Papers in international scientific reviewed journals

  1. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 99-115, 1996.
  2. Brandt, J., J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Handling the chemical part in large air pollution models". Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 331-351, 1996.
  3. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The DREAM)". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol. 21. No. 5-6, pp. 441-444, 1996.
  4. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt, Z. Zlatev, and I. Uria, 1997: "Studying cumulative ozone exposures in Europe during a 7-year period". Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, No. D20, pp. 23917-23935, October 27, 1997.
  5. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Using partitioned ODE solvers in large air pollution models". Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation (SAMS), Vol. 32, pp. 3-17, 1998.
  6. Brandt, J., A. Bastrup-Birk, J. H. Christensen, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Testing the importance of accurate meteorological input fields and parameterizations in atmospheric transport modelling, using DREAM - validation against ETEX-1". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 32, No. 24, pp. 4167-4186, 1998.
  7. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Real time predictions of transport, dispersion and deposition from nuclear accidents". Environmental Management and Health. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 216-223, 1999. Paper awarded with the "Highly Commended Award, 2000" by the UK Literati Club Awards for Excellence, 2000.
  8. Zlatev, Z., J. Brandt and G. Geernaert, 1999: "Large scale air pollution models". Environmental Management and Health. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 198-200, 1999.
  9. Ambelas Skjøth, C., A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 2000. Studying variations of pollution levels in a given region of Europe during a long time-period. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation (SAMS), Vol. 37, pp. 297-311, 2000.
  10. Hertel, O., Palmgren, F., Ellermann, T., Skov, H., Kemp, K., Hovmand, M.F., and Brandt, J., 2000. IUPAC. Air Quality in Denmark. Chemistry International, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 133-135, September 2000.
  11. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev, 2000: "Numerical Modelling of Transport, Dispersion, and Deposition - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl". Environmental Modelling and Software, 15, pp. 521-531, 2000.
  12. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev, 2001: "Operational air pollution forecast modelling by using the THOR system". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 117-122, 2001.
  13. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, F. Palmgren, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev, 2001: "Operational air pollution forecasts from European to local scale". Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 35, Sup. No. 1, pp. S91-S98, 2001
  14. Frohn, L. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt and O. Hertel, 2001: "Development of a high resolution integrated nested model for studying air pollution in Denmark". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 769-774, 2001.
  15. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R. Berkovicz, 2001: "Operational air pollution forecast from regional scale to urban street scale. Part 1: system description", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 781-786, 2001.
  16. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Operational air pollution forecast from regional scale to urban street scale. Part 2: performance evaluation", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 825-830, 2001.
  17. Tilmes, S, Brandt, J., Flatøy, F., Bergström, R., Flemming, J., Langner, J., Christensen, J. H., Frohn, L. M., Hov, Ø., Jacobsen, I., Reimer, E., Stern, R. and Zimmermann, J., 2002: "Comparison of five Eulerian ozone prediction systems for summer 1999 using the German monitoring data". Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Vol. 42, pp. 91-121, 2002.
  18. Frohn, L. M. J. H. Christensen and J. Brandt, 2002: "Development of a high resolution nested air pollution model – the numerical approach". Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 179, pp. 68-94, 2002.
  19. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2002: "Modelling of transport and deposition of caesium and iodine from the Chernobyl accident using the DREAM model". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 2, pp. 397-417. (, 2002.
  20. Brandt, J. and T. Mikkelsen, 2002: "Mesoscale transport of air pollution". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Vol. 27, Issue 35, 2002, p. 1467, 2002.
  21. Geels, C., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and J. Brandt, 2002: "Simulating spatiotemporal variations of atmospheric CO2 using a nested hemispheric model". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Vol. 27, No. 35, pp. 1495-1505, 2002.
  22. Frohn, L. M., J. H. Christensen and J. Brandt, 2002: "Development and testing of numerical methods for two-way nested air pollution modelling". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Vol. 27, No. 35, pp. 1487-1494, 2002.
  23. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R Berkowicz, 2003: "Air pollution forecasting from regional to urban street scale – implementation and validation for two cities in Denmark". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol. 28, pp. 335-344, 2003.
  24. Geels, C., S. Doney, R. Dargaville, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2003: "Deconvolving the sources of synoptic variability in continuous atmospheric CO2 measurements over the Northern Hemisphere continents – a mesoscale model study". Accepted for Tellus, May 2003.
  25. Hertel, O., C. Ambelas Skjøth, J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, and J. Frydendall, 2003: "Operational Mapping of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the Baltic Sea". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. Vol. 3, pp. 3493-3523, 2003
  26. Frohn, L. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, C. Geels and K. M. Hansen, 2003: "Air pollution modelling using a 3-D hemispheric nested model". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. Vol. 3, pp. 3543-3588, 2003.
  27. Christensen, J. H., J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn and H. Skov, 2003: "Modelling of mercury with the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. Vol. 3, pp. 3525-3541, 2003.
  28. Geels, C., P. Bousquet, J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, P. Ciais, R. Dargaville, L. M. Frohn, M. Gloor, M. Heimann, U. Karstens, C. Rödenbeck, P. Peylin, L. Rivier, and A. T. Vermeulen. "Comparing Atmospheric Transport Models for Regional Inversions over Europe. Part 1: Mapping the CO2 Atmospheric Signals. Journal of Geophysical Research. In preparation.
  29. Vermeulen et al., 2003: "Comparing Atmospheric Transport Models for Regional Inversions over Europe. Part 2: Comparison of five atmospheric models for radon". Journal of Geophysical Research. In preparation.
  30. Rivier et al., 2003: "Comparing Atmospheric Transport Models for Regional Inversions over Europe. Part 3: Inverse modelling of CO2 using high-resolution data - budgets for Europe". Journal of Geophysical Research. In preparation.
  31. Karstens et al., 2003: "Detecting signal to noise ratio in atmospheric CO2". Journal of Geophysical Research. In preparation.
  32. Rivier et al., 2003: "Inverse modelling of CO2 using Transcom data". Journal of Geophysical Research. In preparation.
  33. Spokes, L., J. Brandt, J. Carstensen, T. Christiansen, D. Conley, L. Frohn, G. Geernaert, B. Gustafsson, C. Bay Hasager, P. Henriksen, O. Hertel, B. Jensen, T. Jickells, M. Johnsson, S. Kelly, B. Liljebladh, S. Lund, C. Lundsgaard, S. Markager, W. Martinsen, B. Møller, B. Pedersen, S. Pryor, K. Sauerberg, A. M. Sempreviva, L. L. Sørenson, G. Svensson, M. Tjernström, K. Weston, M. Zagar, 2003: "MEAD - Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition". In preparation.


