křižek”, pp. 99-106. Institute of Mathematics, AS, CR, Prague, 2012.

  76. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability, Bentham Science Publishers, 2013.

  77. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Treatment of the chemical reactions in an air pollution model”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 53-78, Bentham Science, 2013.

  78. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Implementation splitting procedures”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 79-125, Bentham Science, 2013.

  79. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev: "Application of splitting in an air pollution model”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 126-165, Bentham Science, 2013.

  80. K. Gallivan, A. Sameh and Z. Zlatev: "Solving general sparse linear systems using conjugate gradient-type methods". In: "Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Supercomputing in Amsterdam". ACM Press, New York, 1990.

  81. K. Gallivan, A. Sameh and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel direct methods for general sparse matrices". In: "NATO ASI on Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations: The State of the Art" (Il Ciocco, September 1990), pp. 141-166. Universita Degli Studi di Bergamo, Stampato Presso la Cooperativa Studium Bergomense, Bergamo, Italy, 1991.

  82. K. A. Gallivan, A. H. Sameh and Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of ten methods for the solution of large and sparse linear algebraic systems ". In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (I. Dimov, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 24-35. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 2542, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

  83. K. Ganev, D. Syrakov and Z. Zlatev: "Effective indices for emissions from road transport". In: “Large-Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 401-409. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.

  84. G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z Zlatev: "Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe". Proceedings of the First REMAPE Workshop, Copenhagen, September 1996, National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.

  85. G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev: “Testing the influence of the biogenic emissions on high ozone levels in Denmark and in Europe”. In: “Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002” (P. M. Midgley and M. Reuther, eds.). Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, 2002.

  86. K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: " New parallel implementation of an air pollution computer model: Performance study on an IBM Blue Gene/P computer”. In: “Large Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 283-290, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7116, Springer, Berlin, 2012.  

  87. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Running an advection-chemistry code on message passing computers". In: "Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface". (V. Alexandrov and J. Dongarra, eds.), pp. 354-363 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.

  88. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Application of parallel algorithms in an air pollution model". In: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling" (Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose, eds.), pp. 173-184. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1999.

  89 K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Running the Danish Eulerian Model on message passing computers". In: "Modelling Physical and Chemical Processes in the Atmosphere" (O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, S. Larsen and T. Mikkelsen, eds.), pp. 95-103. Proceedings of the Risø-NERI Workshop  (Roskilde, March, 12-13, 1999). National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, 1999.

  90. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Running large-scale air pollution models on parallel computers" In: "Air Pollution Modelling and Its Applications" (S.-E. Grynning and E. Batchvarova, eds.), pp. 223-232. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000.

  91. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Some numerical experiments with the parallel version of the two-dimensional Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics: II", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 73 (M. Griebel, S. Margenov and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 283-291. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 2000.

  92. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Fine-grid resolution in the Danish Eulerian Model and an implementation on an SGI Origin 2000 computer". In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations III". (S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 272-280. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.

  93. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel sparse matrix algorithms for air pollution models". In: "Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra". (J. Dongarra and E. J. Kontoghiorghes, eds.), pp. 91-109. Nova Science Publishers, Commack, NY, USA, 2001.

  94. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Studying a Eulerian computer model on different high-performance platforms and some applications". In: "Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences", Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Vol. 1302, pp. 476-485, doi:10.1063/1.3526647, 2010.

  95. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Notes on the numerical treatment of sparse matrices arising in a chemical model". In: "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM", pp. 39-44. Demetra, Sofia, 2010.

  96. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Runs of the UNI-DEM model on IBM Blue Gene computer and analysis of model performance". In: “Large Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 188-196. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5910, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2010.

  97. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Some notes on the implementation of sparse matrix techniques in an advection-diffusion module ". In: "BGSIAM’10: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM",, 2010.

  98. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Studying a Eulerian computer model on different high performance platforms and some applications". In: "Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences", Proceedings of the (Second AIP International Conference), AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1302 (2010), pp. 476-485, doi:10.1063/1.3526647.

  99. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: "Specialized sparse matrices solver in the chemical part of an environmental model ". In: “Numerical Methods and Applications” (I. Dimov, S. Dimova and N. Kolkovska, eds.), pp. 158-166. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6046, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.

100. K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: “Numerical experiments with applying approximate LU-factorizations as preconditioners for solving SLAEs with coefficient matrices from the “Sparse Matrix Market”” In: “AIP Conference Proceedings”, 1487, 104 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4758947.