Conference papers

  1. Zlatev, Z., J. Brandt, A. Eliassen and Ø. Hov, 1994: "Comparison of results obtained by a large-scale Eulerian model with measurements". Proceedings of the EMEP workshop on the accuracy of measurements - Passau (Germany). Edited by T. Berg and J. Schaug. pp. 291-314. EMEP (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe). Norwegian Institute for Air Research. N-2007 Kjeller, Norway, 1994.
  2. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1994: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". Nuclear Safety, Dispersion Prognoses and Consequences in the Environment - a Nordic development and harmonization effort. Tema Nord 1995:544, pp. 85-111, edited by Ulf Tveten. December 1994.
  3. Brandt, J., Z. Zlatev, T. Mikkelsen and S. Thykier-Nielsen, 1995: "Using a combination of two models for tracer simulations. Calculations performed by the National Environmental Institute (DMU) and Risø National Laboratory". Proceedings from the Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Comparison with the ETEX-1 Fullscale Experiment. NKS/EKO-4 Intercomparison/Validation Exercise held at Risø, Denmark, 6-7 June, 1995. Risø-R-847(EN), NKS EKO-4(95)1, December 1995, pp. 33-48. Eds.: Ulf Tveten and Torben Mikkelsen.
  4. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1995: "Solving large and stiff ODE systems arising in large air pollution models". Differential equations and applications. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Differential Equations and Applications - CDE'V. Held in Rousse, Bulgaria, August 24-29, 1995. pp. 152-172. Edited by S. Bilchev and S. Tersian.
  5. Brandt, J., T. Ellermann, E. Lyck, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Validation of a combination of two models for long-range tracer simulations". Proceedings of the 21st NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 6-10, 1995. Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application XI, Plenum Press, New York, 1996. Edited by S. Gryning and F. A. Schiermeier, pp. 461-469.
  6. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and L. Mortensen, 1996: "Critical levels of O3 for biomass production of European Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.)". In "Critical levels for ozone - experiments with crops, wild plants and forest tree species in the Nordic countries". Nordic Council of Ministers. TemaNord 1996:582, pp. 54-59. Eds.: Lena Skärby and Håkan Pleijel.
  7. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Large-scale parallel computations in air pollution modelling: fantasy, reality and... dreams". Proceedings of the 8th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing. Academic Computer Centre, Cyfronet-Kraków, September 17-21, 1996. Eds.: P. Borcherds, M. Bubak and A. Maksymowicz. Printed in Poland by Przedsiebiorstwo Poligraficzne, Tadeusz Rudkowski, ul. Szwedzka 70, 30-315 Kraków, 1996, pp. 524-531.
  8. Brandt, J., I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Coupling the Advection and the Chemical Parts of Large Air Pollution Models". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Applied Parallel Computing, Industrial Computation and Optimization, Vol. 1184. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop, PARA'96, UNI-C, Lyngby, Denmark, August 18-24, 1996, pp. 65-76. Springer, Berlin, December 1996. Eds.: J. Wasniewski, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and D. Olesen.
  9. Brandt, J., J. Christensen, I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Treatment of large air pollution models". Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. Proceedings from the First International Workshop, WNAA'96, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1196, Springer, Berlin, 1997. Edited by L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski and P. Yalamov, pp. 66-77.
  10. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Modelling the impact of long-range transported air pollutants on vegetation". In: G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev (Eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the first REMAPE workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-27. Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, July 1997, pp. 7-17.
  11. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Studying high ozone concentrations in Europe during a seven-years period". In: G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev (Eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the first REMAPE workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-27. Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, July 1997, pp. 19-47.
  12. Brandt, J., I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, I. Uria and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Numerical algorithms for the three-dimensional version of the Danish Eulerian Model". In: G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev (Eds.): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the first REMAPE workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-27. Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, July 1997, pp. 249-262.
  13. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The DREAM) - Results with ETEX-1". NKS/EKO-4(97)1. Proceedings from the second meeting on Nordic dispersion/trajectory model intercomparison with the ETEX-1 full-scale experiment. NKS/EKO-4 intercomparison/validation exercise held at FMI, Finland, December 4-5, 1996, pp. 19-32. Ed.: Ulf Tveten. Published by FMI, P.O. Box 503, FIN - 00101 Helsinki, Finland, March 1997.
  14. Brandt, J., A. Ebel, H. Elbern, H. Jakobs, M. Memmesheimer, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "The importance of accurate meteorological input fields and accurate planetary boundary layer parameterizations, tested against ETEX-1". In: Nodop, K. (ed.): ETEX Symposium on Long-Range Atmospheric Transport, Model Verification and Emergency Response, 13-16 May 1997, Vienna (Austria). Proceedings. European Commission - EUR 17346 EN, pp. 195-198.
  15. Brandt, J., J. Christensen, A. Ebel, H. Elbern, H. Jakobs, M. Memmesheimer, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "ETEX-1, 2nd phase: Calculations performed by NERI/Risø (Denmark) and the University of Cologne (Germany)". In: ATMES-II - evaluation of long-range dispersion models using data of the 1st ETEX release. EUR17756 EN, Joint Research Centre, European commission, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 6. Eds.: Mosca, S., Bianconi, R., Bellasio, R., Graziani, G. and Klug, W.
  16. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Efficient Algorithms for the Chemical Part of Large Air Pollution Models". In: Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems. Proceedings of the First Workshop on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations", Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1997. M. Gribel, O. P. Iliev, S. D. Margenov and P. S. Vassilevski (Eds.). Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol 62. Printed by Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany, 1998, pp. 145-154.
  17. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Studying Long-Range Transport from Accidental Nuclear Releases by Mathematical Models". In: Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems. Proceedings of the First Workshop on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations", Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1997. M. Gribel, O. P. Iliev, S. D. Margenov and P. S. Vassilevski (Eds.). Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol 62. Printed by Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany, 1998, pp. 136-144.
  18. Brandt, J. and T. Knudsen, 1998: "Integrating GIS and external tools for spatio-temporal analysis of time series of remote sensing data". In: P. Gudmandsen (Ed.), Future Trends in Remote Sensing. Proceedings from the 17th EARSeL symposium, Lyngby, Denmark, June 17-19, 1997. Published by A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1998, pp. 117-123.
  19. Knudsen, T. and J. Brandt, 1998: "GIS and high-resolution atmospheric modelling for corrections of sea surface observations from the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter". In: P. Gudmandsen (Ed.), Future Trends in Remote Sensing. Proceedings from the 17th EARSeL symposium, Lyngby, Denmark, June 17-19, 1997. Published by A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1998, pp. 373-378.
  20. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Modelling transport and dispersion from accidental releases". In: H. Hass and I. Ackermann (Eds.), Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling, Proceedings of the first GLOREAM workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, September 10-12, 1997, pp. 167-176, February 1998.
  21. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Modelling the impact of ozone concentrations on human health and vegetation at selected sites in Europe". In: H. Hass and I. Ackermann (Eds.), Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling, Proceedings of the first GLOREAM workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, September 10-12, 1997, pp. 157-166, February 1998.
  22. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Long term calculations with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: H. Hass and I. Ackermann (Eds.), Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling, Proceedings of the first GLOREAM workshop, Ford Research Centre, Aachen, Germany, September 10-12, 1997, pp. 147-156, February 1998.
  23. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Modelling Atmospheric Transport, Dispersion, and Deposition on Short and Long Range - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl - a contribution to subproject GLOREAM". In Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium ’98, Vol II, March 23-27, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. Eds. Patricia. Borrell and Peter Borrell. WIT Press, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 570-574.