101. P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Two enhancements in a partitioned sparse code". In: "Parallel Scientific Computing" (J. Dongarra and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 296-303. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

102. H. Hass, M. van Loon, C. Kessler, R. Stern, J. Mathijsen, F. Sauter, Z. Zlatev, J. Langner, V. Foltescu and M. Schaap: “Aerosol modelling: Results and intercomparison from European regional-scale modelling systems”. GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), EUROTRAC-2, Münich, 2003 (available from: ).

103. H. Hass, M. van Loon, J. Mathijsen, R. Stern and Z. Zlatev: “Continental scale aerosol modelling”. In: “Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002” (P. M. Midgley and M. Reuther, eds.). Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, 2002.

104. H. Hass, M. van Loon, J. Mathijsen, R. Stern, Z. Zlatev and J. Langner: “GLOREAM aerosol modelling intercomparison”. In: “Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling. Proceedings of the Sixth GLOREAM Workshop” (C. Borrego, P. Builtjes, A. I. Miranda, P. Santos and A. C. Carvalho, eds.), pp. 90-94. Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 2002.

105. Á. Havasi, I. Faragó and Z. Zlatev: Efficient numerical methods in air pollution transport modelling operator splitting and Richardson Extrapolation”, 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 9-12 May 2016, Budapest, Hungary.

106. O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, S. Larsen and T. Mikkelsen: Modelling Physical and Chemical Processes in the Atmosphere”, Proceedings of the Risoe-NERI Workshop, Roskilde (Denmark), 12-13 March, 1998, published in 1999.

107. S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, M. Winther, Z. Zlatev and F. Palmgren: Future air quality in Danish cities - effects of stricter emission norms [Denmark]; Fremtidig luftkvalitet i danske byer - effekter af skaerpede emissionsnormer. In: “Conference on traffic-days at Aalborg University, Aalborg (Denmark), 28-29 Aug. 2000” (available on

108. S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, M. Winther, Z. Zlatev and F. Palmgren: ”Fremtidig luftkvalitet i danske byer - effekter af skaerpede emissionsnormer”. Published by “Transportrådet og Aalborg Universitet” in  Isp's Skriftserie, 2000, pp.  265-274

109. S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, M. Winther, Z. Zlatev and F. Palmgren: Future air quality in Danish cities - impact assessment of the new EU emission and fuel quality directives”. In: ”Transport and Air Pollution” (R. Joumard, ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution, 5-8 June 2000, Avignon, France, 2000, pp. 167-174.

110. M. Roemer, M. Beekman, R. Bergsröm, G. Boersen, H. Feldmann, F. Flatøy, C. Honore, J. Langner, J. E. Jonson, J. Matthijsen, M. Memmesheimer, D. Simpson, P. Smeets, S. Solberg, D. Stevenson, P. Zandveld and Z. Zlatev: "Ozone trends according to ten dispersion models”. GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), EUROTRAC-2, Münich, 2003 (available from:

111. O. Østerby and Z. Zlatev: "Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices ". Lecture Notes in Computer Science 157, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.

112. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva and Z. Zlatev: "Sensitivity analysis of large-scale air pollution modelling: numerical aspects and highly parallel implementation". In: “Large_Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 197-205. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5910, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2010.

113. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva and Z. Zlatev: New parallel implementation of an air pollution computer model: Performance study on an IBM Blue Gene/P computer”. In: “Large Scale Scientific Computations” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 283-290, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7116, Springer, Berlin, 2012.

114. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, P. Marinov and Z. Zlatev: “Sensitivity of a large-scale air pollution model by using high-performance computations and Monte Carlo algorithms”. In: “Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences”, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1561 (2013), pp. 153-163, doi:10.1063/1.4827224.

115. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, P. Marinov and Z. Zlatev: “High performance computing of data for a new sensitivity analysis algorithm applied in an air pollution model”. Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8236 (2013), pp. 428-436.

116. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, P. Marinov, R. Georgieva and Z. Zlatev: “Advanced sensitivity analysis of the Danish Eulerian Model in parallel end grid environment”. In: Application of mathematics in technical and natural sciences” (Third AIP International Conference), AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1404 (2011), pp. 225-232.

117. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, V. Todorov and Z. Zlatev: "Sensitivity Analysis of an Air Pollution Model by Using Quasi-Monte-Carlo Algorithms for Multidimensional Numerical Integration", in "Numerical Methods and Applications", part of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (I. Lirkov and S. Margenov, eds.), Vol. 11189 (2019), pp. 281-289, Springer, Berlin, (

118. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel implementation and one year experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model" In: "Numerical Analysis and Its Applications" (Z. Li, L. Vulkov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 440-447. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.

119. Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel performance and scalability experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model on the EPCC supercomputers " In: "International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Its Applications", part of the Lecture Notes on Scientific Computing. Vol, 5434 (S. Margenov, L. G. Vulkov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 447-443, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.

120. Tz. Ostromsky, P. C. Hansen and Z. Zlatev: "A parallel sparse QR-factorization algorithm" In: “Applied Parallel Computing” (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 462-472. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

121. Tz. Ostromsky, K. Georgiev and Z. Zlatev: “An efficient highly parallel implementation of a large air pollution model on an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer”. In: “Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences”, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1487, pp. 135-142, 2012.

122. Tz. Ostromsky, W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev:Computational Challenges in Large-scale Air Pollution Modelling”. In “Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Supercomputing”, pp. 407-418. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Press, New York, 2001.

123. Tz. Ostromsky, S. Salvini, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: “Parallel Solution of Sparse Problems by Using a Sequence of Large Dense Blocks”. In “Applied Parallel Computing, Industrial Computation and Optimization” (J. Wasniewski, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and D. Olesen, eds.), pp. 65-76, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

124. Tz. Ostromsky, V. Todorov, I. Dimov and Z. Zlatev: "Efficient Stochastic Algorithms for Sensitivity Analysis in Air Pollution Modelling", in "Large-Scale Scientific Computing" (I. Lirkov and S. Margenov, eds.) Vol. 11958 (2020), pp. 420-428, Springer Nature, Switzerland (

125. Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Using dense matrix computations in the solution of sparse problems" In: "Numerical Analysis and Its Applications" (L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 357-364. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

126. Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Application of sparse matrix technique in the chemical part of a large air pollution model". In: "Large-scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 62 (M. Griebel, O. Iliev, S. Margenov and P. S. Vassilevski, eds.), pp. 189-198. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 1998.

127. Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel imlementation of a large-scale 3-D air pollution model". In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations III" (S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.) , pp. 309-316. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.

128. Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Flexible two-level parallel implementation of a large air pollution model". In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (I. Dimov, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 545-554. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 2542, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

129. Tz. Ostromsky and Z. Zlatev: "Parallel and GRID implementation of large scale air pollution models". In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev and G. Nikolov, eds.), pp. 475-482. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4310, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.

130. Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, P. C. Hansen and K. A. Gallivan: "Reordering of sparse matrices and application to a parallel sparse linear system solver". In: "Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modelling" (S. Markov, ed.), pp. 85-90. DATECS, Sofia, 1993.

131. W. Owczarz, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "PVM implementation of advection chemistry modules of air pollution models". In: “High Performance Computing in Europe on IBM Platforms" (M. Bubak and A. Moscinski, eds.), pp. 239-244. ACC CYFRONET - Krakow, Institute of Computer Science, Krakow, Poland, 1996.

132. W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev: "Running a large air pollution model on an IBM SMP computer". In: "Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling", (G. Barone, P. J. Builtjes and G. Giunta, eds.), pp. 153-177, Annalli, Facolta di Scienze Nautiche, Instituto Universitario Navale, Napoli, Italy, 2000.

133. W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev: "Running a large-scale air pollution model on fast supercomputers". In: "Atmospheric Modelling", (D. Chock and G. Carmichael, eds.), pp. 185-204. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.

134. W. Owczarz and Z. Zlatev: "Running a large air pollution model on an IBM SMP computer". In: "Parallel Computations", (M. Paprzyski and L. T. Yang, eds.), pp. 283-299. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003.

135. S. Skelboe and Z. Zlatev: "Exploiting the natural partitioning in the numerical solution of ODE systems arising in atmospheric chemistry". In: "Numerical Analysis and Its Applications" (L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 458-465. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

136. H. Skov, O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, A. Bastrup-Birk, T. Ellerman and L. Frohn:A comparison of results from a Lagrangian and an Eulerian Models with measurements”, contribution to the proceeding of the FECS Conference on Chemistry and Environment, H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26-28, 1998.

137. H. Skov and Z. Zlatev:Overskrider ozon i Danmark de kritiske niveauer i det foreslåede nye ozon direktiv?”, Presented at the conference: Dansk Miljøforskning, 1999.

138. H. Skov, Z. Zlatev, M. Glasius, F. Palmgren, R. Berckowicz, C. S. Stenholt, C. Lohse: The  importance of biogenic volatile organic compounds for the photochemical formation of tropospheric ozone: The Danish Experience”, Conference: International Expert Meeting, Barza d'Ispra (Italy), 6-7 March 2003 (Available from Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, Via E. Fermi 1, I 21020 Ispra, Italy (,.