  24. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Studying Air Pollution Problems in Europe by Using the Danish Eulerian Model and TreGro - A contribution to subproject GLOREAM". In Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium ’98, Vol II, March 23-27, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. Eds. Patricia. Borrell and Peter Borrell. WIT Press, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 565-569.
  25. Ambelas Skjøth, C., A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 2000: "Studying ozone episodes in Europe with the Danish Eulerian Model". Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XIII, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Proceedings of the 23st NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting, September 28 - October 2, Varna, Bulgaria, Eds.: S. Gryning and E. Batchvarova. pp. 331-338.
  26. Brandt, J., Bastrup-Birk, A., J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Numerical Modelling of Transport, Dispersion, and Deposition - Validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl". In: Proceedings from the International Conference on Air Modelling and Simulation (APMS98), Vol 2. Champs-sur-Marne, Paris, France, October 26-29, 1998, pp. 351-376.
  27. Ambelas Skjøth, C., A. Bastrup-Birk, J. Brandt, and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Studying air pollution problems in France by using the Danish Eulerian Model". In: Proceedings from the International Conference on Air Modelling and Simulation (APMS98), vol 1. Champs-sur-Marne, Paris, France, October 26-29, 1998, pp. 45-55.
  28. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Real time predictions of transport and dispersion from a nuclear accident". In: Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling. Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental Security - Vol. 57. pp. 53-62. Eds.: Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P.J.H. Builtjes, I Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose.
  29. Ambelas Skjøth, C., Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Long-term calculations with large air pollution models". In: Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling. Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental Security - Vol. 57. pp. 25-38. Eds.: Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P.J.H. Builtjes, I Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose.
  30. Zlatev, Z., J. Brandt, P. J. H. Builtjes, G. Carmichael, I. Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. san Jose, 1999: "Conclusions of the NATO ARW on large scale computations in air pollution modelling". In: Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling. Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO Science Series, 2. Environmental Security - Vol. 57. pp. 381-384. Eds.: Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, P.J.H. Builtjes, I Dimov, J. Dongarra, H. van Dop, K. Georgiev, H. Hass and R. San Jose.
  31. Brandt, J., J.H. Christensen, and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Modelling of high-resolution long-range transport and deposition from the Chernobyl accident by using DREAM". Proceedings from the 2nd GLOREAM workshop, Madrid, Spain, September 16-18, 1998. Eds.: Roberto San José and Peter J.H. Builtjes. Printed at: Technical University of Madrid, Spain and TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, pp 135-146.
  32. Ambelas Skjøth, C., J. Brandt, and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Long term computations with the Danish Eulerian Model". Proceedings from the 2nd GLOREAM workshop, Madrid, Spain, September 16-18, 1998. Eds.: Roberto San José and Peter J.H. Builtjes. Printed at: Technical University of Madrid, Spain and TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, pp 116-128.
  33. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Optimization of operational air pollution forecast modelling from European to local scale". Special issue on Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling, Istituto Universitario Navale Napoli. Annali, Faclota Di Scienze Nautiche, Napoli 2000. Proceedings from the 3rd GLOREAM workshop, Ischia (Napoli), Italy, September 22-24. Eds.: G Barone, P.J. Builtjes and G. Giunta, pp. 269-279.
  34. Frohn, L. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, and O. Hertel, 1999: "Development of a high resolution model for studying air pollution". Special issue on Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling, Istituto Universitario Navale Napoli. Annali, Faclota Di Scienze Nautiche, Napoli 2000. Proceedings from the 3rd GLOREAM workshop, Ischia (Napoli), Italy, September 22-24. Eds.: G Barone, P.J. Builtjes and G. Giunta, pp. 3-13.
  35. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R. Berkowicz, 2000: "Integration of Regional, Urban Background and Street Canyon models for Operational Air Pollution forecasting". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 2000 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 27-31 March 2000, pp. 73-80. Springer-verlag. Invited paper.
  36. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R. Berkowicz, 2000: "Validation of regional and urban air pollution forecasts". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 2000 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 27-31 March 2000, G, pp. 5. Springer-verlag.
  37. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, G. L. Geernaert, and R. Berkowicz, 2000: "Development of a new operational air pollution forecast system on regional and urban scale". Millennium NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XIV, 15-19 May 2000, Boulder Colorado, USA, pp. 573-581. Eds. Gryning and Schiermeier. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
  38. Tilmes, S, J. Brandt, F. Flatøy, R. Bergström, J. Flemming, J. Langner, J. H. Christensen, A. Ebel, R. Friedrich, L. M. Frohn, A. Heidegger, Ø. Hov, I. Jacobsen, H. Jakobs, E. Reimer, R. Stern, B. Wickert and J. Zimmermann, 2002: Intercomparison of Eulerian ozone prediction systems within GLOREAM for summer 1999 using the German monitoring data. Schaller, E., Builtjes, P. and Münzenberg, A., (Eds.). Proceedings, 4th GLOREAM Workshop, 20-22 September 2000, Cottbus, Germany, 2002, pp. 17-23.
  39. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Air pollution forecasting from regional to urban street scale - implementation and validation for two cities in Denmark". Proceedings from the fifth GLOREAM workshop, Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001, pp. 8.
  40. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, 2001: "A Hemispheric Nested Model for CO2". Proceedings from the fifth GLOREAM workshop, Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001, pp. 19.
  41. Ambelas Skjøth, C., J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Validation methods in meteorological and air pollution modelling". Proceedings from the fifth GLOREAM workshop, Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001, pp. 11.
  42. Geels, C., S. C. Doney, R. Dargaville, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Deconvolving the sources of synoptic variability in atmospheric CO2 over the Northern Hemispheric continents – a mesoscale model study". Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, October 1-5, 2001. Extended Abstracts, Vol. II, pp. 786-789.
  43. Hertel, O., S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, J. Brandt and J. Christensen, 2002: "Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposures to Air Pollution in Danish Cities". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 2002 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 March 2002. To appear.
  44. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, C. A. Skjøth, R. Berkowicz and O. Hertel, 2002: "The THOR Integrated Model System". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 2002 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 March 2002. To appear.
  45. Ciais, P., T. Alto, P. Bousquet, J. Brandt, A. Chevillard, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, M. Gloor, M. Gusti, M. Heimann, S. Houwelling, U. Karstens, S. Koerner, P. Peylin, C. Roedenbeck, A. Vermeulen, and A. S. Denning, 2002:."Intercomparison of mesoscale transport models for CO2 and Rn over Europe: a concerted action within the AEROCARB project". The AGU 2002 Spring Meeting. Washington Convention Center. Washington, DC, 28 - 31 May 2002. To appear.
  46. Jickells, T., L. Spokes, K. Weston, M. Tjernström, G. Svensson, M. Zager, B. Gustafsson, B. Liljebladh, M. Johnsson, L-L Sørensen, C. Hasager, A. M. Sempreviva, S. Pryor, S. Lund, D. Conley, G. Geernaert, B. Jensen, S. Markager, J. Brandt, J. Carstensen, T. Christiansen, L. Frohn, P. Henriksen, O. Hertel, C. Lundsgaard, S. Markager, W. Martinsen, B. Møller, B. Pedersen, K. Sauerberg and C. Skjøth, 2002: "Marine effects of atmospheric Deposition – MEAD". University of Pau, pp. 8. To appear.
  47. Fischer, M. and J. Brandt, 2002: "ALTEReco – City of Aalborg – Air pollution model". 11th International Symposium Transport and Air Pollution", June 19-21, 2002, Graz, Austria. pp. 8.
  48. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, M. Fischer og M. B. Christensen, 2002: "Luftforureningsudsigter og trafikscenarier", Natur- og Miljøforsknings-konference, 22.-23. august 2002, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 163-164.
  49. Frohn, L. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, C. Geels and K. M. Hansen, 2002: "DEHM – et modelværktøj til vurdering af luftforurening", Natur- og Miljøforsknings-konference, 22.-23. august 2002, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 161-162.
  50. Geels, C., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt and L. M. Frohn, 2002: "Model simuleringer af atmosfærisk CO2 over Europa", Natur- og Miljøforsknings-konference, 22.-23. august 2002, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 181-182.
  51. Geels, C., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn and K. M. Hansen, 2003: "A nested hemispheric model for simulations of atmospheric CO2". 26th NATO/CCMS International Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, May 26-30, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 163-170.