139. D. Syrakov, M. Prodanova, Z. Zlatev and K. Slavov, K. Ganev, N. Miloshev and E. Nikolova:Preliminary results from the use of MM5-CMAQ system for estimation of pollution levels in southeast Europe”. In: “The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere”, First Accent Symposium, Urbino, September 12-16, 2005, (S. Fuzzi and M. Maione, eds.), pp. 113-118, 2005.

140. P. G. Thomsen and Z. Zlatev: "Studying the properties of variational data assimilation methods by applying a set of test-examples". In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, S. Margenov and K. Georgiev and G. Nikolov, eds.), pp. 492-499. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4310, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.

141. J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Running some modules of large air pollution models on massively parallel machines". In: "Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modelling" (S. Markov, ed.), pp. 99-102. DATECS, Sofia, 1993.

142. J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Comparison of two Connection machines using air pollution models". In: "Science on the Connection Machine System" (J.-M. Alimi, A. Serna and H. Scholl, eds.), pp. 141-150. Thinking Machine Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995.

143. J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev: "Running Large Sparse Problems on Shared Memory Computers". In: "Science Direct Working Paper No S1574-0358(04)70811-4”, Mathematics Preprint Archive Vol. 2003, Issue 1, pp 109-120. Available at SSRN:

144. J. Wasniewski, Z. Zlatev and K. Schaumburg: "A multibanking option of an iterative refinement subroutine for linear systems of algebraic equations". In: "Proceedings of the Spring Conference of Univac Users", Geneva, 1981.

145. Z. Zlatev: "Zero-stability of some linear multistep variable stepsize variable formula methods". In: "Proceedings of the Symposium on Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems" (G. Dahlquist, P. Loestedt and G. Soederlind, eds.), Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1979.

146. Z. Zlatev: "Sparse matrices for general matrices with real elements: pivotal strategies, decompositions and applications in ODE software". In: "Sparse Matrices and Their Application" (D. J. Evans, ed.), pp. 185-228. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-London, 1985.

147. Z. Zlatev: "Solving large systems of linear algebraic equations by use of package Y12M". In: "Structural Analysis Systems" (A. Niku-Lari, ed.), Vol. 2, pp. 152-160. Pergamon Press, New York, 1985.

148. Z. Zlatev: "Numerical treatment of some mathematical models describing long-range transport of air pollutants". In: "Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications" (S. M. Mazhar, A.Hamoui and N. S. Faour, eds.), pp. 367-383. Pergamon Press, New York, 1986.

149. Z. Zlatev: "The Danish Eulerian model for calculating sulphur and nitrogen pollution over Europe". In: "Budgets of Sulphur & Nitrogen Species in the Atmosphere" (H. ApSimon, ed.). EURASAP (European Association for the Science of Air Pollution), Brunel University, London, England, 1987.

150. Z. Zlatev: "Introduction of advanced chemical reactions in an Eulerian model: the first phase and the future tasks". In: "Budgets of Sulphur & Nitrogen Species in the Atmosphere" (H. ApSimon, ed.). EURASAP (European Association for the Science of Air Pollution), Brunel University, London, England, 1987.

151. Z. Zlatev: "Transition to variable stepsize variable formula methods for solving ordinary differential equations". In: "Computational Mathematics II" (S. O. Fatunla, ed.), pp. 97-114. Boole Press, Dublin, 1987.

152. Z. Zlatev: "The Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Meeting on the Assessment of the Meteorological Aspects in the Fourth Phase of EMEP (October 27-30, 1989, Sofia)", pp. 30-38. Report No. 65. Environmental Pollution Monitoring Programme, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989.

153. Z. Zlatev: "Computations with large and band matrices on vector processors". In: "Advances in Parallel Computing" (D. J. Evans, ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 7-37. JAI Press, London-Cambridge, England, 1990.

154. Z. Zlatev: "Solving band systems of linear equations by iterative methods on vector processors". In: "Numerical Linear Algebra, Digital Signal Processing and Parallel Computing" (G. Golub and P. Van Dooren, eds.), pp. 193-223. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1990.

155. Z. Zlatev: "Computational Methods for General Sparse Matrices". Mathematics and Its Application, Vol. 65, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1991 (the book is now distributed by Springer). 

156. Z. Zlatev: Langtransport af kvælstofoxider, kritiske niveauet og kontrolstrategier”. In the proceedings fra DCAR’s årsmøde om Kritical Load for Kvælstof”, København, 11. november 1992 (Claus Beier og Jes Fenger, eds.), pp. 22-25. Newsletter No. 5, DCAR (Danish Centre for Atmospheric Research), Copenhagen, 1993.