  1. Brandt, J. and A. W. Hansen, 1995, 1996 and 1997: "Nyere danske klimamålinger" (In English: "Recent climatic measurements in Denmark"). Københavns Universitets Almanak, 1995 (reprinted in 1996 and 1997). Published by University of Copenhagen, pp. 85-93, 1994. Printed by J. H. Schultz Grafisk A/S. Redaktion Lilian Noval, Almanakken.
  2. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt, and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Studying air pollution levels in Europe with the Danish Eulerian Model". In: R. San Jose (Ed.), Measuring and Modelling Investigation on Environmental Processes, Vol. 2, Computational Mechanics Publications, Environmental Engineering series, WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southhampton, SO40 7AA, UK, pp. 71-105, 1999.
  3. Brandt, J., 1999: "En introduktion til luftforureningsmodeller". For high-school students, VisionQuest, pp. 35, 1999.
  4. Brandt, J., 2000: "Luftforureningsmodeller", Interactive CD-ROM, UNI-C, 2000.
  5. Brandt, J., O. Hertel and J. Fenger, 2001. "Borte med blæsten? - modeller til vurdering af luftforurening", TEMA-rapport fra DMU, 37/2001, pp 56.
  6. Hertel, O., J. Brandt and J. Fenger, 2005: "Air Pollution Modelling – in Environmental Assessment and Management". Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 400. In preparation for publication in 2005.


Scientific reports in English

  1. Zlatev, Z., J. Christensen and J. Brandt, 1994: "Large-Scale Air Pollution Modelling". Supercomputing Annual Report 1994. pp. 67-70. Published by UNI-C, The Technical University of Denmark, Building 304, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. Ed.: Per Christian Hansen. Printed by Fihl-Jensens bogtrykkeri/Offset a/s.
  2. Kostwinder, H., J. Brandt, G. Cats and Z. Zlatev, 1996: Deliverable of workpackage EM1 (Embedding of high-resolution models) of the WEPTEL project: "Report on the specification of interfaces for the WEPTEL project", December 15, 1996, pp. 5.
  3. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1997: Using a series of scenarios to study the effect of varying ozone concentrations on forests in Scandinavia. NMR report, pp. 14.
  4. Kostwinder, H., J. Brandt, G. Cats and Z. Zlatev, 1997: Deliverable of Workpackage EM2 of the WEPTEL project: "Report on the integration of models HIRLAM, DEM and DREAM", May 15, 1997, pp. 31.
  5. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1997: Deliverable DT1 of workpackage WP3 of the EUROAIR project: "Definition of the major tasks that are to be solved within the EUROAIR project", October 15, 1997, pp. 18.
  6. Brandt, J, 1998: "Modelling Transport, Dispersion and Deposition of Passive Tracers from Accidental Releases". PhD thesis, National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark. 307 pp.
  7. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1998: Deliverable of workpackage EM4, Embedding of High Resolution Models, of the WEPTEL project: "HPCN Implementation of the Danish Eulerian model, May, 1998, pp. 40.
  8. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1998: Deliverable DT2 of workpackage WP3 of the EUROAIR project: Studying environmental problems in Europe by using air pollution models, ESPRIT 24618. An activity within the HPCN - DANHIT. "Studying the variations of pollution levels in a given region of Europe due to changes of emission sources", April 1998, pp. 54.
  9. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1998: Studying environmental problems in Europe by using air pollution models. Public final report. ESPRIT HPCN PST activity, EUROAIR #24618, Twelve month progress report FR12. 28 pp., October 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  10. Zlatev, Z. and J. Brandt, 1998: Studying environmental problems in Europe by using air pollution models. Conference activities. ESPRIT HPCN PST activity, EUROAIR #24618. Report on conference activities: PR1.2. 8 pp., October 1998, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  11. Kostwinder, H., J. Brandt, G. Cats and Z. Zlatev, 1999: Operational Embedding. Deliverable EM5. Report on the adapted and integrated models for operational production. Workpackage EM, Embedding of high resolution models. May 15, 1999, pp. 15.
  12. Brandt, J, 1998: "Modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition. Contribution to sub-project GLOREAM". Eureka Environmental Project, EUROTRAC-2, GLOREAM (Global and Regional Atmospheric Modelling), pp. 34-35. September 1998.
  13. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz and F. Palmgren, 2000: "The DMU-ATMI THOR Air Pollution Forecast System - System description". National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark. 60 pp. – NERI Technical Report No. 321.
  14. Brandt, 2000: "Modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition". EUROTRAC-II annual report 1998, GLOREAM, Global and Regional Atmospheric modelling, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, Munich, Germany, pp. 42-44, May, 2000.
  15. Brandt, J., 2001: "Modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition: Operational Air Pollution Forecasts on Regional and Urban Scales". EUROTRAC-II annual report 1999, GLOREAM, Global and Regional Atmospheric modelling, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, Munich, Germany, pp. 42-44, April, 2001.
  16. Frohn, L., Ambelas Skjøth. C., Brandt, J. and Hertel, O., 2001: "Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to Kattegat". In: MEAD, Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition. EVK3-CT-1999-00014. Work package 3, Retrospective analysis. First annual report, Ed.: C. B. Hasager, 22 pp.
  17. Hertel, O., Jensen, S. S., Berkowicz, R., Brandt, J., and Christensen, J., 2001. Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities. In Moussiopoulos, N., Borrego, C., Graziani, G., van den Hout, D., Palmgren, F., Schatzmann, M., and Louka, P. EUROTRAC-2 SATURN Annual Report for 2000. pp. 92-95.
  18. Brandt, J. J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and C. Geels, 2001: "Airborne European Regional Observations of the Carbon Balance, AEROCARB. EVK2-CT-1999-00013. First annual report. pp. 59-64.
  19. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz and C. Ambelas Skjøth, 2001: "Modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition; Operational air pollution forecasts on regional and urban scales". EUROTRAC-II annual report 2000, GLOREAM, Global and Regional Atmospheric modelling, International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, Munich, Germany, pp. 48-53, September, 2001.
  20. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz, 2000: "Validation of the DMU-ATMI THOR Air Pollution Forecast System for the City of Aalborg, Technical report. National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 20.
  21. Zlatev, Z., Bergström, R., Brandt, J., Hongisto, M. Jonson, J. E., Langner, J. and Sofiev, M., 2001: "Studying sensitivity of air pollution levels caused by variations of different key parameters", TemaNord 2001:569. pp. 47.
  22. Tilmes, S, J. Brandt, F. Flatøy, R. Bergström, J. Flemming, J. Langner, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, Ø. Hov, I. Jacobsen, E. Reimer, R. Stern and J. Zimmermann, 2001: "Comparison of five Eulerian air pollution forecasting systems for the summer 1999 using the German ozone monitoring data. DWD annual report, 2000, pp 11, 2001.
  23. Hasager, C. B., J. Carstensen, L. Frohn, B. Gustafson, J. Brandt, D. Conley, G. Geernaert, P. Henriksen and C. Skjøth, 2001: Retrospective analysis. Data matrix of atmospheric deposition and phytoplankton data using satellite imagery. Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition (MEAD), EVK3-CT-1999-00014, Deliverable D3, MEAD report No. 1.
  24. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Traffic scenarios for the city of Aalborg using the DMU-ATMI THOR model system", Technical report. National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 20.
  25. Hasager, C. B., J. Carstensen, L. Frohn, B. Gustafson, J. Brandt, D. Conley, G. Geernaert, P. Henriksen and C. Skjøth, 2001: MEAD retrospective analysis report. Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, October 2001, pp. 86. Risø-I-1732 (EN).
  26. Hertel, O., Jensen, S. S., Berkowicz, R., Brandt, J., and Christensen, J., 2001. Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities. EUROTRAC-2 SATURN Annual Report for 2001. International Scientific Secretariat (ISS) GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health Germany 2002, pp. 4.
  27. Ciais, P., Francesco Apadula, Jørgen Brandt, Luigi Ciattaglia, Laszlo Haszpra, Markus C. Leuenberger, Ingeborg Levin, Martin Heimann, Ronald W.A. Hutjes, Harro Meijer, John Moncrieff and Alex T. Vermeulen, 2002: AEROCARB, Second Periodic Report, Contract No. EVK2-CT-1999-00013, European Commission, pp. 76.
  28. Pacyna, J. M., K. Breivik, D. Broman, I. Cousins, J. Persson, G. Geernaert, J. Christensen and J. Brandt, 2002: "Impacts of input changes of selected POPs to the Baltic Sea (BALPOP)". Final project report. NILU, Norway. pp. 17.
  29. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, C. A. Skjøth, R. Berkowicz and O. Hertel, 2002: "The THOR Integrated Model System". GLOREAM final report". To appear.
  30. Brandt, J., 2002: "THOR – an Integrated Air Pollution Forecasting and Scenario Management System". Internal Report, pp. 9.
  31. Spokes, Lucinda, Jørgen Brandt, Jacob Carstensen, Trine Christansen, Daniel Conley, Lise Frohn, Gary Geernaert, Bo Gustafsson, Charlotte Bay Hasager, Peter Henriksen, Ole Hertel, Bjane Jensen, Tim Jickells, Martin Johnsson, Simon Kelly, Bengt Liljebladh, Søren Lund, Claus Lundsgaard, Stiig Markager, Winnie Martinsen, Berit Møller, Britta Pedersen, Sara Pryor, Keld Sauerberg, Anna Maria Sempreviva, Lise Lotte Sørenson, Gunilla Svensson, Michael Tjernström, Keith Weston, Mark Zagar, 2003: "MEAD - Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition". MEAD final report. In preparation.
  32. Jensen, Steen Solvang, Ruwim Berkowicz, Jørgen Brandt, Eva Willumsen, and Niels Buus Kristensen, 2003: "ExternE Transport methodology for external cost evaluation of air pollution. Estimation of Danish Exposure factors. NERI Technical Note, July 2003, pp. 26.
  33. Brandt, J., 2003: Peer review of EPA’s GENII-NESHAPs model and accompanying documentation, July 2003, pp. 31.