157. Z. Zlatev: "Running Air Pollution Models on Vector Machines". In: "Computer Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models" pp.193-223. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1995.

158. Z. Zlatev: "Computer Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models". Environmental Science and Technology Library, Vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1995 (the book is now distributed by Springer).

159. Z. Zlatev: "Parallel and vector computations: New era in air pollution modelling". In: "Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics 1994" (E. A. Lipitakis, ed.), Vol. 2, pp.325-332. Hellenic Mathematical Society, Athens, 1996.

160. Z. Zlatev: "Running large-scale air pollution models on parallel computers". In: "Proceedings of the Symposium on Regional Weather Prediction on Parallel Computer Environments" (G. Kallos, V. Kotroni and K. Lagouvardos, eds.), pp. 175-180. University of Athens, Athens, 1998.

161. Z. Zlatev: "Development of partitioned ODE methods with an application to air pollution models". In: "Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Applications II" (O. P. Iliev, M. S. Kaschiev, S. D. Margenov, Bl. H. Sendov and P. S. Vassilevski, eds.), pp. 135-146. World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong, 1999.

162. Z. Zlatev: "Using efficient numerical methods in large-scale air pollution modelling". In "Problems in Modern Applied Mathematics" (N. Mastorakis, ed.), pp. 60-65. World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, New York-Athens, 2000.

163. Z. Zlatev: "Application of special sparse solvers in the chemical part of air pollution models". In: "Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Engineering and Environmental Mathematics: II", Notes in Numerical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 73 (M. Griebel, S. Margenov and P. Yalamov, eds.), pp. 42-53. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, 2000.

164. Z. Zlatev: "Efficient treatment of large-scale air pollution models on supercomputers". In: "Computational Science – ICCS 2001". (V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, B. A. Juliano, R. S. Renner and C. J. Keneth Tan, eds.), pp. 82-91. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.

165. Z. Zlatev: "Long-Term Computations with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: Proceedings of the 5th Gloream Workshop”, Hotel Regina, Ch-3823 Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001.

166. Z. Zlatev: "Time-integration algorithms for the computer treatment of the horizontal advection in air pollution models". In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations III". (S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.) pp. 81-92. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.

167. Z. Zlatev: "Comprehensive air pollution studies by the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "GLOREAM (Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling): Annual Report 1999", Eurotrac-2, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), Münhen, 2001.

168. Z. Zlatev: "Massive data sets issues in air pollution modelling". In "Handbook on Massive Data Sets in Science and Engineering" (J. Abello, P. M. Pardalos, and M. G. C. Resende, eds.), pp. 1169-1220. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, 2002.

169. Z. Zlatev: Comprehensive air pollution studies by the Danish Eulerian Model”. In: “Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling. Proceedings of the Sixth GLOREAM Workshop” (C. Borrego, P. Builtjes, A. I. Miranda, P. Santos and A. C. Carvalho, eds.), pp. 61-69. Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 2002.

170. Z. Zlatev:Large Scale Air Pollution Models”. In: “Air Pollution Processes in Regional Scale” (D. Melas and D. Syrakov, eds.), pp. 373-384. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 2003.

171. Z. Zlatev: Numerical and Computational Challenges in Environmental Modelling”. In: “Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering” (A. E. Rodrigues, P. de Oliveira, J. A. Castro and J. A. Ferreira, eds.), pp. 111-127. Centro Internacional de Matemática, Coimbra, Portugal, 2003.

172. Z. Zlatev: Reliable implementation of iterative methods for solving linear algebraic equations”. In: AspenTech: Aspen World 2002 – Conference Proceedings”, Conference held in Washington, October 29 – November 1, 2002, 2003.

173. Z. Zlatev: “Comprehensive air pollution studies with the Unified Danish Eulerian Model (UNI-DEM)”. In: “Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics” (R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, M. Paprzycky and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 1125-1137. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.

174. Z. Zlatev: Parallel solution of very large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations”. In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations IV". (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 53-64 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.

175. Z. Zlatev: Large-scale computations with the Unified Danish Eulerian Model”. In: “Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing” (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 43-52. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.

176. Z. Zlatev: Parallel treatment of general sparse matrices”. In: Large_Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 53-64. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.

177. Z. Zlatev: "On some computational aspects of variational data assimilation techniques". In: "Numerical Methods and Applications" (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, S. Margenov and K. Georgiev and G. Nikolov, eds.), pp. 28-39. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4310, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.