Scientific reports in Danish

  1. Brandt, J., 1994: "En analyse af klimamålinger udført ved Forskningscenter Risø og Landbohøjskolens forsøgsstation Højbakkegård" (In English: An analysis of climate measurements carried out at Risø National Laboratory and at The Agricultural University's experimental Station Højbakkegård"). MSc thesis, pp. 126, June 1994.
  2. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz, 2001: "Opsætning og validering af DMU-ATMI THOR systemet for Aalborg. Teknisk report. National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 13.
  3. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Trafikscenarier for Aalborg beregnet med DMU-ATMI THOR model systemet". Teknisk report. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 20.
  4. Brandt, J., C. A. Skjøth, O. Hertel and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Beregninger af luftforurening fra trafik på 11 gadestrækninger i København ved brug af DMU-ATMI THOR modelsystemet". Teknisk report. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 17.
  5. Kjellsson, G., B. Boelt, P. B. Holm, B. L. Møller, I. Bertelsen, P. K. Jensen, C. Damgaard, L. M. Frohn, J. Brandt, P. Løfstrøm, B. Strandberg, S. Pedersen, J. Pedersen og G. S. Poulsen, 2002: "Konsekvenser af genmodificerede afgrøder for økologisk jordbrug". FØJO Vidensysntese. FØJO-rapport nr. 16/2002, Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug (FØJO), Gösta Kjellsson og Birte Boelt (Red.), pp. 137.


Popular articles and newsletters

  1. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Luftforurening i TV's vejrudsigter - DMU's bidrag til EU-projektet WEPTEL. Det Må Ud, pp. 1-5, 12 januar, uge 3, 1998.
  2. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "DMU-ATMI THOR luftforureningsprognosesystem", Det Må Ud, 8, uge 19, pp. 3, Maj 1999.
  3. Brandt, J., 2000 "Prognoser for luftforurening", DMU, Beretning og aktiviteter, 1999-2000, pp. 18-19.
  4. Hertel, O., S. S. Jensen, J. Brandt, and J. Fenger, 2001: "Hvor meget luftforurening udsættes vi for?", Miljø og Sundhed - Sundhedsministeriets Miljømedicinske Forskningscenter. Formidlingsblad nr. 17, september 2001, pp. 4-7.
  5. Brandt, J., Hertel, O. & Fenger, J., 2001: "Borte med blæsten? - modeller af luftforurening. Ny temarapport fra DMU". Miljø og Sundhed - Sundhedsministeriets Miljømedicinske Forskningscenter. Formidlingsblad nr. 17, september 2001
  6. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, O. Hertel and J. Fenger, 2001: "Luftudsigten for de næste 3 dage...". Vejret, Medlemsblad for Dansk Meteorologisk Selskab (DAMS), Nr. 4 – 23. årgang, December 2001 (89), pp 25-34.
  7. Hertel,. O., J. Brandt, J. Fenger, L. M. Frohn, C. A. Skjøth og J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Hvor meget kan man stole på luftkvalitetsmodeller". Vejret, Medlemsblad for Dansk Meteorologisk Selskab (DAMS), Nr. 4 – 23. årgang, December 2001 (89), pp 35-43.
  8. Brandt, J. & J. Fenger, 2003: "THOR – et informations og varslingssystem for luftforurening". Stads- og HavneIngeniøren. Submitted.