178. Z. Zlatev: "Computational and numerical background of the Unified Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment" (A. Ebel and T. Datashvili, eds.), pp. 293-302. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: C. Environmental Security, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.

179. Z. Zlatev: "Environmental modelling, security measures and decision making". In: "Scientific support for the decision making in the security sector" (O. Kounchev, R. Willems, V. Shalamanov and T. Tsachev, eds.), pp. 274-288. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: D. Information and Communication Security 12, IOS Press, Amsterdam-Berlin-Oxford-Tokyo, Washington DC, 2007.

180. Z. Zlatev: "Environmental science computing". In: "Wiley Encyclopaedia of Computer Science and Engineering" (Benjamin Wah, ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., London-New York- Sydney- Toronto, 2008, DOI: 10.1002/9780470050118.ecse140.

181. Z. Zlatev, C. Ambelas Skjøth and A. A. Antonov: "Comprehensive air pollution studies by the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "GLOREAM (Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling): Annual Report 1998", Eurotrac-2, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS).  Münhen, 1999.

182. Z. Zlatev and E. Batchvarova: "Large-scale air pollution models". In: "Regional Transboundary Transport of Air Pollution", (D. Melas and U. F. Paleo, eds.), pp. 33-62. Universidad de Extramadura, Caceres, Spain, 2007.

183. Z. Zlatev, E. Berge, J. Christensen, A. Eliassen and Ø. Hov: "Long-range transport, critical levels and control strategies". In: "Proceedings of the EMEP Workshop on the Control of Photochemical Oxidants in Europe" (P. Anttilla, ed.), pp. 49-54. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Sahaajankatu 22 E FIN-00810 Helsinki, Finland, 1991.

184. Z. Zlatev, R. Bergström, J. Brandt, M. Jonson, J. E. Langner and M. Sofiev: "Studying sensitivity of air pollution levels caused by variations of different key parameters". Report 569: Tema Nord, Nordic Council of Ministers, Environment, 2001.

185. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz, J. Christensen, A. Eliassen, Ø. Hov, T. Iversen and L. P. Prahm: "A qualitative study of the sensitivity of an Eulerian air pollution model with non-linear chemistry to changes of certain physical parameters". In: "Proceedings of the EMEP Workshop on Photochemical Modelling for Long-range Transport in Relation to Abatement Strategies" (J. Pankrath, ed.), pp. 104-134. EMEP Workshop on Photochemical Modelling for Long-range Transport in Relation to Abatement Strategies (Berlin, April, 16-19, 1991). Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, 1991.

186. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz, J. Christensen, A. Eliassen, Ø. Hov and L. P. Prahm: "A Eulerian air pollution model with non-linear chemistry". In: "Proceedings of the EMEP Workshop on the Progress of Transport Modeling of Nitrogen Compounds" (J. Kluge, ed.), pp. 30-58. Deutscher Wetterdienst Zentralamt, Potsdam, Germany, 1991.

187. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Choice of time-integration scheme in pseudospectral algorithm for advection equations". In: "Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics" (K. W. Morton and M. J. Baines, eds.), pp. 303-321. Academic Press, London-New York, 1982.

188. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "PACKAGE ADM for solving advection -diffusion equations in atmospheric environments". In: "13. Nordiske Meteorologmøde - Copenhagen 1982" (H. Voldborg, ed.), pp. 389-400. Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, 1983.

189. Z. Zlatev, R. Berkowicz and L. P. Prahm: "Package ADM for studying long-range transport of pollutants in the atmosphere". In: "Software: Modules, Interfaces and Systems" (B. Engquist and T. Smedsaas, eds.), pp. 153-169. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.

190. Z. Zlatev and J. Brandt: "Solving large and stiff ODE systems arising in large air pollution models". In: "Differential Equations and Applications" (S. Bilchev and S. Tersian, eds.), pp.  152-172. Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians - Section Rouse, Rouse, 1995.

191. Z. Zlatev and J. Brandt: Testing Variational Data Assimilation Modules”. In: “Large Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 395-402. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.

192. Z. Zlatev and J. Brandt: Applying Variational Data Assimilation in Connection with an Atmospheric Chemical Scheme”. In: "Development and application of data assimilation in regional scale atmospheric chemistry models", Final report for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Project number 05FOX10, Nordic Council of Ministers, pp. 31-39, 2007.

193. Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling", NATO Science Series “Environmental Security”, Vol. 57, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1999.

194. Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose: "Conclusions of the NATO ARW on Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling". In: "Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling" (Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose, eds.), pp. 381-384. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1999.

195. Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, A. Eliassen and Ø. Hov: "Comparison of results obtained by a large-scale Eulerian model with measurements". In: “EMEP Workshop on the Accuracy of Measurements” (November 1993, Passau, Germany)" (T. Berg and J. Schaug, eds.), pp. 291-314. Norwegian Institute for Air Research, P. O. 100, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway, 1994.

196. Z. Zlatev and J. Christensen: "Studying the sulphur and nitrogen pollution over Europe". In: “Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application VII” (H. van Dop, ed.), pp. 351-360. Plenum Press, New York, 1989.

197. Z. Zlatev, J. Christensen and J. Brandt: "Large-scale Air Pollution Modelling". In: “Supercomputing Annual Report” (P. C. Hansen, ed.), pp. 67-70, UNI-C, Technical University of Denmark, 1994.

198. Z. Zlatev and I. Dimov: PDE systems arising in air pollution modelling and justification of the need for high speed computers”, in “Computational and Numerical Challenges in Environmental Modelling”, pp, 1-41, Studies in Computational Mathematics 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006

199. Z. Zlatev and I. Dimov:Using splitting techniques in treatment of air pollution models”, in “Computational and Numerical Challenges in Environmental Modelling”, pp, 43-87, Studies in Computational Mathematics 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006.

200. Z. Zlatev and I. Dimov:Treatment of the chemical part: general ideas and major numerical methods”, in “Computational and Numerical Challenges in Environmental Modelling”, pp, 109-135, Studies in Computational Mathematics 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006,

201. Z. Zlatev and I. Dimov:Error analysis of the partitioning procedures”, in “Computational and Numerical Challenges in Environmental Modelling”, pp, 137-155, Studies in Computational Mathematics 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006.

202. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Stability Properties of the Repeated Richardson Extrapolation Applied together with Some Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods", in "Finite Difference Methods - Seventh International Conference", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 11386 (2019), pp. 114-125, Springer, Berlin (,1007/978-3-030_11539-5_11).

203. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Absolute Stability and Implementation of Two-times Repeated Richardson Extrapolation Applied together with Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods", in "Finite Difference Methods - Seventh International Conference", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 11386 (2019), pp. 678-686, Springer, Berlin (https;//,1007/978-3-030_11539-5_80).

204. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev and Á. Havasi: "Studying the Influence of Climate Change on European Ozone Levels", in "Large-Scale Scientific Computing" (I. Lirkov and S. Margenov, eds.), Vol. 11958 (2020), pp. 391-399, Springer Nature, Switzerland (

205. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Tz. Ostromsky: "Richardson extrapolated numerical methods for treatment of one-dimensional advection equations". In: “Numerical Methods and Applications” (I. Dimov, S. Dimova and N. Kolkovska, eds.), pp. 198-206. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6046, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.

206. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Tz. Ostromsky: "Application of Richardson Extrapolation with the Crank-Nicolson scheme for multi-dimensional advection", in “Conference Applications of Mathematics 2013” in honour of Kerel Segeth (Jan Brandts, Sergey Korotov, Michal Křížek, Jakub Šístek and Tomáš Vejchodský, eds), pp. 248-256, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2013.

207. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó and Á. Havasi: "Richardson Extrapolation: Practical Aspects and Applications", Series in Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 2, De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2017.

208. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov and K. Georgiev: "Optimizing large air pollution models on high speed computers". In: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications, Sofia 1994" (I. Dimov, B. Sendov and P. Vassilevski, eds.), pp. 309-320. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore-New Jersey-London, 1994.

209. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov and K. Georgiev: "Experiments with three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian Model". In: "Lecture Notes on Biomathematics and Bioinformatics" (M. Gandev, ed.), pp. 76-83. DATECS, Sofia, 1995.

210. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, R. Blaheta: Using Advanced Mathematical Tools in Complex Studies Related to Climate Changes and High Pollution Levels”, in “International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing”, part of the “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (I. Lirkov and S. Margenov, eds.), pp. 552-559, Springer, Berlin, 2018.

211. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev and J. Wasniewski: "Parallel algorithms for large atmospheric models". In: "Applied Parallel Computing" (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 550-560. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.

212. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel, I. Farago and K. Georgiev: Major conclusions from the discussions”, In: “Advances in Air Pollution Modelling for Environmental Security”, (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi, K. Georgiev, eds.), pp. 395-399, NATO Science Series, 54, Springer, Berlin, 2005.

213. Z. Zlatev, A. Ebel and K. Georgiev: "Environmental modelling for security: Future needs and development of computer networking, numerics and algorithms". In: "Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment" (A. Ebel and T. Datashvili, eds.), pp. 351-356. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: C. Environmental Security, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.

214. Z. Zlatev, I. Faragó and Á. Havasi: "On some stability properties of the Richardson Extrapolation applied together with the θ-method". In: “Large Scale Scientific Computing” (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 54-66. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5910, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010.

215. Z. Zlatev, I. Faragó and Á. Havasi: "Mathematical Treatment of Environmental Models”, in “Progress in Industrial Mathematics”, ECMI, 2012, pp. 65-70.

216. Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Faragó, K. Georgiev, Á. Havasi and Tz. Ostromsky: "Richardson extrapolated numerical methods for treatment of one-dimensional advection equations". In: “Numerical Methods and Applications” (I. Dimov, S. Dimova and N. Kolkovska, eds.), pp. 198-206. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6046, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.

217. Z. Zlatev, G. Geernaert and H. Skov: "Exceeded ozone critical levels". In: "Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2000" (P. M. Midgley, M. Reuther and M. Williams, eds.), pp. 929-934. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.

218. Z. Zlatev and K. Georgiev: Treatment of large scientific problems: An introduction”. In: “Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing” (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 828-830. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.

219. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov:Parallel computations in a large-scale air pollution model”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 166-202, Bentham Science, 2013.

220. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov:Sensitivity of European pollution levels to changes of human-made emissions”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 276-300, Bentham Science, 2013.

221. Z. Zlatev, K. Georgiev, I. Dimov:Parallel computations in a large-scale air pollution model”, in Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Environmental Models: Needs and Availability” (I. Faragó, Á. Havasi and Z. Zlatev, eds.), pp. 301-326, Bentham Science, 2013

222. Z. Zlatev and D. Syrakov: Studying high ozone levels in Bulgaria and Europe”. In: "Large Scale Scientific Computations IV". (I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, P. Yalamov and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 337-344. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.

223. Z. Zlatev and D. Syrakov: Studying Pollution Levels in Bulgaria by Using a Fine Resolution Dispersion Model”. In: “Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application XVI” (C. Borrego and S. Incecik, eds.), pp. 245-252, NATO Challenges of Modern Society Series. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004.

224. Z. Zlatev and P. G. Thomsen: "An automatic differential equations solver based on linear multistep methods". In: “Working Papers for the 1979 Signum Meeting on Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations" (R. D. Skeel, ed.), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 1979.

225. Z. Zlatev and P. G. Thomsen: "Differential integrators based on linear multistep methods". In: "Methodes Numerique dans les Sciences de l'Ingenieur" (E. Absi, R. Glowinski, P. Lascaux and H. Veysseyre, eds.), DUNOD, Paris, 1980.

226. Z. Zlatev and P. G. Thomsen: "Sparse matrices - efficient decomposition and applications". In: "Sparse Matrices and Their Uses" (I. S. Duff, ed.), pp. 367-375. Academic Press, London-New York, 1981.

227. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "Package PARASPAR for the solution of large linear algebraic systems with general sparse matrices". In: "Second Workshop on Parallel Numerical Analysis”, Edinburgh, 1992" (K. I. M. McKinnon and F. Plab, eds.), pp.  29-54. Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1993.

228. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "Large scale air pollution modelling". In: "Second Workshop on Parallel Numerical Analysis”, Edinburgh, 1992" (K. I. M. McKinnon and F. Plab, eds.), pp.  55-72. Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1993.

229. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "Optimizing air pollution models on parallel machines". In: "Parallel Computation" (B. Ford and M. A. Fincham, eds.), pp. 115-133. Oxford University Press, London, 1993. 

230. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "Large scale computations in air pollution modelling". In: "Advances in Parallel Algorithms" (I. Dimov and O. Tonev, eds.), pp. 66-82. IOS Press, Amsterdam-Oxford-Washington-Tokyo, 1994.

231. Z. Zlatev and J. Wasniewski: "PARASPAR: Parallel solvers for sparse linear algebraic systems". In: "Parallel Scientific Computing" (J. Dongarra and J. Wasniewski, eds.), pp. 296-303. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

232. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski P. C. Hansen and Tz. Ostromsky: "PARASPAR: A Package for the Solution of Large and Sparse Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations on Parallel Computers with Shared Memory". "APPARC PaA6a Deliverable, ESPRIT Project BRA III Contract 6634, 1994.

233. Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski and K. Schaumburg: "Y12M – Solution of Large and Sparse Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations". In: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 157”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.




Department of Environmental Study, Aarhus University, Denmark

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