Conference posters

  1. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and L. Mortensen, 1996: "Critical Levels for O3 for Biomass of European Beech". Poster presented at the Critical Levels Workshop in Kuopio. Finland 15-17 April 1996.
  2. Brandt, J. and T. Knudsen, 1997: "Integrating GIS & external tools for spatio-temporal analysis of time-series of remote sensing data". At the EARSeL symposium "Future Trends in Remote Sensing", Lyngby, Denmark, pp. 6. June 17-19, 1997.
  3. Knudsen, T. and J. Brandt, 1997: "GIS and high-resolution atmospheric modelling for corrections of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter". At the EARSeL symposium "Future Trends in Remote Sensing", Lyngby, Denmark, pp. 6, June 17-19, 1997.
  4. Bastrup-Birk, A., K. Tybirk, L. Emborg, J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Integrated Environmental Assessment of Effects from Long-Range Transported Air Pollution". At the 5th US Dutch International Symposium, Air Pollution in the 21st Century, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, April 13-17, 1997.
  5. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Running different scenarios with the Danish Eulerian Model". At ModSim'97. Workshop on the Role of Modeling and Simulation in Environmental Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 21-24, 1997.
  6. Brandt J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Modelling atmospheric transport, dispersion, and deposition on short and long range - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl". Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. EUROTRAC-II symposium, GLOREAM, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, March 23-27, 1998.
  7. Bastrup-Birk, A., J. Brandt and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Studying Air Pollution Problems in Europe by Using the Danish Eulerian Model and TreGro (contribution to the EUROAIR EU-Project)". Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere. EUROTRAC-II symposium, GLOREAM, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, March 23-27, 1998.
  8. Skov, H., O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, J. Brandt, A. Bastrup-Birk, T. Ellerman, and L. Frohn: "A comparison of a Lagrangian and an Eulerian model for the assessment of nitrogen load to Danish waters". 6th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution (VOC, Oxidants/NOx and particulates). H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26-28, 1998.
  9. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, F. Palmgren, Ruwim Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Operational air pollution forecasts on European and local scale". International conference on Air Quality in Europe: Challenges for the 2000s, Venice, May 19-21, 1999.
  10. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "Luftforureningsudsigter for Europa og Danmark". Green Mermaid Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-6, 1999.
  11. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, 2000: "Optimization and validation of regional and urban air pollution forecasts", EUROTRAC 2000 Symposium, March 27-31, 2000, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
  12. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, 2000: "Performance evaluation of regional and urban air pollution forecasts", European Geophysical Society XXV Assembly, Nice, France, April 25-29, 2000. Title of session: "OA21: Open session on mesoscale transport of air pollution".
  13. Frohn, L. M., D. J. Conley, O. Hertel, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2000: "Atmospheric input of nitrogen to the Danish marine environment". American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 5-9 June, Bella Center, Denmark.
  14. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 2000: Luftudsigten for de næste 3 dage..., Københavns trafikuge, 18-23 September.
  15. Tilmes, S., J. Brandt, F. Flatoy, J. Langner, J. Flemming, R. Bergström, J. H. Christensen, A. Ebel, R. Friedrich, L. M. Frohn, A. Heidegger, Ø. Hov, I. Jacobsen, H. Jakobs, E. Reimer, R. Stern, B. Wickert, J. Zimmermann, 2000: Comparison of Eulerian ozone prediction systems within GLOREAM for summer 1999 using the German monitoring data. Poster at the IV GLOREAM workshop, Cottbus, Germany, 22-24 September, 2000.
  16. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R. Berkowicz, 2000: Luftudsigten for de næste 3 dage..., Second Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, 9 November, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  17. Hasager, C. B, J. Carstensen, L. Frohn, J. Brandt, D. Conley, G. Geernaert, B. Gustavson and P. Henriksen, 2000: Retrospective analysis of algae blooms in the Kattegat Sea. Second Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, 9 November, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  18. Geels, C., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and J. Brandt, 2001: "Quantifying spatial and temporal variations of CO2 concentrations using a nested hemispheric model". European Geophysical Society XXVI Assembly, Nice, France, April 25-29, 2001. Title of session: "OA15: Open session on mesoscale transport of air pollution".
  19. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Air pollution forecasting from regional to urban street scale - implementation and validation for two cities in Denmark". The fifth GLOREAM workshop, Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001.
  20. Geels, C., S. C. Doney, R. Dargaville, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Deconvolving the sources of short-term variability in atmospheric CO2 over Northern Hemispheric continents – a mesoscale model study". Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, October 1-5, 2001.
  21. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: Quantifying spatial and temporal variations of CO2 concentrations using a nested hemispheric model. Third Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, November 15, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  22. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2001: Air pollution forecasting from regional to urban street scale - validation and comparison of two cities in Denmark. Third Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, November 15, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  23. Geels, C., S. C. Doney, R. Dargaville, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Deconvolving the sources of short-term variability in atmospheric CO2 over Northern Hemispheric continents – a mesoscale model study". Third Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, November 15, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  24. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2002: "Testing Different Parameterizations of Terrestrial CO2 Fluxes in a Hemispheric Nested Model". 2nd CarboEurope Meeting Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 March 2002.
  25. Hertel, O., S. S. Jensen, R. Berkowicz, J. Brandt and J. Christensen, 2002: "Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposures to Air Pollution in Danish Cities". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. EUROTRAC-2 2002 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 March 2002.
  26. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, C. A. Skjøth, R. Berkowicz, P. Løfstrøm and O. Hertel, 2002: "The THOR Integrated Model System". Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere. EUROTRAC-2 2002 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 March 2002.
  27. Jickells, T., Spokes, L., Weston, K., Tjernström, M., Svensson, G., Zagar, M., Gustafson, B., Liljebladh, B., Johnson, M., Sørensen, L.L., Hasager, C., Sempreviva, A.M., Pryor, S., Lund, S., Conley, D., Geernaert, G., Jensen, B., Brandt, J., Carstensen, J., Christiansen, T., Frohn, L., Henriksen, P, Hertel, O., Lundsgaard, C., Markager, S., Martinsen, W., Møller, B., Pedersen, B., Sauerberg, K. & Ambelas Skjøth, C.: Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition - MEAD. Poster presented at EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 11-15 March 2002.
  28. Hansen, K. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn and C. Geels, 2002: "Modelling the atmospheric transport of alpha-HCH in the Northern Hemisphere: Preliminary results". Understanding and Modelling the Regional and Global Scale Distribution and Fate of POPs workshop, Lancaster, UK, 7-9 October, 2002.
  29. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, R. Berkowicz, P. Løfstrøm, C. A. Skjøth, K. M. Hansen and O. Hertel, 2002: "The THOR Integrated Air Pollution Forecast and Scenario System". Fourth Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, October 29, 2002, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.
  30. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and Peter Wåhlin, 2002: "Røg over landet – den 4. og 10. september, 2002". Fourth Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, October 29, 2002, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.
  31. Geels, C., L. M. Frohn, K. M. Hansen, J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2002: "The Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model - et modelværktøj med mange anvendelsesmuligheder indenfor luftforurening". Fourth Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, October 29, 2002, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.
  32. Hansen, K. M., J. H. Christensen, J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn and C. Geels, 2002: "Modelling the atmospheric transport of alpha-HCH in the Northern Hemisphere: Preliminary results". Fourth Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, October 29, 2002, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.
  33. Butts, M. B., I. D Cluckie, J. Brandt, H-T, Mingelkamp, A Dubicki, Z. Wozniak A Levandowski, R Khatibi and D Price, 2002: " FLOODRELIEF - A real-time decision support system integrating hydrological, meteorological and radar technologies". International Conferences on Advances in Flood Forecasting in Europe, 3-6 March 2003.
  34. Geels, C., J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and K. M. Hansen, 2003: Simulations of synoptic scale variations of atmospheric CO2 over Europe: Examples from a nested model study. CarboEurope conference "The continental carbon cycle", 19-21 March 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.
  35. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, K. M. Hansen, C. A. Skjøth and O. Hertel, 2003: Comparison of two operational long-range transport air pollution forecast models. Poster at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (EGS XXVIII Assembly), Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. Title of session: "AS23: Atmospheric Environment and Urban Meteorology".
  36. Frohn, L. M., J. Brandt, J. H. Christensen, C. Geels, K. M. Hansen and O. Hertel, 2003: First results from the 3-D hemispheric model REGINA with two nests. Poster at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (EGS XXVIII Assembly), Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. Title of session: " AS23: Atmospheric Environment and Urban Meteorology ".
  37. Christensen, J. H., J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, and K. M. Hansen, 2003: Model studies of the influence from the natural climate variations on the transport of air pollution to the arctic. Poster at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (EGS XXVIII Assembly), Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. Title of session: " AS23: Atmospheric Environment and Urban Meteorology ".
  38. Ciais, P; Rivier, L; Bousquet, P; Brandt, J; Geels, C; Gloor, M; Heimann, M; Roedenbeck, C; Peylin, P; Karstens, U, 2003: Understanding and quantifying the greenhouse gas budgets of ocean. Poster at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (EGS XXVIII Assembly), Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. Title of session: BG1.12 Understanding and quantifying the greenhouse gas budgets of ocean and continental regions.
  39. Rivier, L.; Bousquet, P.; Brandt, J.; Ciais, P.; Gloor, M.; Heimann, M.; Karstens, U.; Peylin, P.; Rodenbeck, C., 2003: Estimation of the regional sources and sinks of CO2 with a focus on Europe using both mesoscale and global atmospheric models. Poster at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (EGS XXVIII Assembly), Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. Title of session: BG1.12 Understanding and quantifying the greenhouse gas budgets of ocean and continental regions.
  40. Løfstrøm, P., C. Geels, J. Brandt, L. M. Frohn, G. Kjellsson, C. Damgaard, and V. Simonsen, 2003: "Modelling long-distance wind dispersal of GM pollen from oilseed rape". 1st European Conference on the Co-existence of Genetically Modified Vrops with Conventional and Organic Crops (GMCC-03), 13 to 14 November, Helsingør, Denmark.

Presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars

Presentations given by JB are included here. More than 70 presentations including JB as a co-author and given by co-workers are not included in this list.

  1. Brandt, J., 1993: "Klimamålinger udført ved Forskningscenter Risø og Landbohøjskolens forsøgsstation Højbakkegård" (In English: "Climatic measurements carried out at Risø National Laboratory and at The Agricultural University's Experimental Station Højbakkegård"). At Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, December 7, 1993.
  2. Brandt, J., 1994: "En analyse af klimamålinger udført ved Forskningscenter Risø og Landbohøjskolens forsøgsstation Højbakkegård" (In English: "An analysis of climate measurements carried out at Risø National Laboratory and at The Agricultural University's Experimental Station Højbakkegård"). At NBIfAFG, Denmark, May 6, 1994.
  3. Brandt, J., 1995: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations (The DREAM)". At NERI, Denmark, April 4, 1995.
  4. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1995: "Animation of tracer model simulations". At the CALMAR workshop (Computer Applications of Large Models in Atmospheric Research), NERI, Denmark, May 26-27, 1995.
  5. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1995: "Modelling of the two ETEX-releases compared with measurements from Risø". At the First Meeting on Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Intercomparison with the ETEX-1 Experiment, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, June 6-7, 1995.
  6. Brandt, J., 1995: "Combining a Lagrangian puff-model with an Eulerian model for tracer simulations". At Universität zu Köln, Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Atmosphärische Umweltforshung, EURAD-Projekt, Cologne, Germany, Juli 21, 1995.
  7. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1995: "Using a combination of two models in tracer simulations". At The X'th EUMAC workshop (European Modelling of Atmospheric Constituents), Cologne, Germany, August 30 - September 1, 1995.
  8. Brandt, J., T. Ellermann, E. Lyck, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1995: "Validation of a combination of two models for long-range tracer simulations". At the 21st NATO/CCMS international meeting on air pollution modelling and its application, American Meteorological Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 6-10, 1995.
  9. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Using different numerical algorithms in air pollution modelling". At the first annual Danish meeting on numerical methods, The Technical University of Denmark, February 14, 1996.
  10. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The DREAM)". At the European Geophysical Society XXI Assembly, Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.
  11. Brandt, J., I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Coupling the Advection and the Chemical Parts of Large Air Pollution Models". At PARA96. Workshop on applied parallel computing in industrial problems and optimization. UNI-C, The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education, Denmark, August 18-24, 1996.
  12. Brandt, J., I. Uria and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Studying cumulative ozone exposures in Europe during a seven-years period". At the 1st REMAPE workshop (Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe). University of Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-27, 1996.
  13. Brandt, J., Dimov, I., Georgiev, K., Uria, I. & Zlatev, Z.: The Three-Dimensional Version of the Danish Eulerian Model. First REMAPE Workshop, University of Copenhagen, 26-27 September 1996.
  14. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Visualization and Animation of Accidental Releases". At the Fourth International Workshop on Real-time Computing of the Environmental Consequences of an Accidental Release from a Nuclear Installation. Aronsborg, Sweden, October 7-11, 1996.
  15. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Modelling and visualization of accidental releases". At NERI, Denmark, November 27, 1996.
  16. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Matematiske luftforureningsmodeller -struktur og troværdighed" (in english: Mathematical air pollution models - structure and reliability). At the 11th RUC Modelling day, Roskilde University, Denmark, November 28, 1996. Invited talk.
  17. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "Udvikling af tracermodeller - langtransport og dispersion" (in english: Development of tracer models - long-range transport and dispersion). At the SMP center meeting on air pollution processes and models, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 29, 1996.
  18. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1996: "The Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model (The DREAM) - Results with ETEX-1". At the Second Meeting on Nordic Dispersion/Trajectory Model Intercomparison with the ETEX-1 Experiment, Helsinki, Finland, December 4-5, 1996.
  19. Brandt, J., 1997: "Modelling atmospheric transport and dispersion of air pollutants". At the Sandbjerg winter school in physics, Sønderborg, Denmark, January 19-24, 1997. Invited talk.
  20. Brandt, J., A. Ebel, H. Elbern, H. Jakobs, M. Memmesheimer, T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "The importance of accurate meteorological input fields and accurate planetary boundary layer parameters, tested against ETEX-1". At Etex Symposium on Long-range Atmospheric Transport. Model verification and Emergency Response. Vienna, Austria, May 13-16, 1997.
  21. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Studying long-range transport from accidental nuclear releases by mathematical models". At the 1st workshop on "Large-scale scientific computations". Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1997.
  22. Brandt, J. & Zlatev, Z.: Efficient Algorithms for the Chemical Part of Large Air Pollution Models. 1st Workshop on Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Varna, Bulgaria, 7-11 June 1997.
  23. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Modelling transport and dispersion from accidental releases". At the 1st GLOREAM workshop, Aachen, Germany, September 10-12, 1997.
  24. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1997: "Coupling of HIRLAM, DEM and DREAM". At the 3rd general WEPTEL meeting, Nyborg, Denmark, December 3-4, 1997.
  25. Brandt, J., 1998: "Modellering af transport, dispersion og deposition af radioaktivt udslip fra atomkraftværker". At the 12th RUC Modelling day, Roskilde University, Denmark, April 2, 1998. Invited talk.
  26. Brandt, J., 1998: "Applications of air pollution modelling", University of Leiden, The Netherlands. April 1998.
  27. Brandt, J., 1998: "Coupling meteorological models and air pollution models for real time forecasting". The Royal Meteorological Institute (KNMI), The Netherlands. April 1998.
  28. Brandt, J., 1998: "Presentation of results from air pollution models to the public". NOB Interactive, The Netherlands. April 1998.
  29. Brandt, J., T. Mikkelsen, S. Thykier-Nielsen and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Testing meteorological fields and PBL parameterizations for modelling transport, dispersion, and deposition - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl. At the European Geophysical Society XXIII Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
  30. Brandt, J., 1998: "Modelling transport, dispersion and deposition of passive tracers from accidental releases". At NBIfAFG, Geophysical Department, University of Copenhagen, May 7, 1998.
  31. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Emissions, transport, deposition and monitoring: accuracy and model criteria for calculation of acidification and eutrofication in the Baltic region. Environmental effects of Baltic Ring and Baltic 21. At the National Environmental Research Institute, May 12, 1998.
  32. Brandt, J., 1998: "Modelling of transport and deposition of air pollution on European scale". For the "Round Table Journiers, Roskilde" At the National Environmental Research Institute, June 22, 1998.
  33. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Real time predictions of transport and dispersion from a nuclear accident". At the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 6-10, 1998. Invited talk.
  34. Brandt, J., J.H. Christensen, and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Modelling of high-resolution long-range transport and deposition from the Chernobyl accident by using DREAM". At the 2nd GLOREAM workshop, Madrid, September 16-18, 1998.
  35. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Numerical modelling of transport, dispersion and deposition - validation against ETEX-1, ETEX-2, and Chernobyl". At the International Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation (APMS98). October 26-29, 1998, Paris, France.
  36. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Embedding of HIRLAM and DEM/DREAM in the WEPTEL project". 4th general WEPTEL meeting, December 9-10, 1998, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  37. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev, 1998: "Forecast and visualization of air pollution". European Environmental Agency, December 18, 1998, Roskilde, Denmark.
  38. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "DMU-ATMI THOR Air Pollution Forecasts System". Miljøstyrelsen, Denmark, February 18, 1999.
  39. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Modelling air pollution forecasts using THOR". European Geophysical Society XXIV Assembly, Den Haag, The Netherlands, April 19-23, 1999. Title of session: "OA14: Open session on mesoscale transport of air pollution".
  40. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "Udvikling af prognoser for luftforurening", 3. Panel meeting, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, June 4, 1999.
  41. Brandt, J. and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Operational embedding of HIRLAM, DEM/DREAM and MeteoPresenter". Final WEPTEL review, Brussels, June 22, 1999.
  42. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "Operational air pollution forecast modelling using THOR". Seminar for members from the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, the Chinese Meteorological Center, and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, China. At the National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, June 23, 1999.
  43. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Air pollution forecasting and scenarios". Conference on "Current topics in atmospheric chemistry modelling". At the European Centre for Research and Advance Training in Scientific Computation (CERFACS), Toulouse, France, July 1-2, 1999. Invited Talk.
  44. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "Regional and urban air pollution forecasts". DMU-ATMI seminar, National Environmental Research Institute, August 10, 1999.
  45. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "Modellering af luftforureningsprognoser på Europæisk skala og lokal skala". Dansk Miljøforskningskonference, København, 19-20 August, 1999.
  46. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen 1999: "Luftforureningsprognoser". Seminar for the Danish Radio, NERI, Roskilde, September 20, 1999.
  47. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "Optimization of operational air pollution forecast modelling on European scale". At the 3rd GLOREAM workshop, Napoli, Italy, September 24-26, 1999.
  48. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 1999: "DMU’s system for ozonprognoser", DaMS - Dansk Meteorologisk Selskabs video transmitted meeting about ozone. Risø National Laboratory, September 30, 1999. Invited talk.
  49. Brandt, J., 1999: "Modellering og formidling af transport af radioaktive udslip fra atomkraftværker". Dansk Selskab for Risikovurderinger, Ingeniørforeningen. Ingeniørhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. October 7, 1999. Invited talk.
  50. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L.M. Frohn, R. Berkowicz and Z. Zlatev, 1999: "DMU-ATMI THOR air pollution forecast system - an integrated operational forecast system on regional and urban scale". Danish Society for Atmospheric Research, København, 14-15 October, 1999.
  51. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 2000: "DMU-ATMI THOR air pollution forecast system - an integrated operational forecast system on regional and urban scale". EUMETNET Workshop on Ground-level Ozone Forecasting, Offenbach, Germany, 21-23 February, 2000.
  52. Brandt, J., Christensen, J.H., Frohn, L.M., Geernaert, G., Berkowicz, R. & Zlatev, Z.: Development of a New Operational Air Pollution Forecast System on Regional and Urban Scale. Millennium NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 15-19 May 2000.
  53. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen and C. Geels, 2000. "CO2 modelling with the DEHM model". CARBOEUROPE CLUSTER Meeting, Perugia, Italy, 1-5 March, 2000.
  54. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen 2000: "Forecasting regional and local air pollution", EUROTRAC 2000 Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Invited talk.
  55. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R Berkovicz, 2000: "Operational air pollution forecast from regional scale to urban street scale", European Geophysical Society XXV Assembly, Nice, France, April 25-29, 1999. Title of session: "OA21: Open session on mesoscale transport of air pollution".
  56. Brandt, J., 2000: "Vejrudsigter og luftforurening", Rotory club, Nykøbing Falster, Denmark, May 24, 2000.
  57. Brandt, J., 2000: "Modelværktøj til udarbejdelse af luftforureningsprognoser". Københavns Miljøkontrol, Københavns Rådhus, May 25, 2000.
  58. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R. Berkowicz, 2000: "Luftforureningen fra trafikken – prognoser og data på Internettet, Københavns Miljøfestival, June 6-10, 2000.
  59. Brandt, J. and J. H. Christensen, 2000: "The DMU-ATMI THOR air pollution forecast system - an integrated operational forecast system on regional and urban scale", First GURME workshop, Kuching, Malaysia 14-17 August, 2000. Invited talk.
  60. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, 2000: "CO2 forward modelling using DEHM", 1st AEROCARB modelling workshop, Paris, France, 25-26 September, 2000.
  61. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, 2001: "CO2 nested modelling using DEHM", AEROCARB workshop, Autrans, France, March 14-15, 2001.
  62. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R Berkowicz, 2001: "Air pollution forecasting from regional to urban street scale – implementation and validation for two cities in Denmark". European Geophysical Society XXVII Assembly, Nice, France, March 26-30, 2001. Title of session: "OA18: Urban air pollution modelling".
  63. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and R Berkowicz, 2001: "Air pollution forecasting in Europe at different scales". 2nd International Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation (APMS01), Paris, France, April 9-12. Invited lecture.
  64. Brandt, J., 2001: "Luftudsigten for the næste 3 dage...". DAVID meeting, Kolding, Denmark, August 15th, 2001.
  65. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, 2001: "CO2 invers modelling using DEHM", 2nd AEROCARB modelling workshop, Roskilde, Denmark, August 29-31, 2001.
  66. Brandt, J., 2001: "The DMU-ATMI THOR Air Pollution Forecast System". At the AQ Assessment and Management, a two week training course. National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark. September 14, 2001.
  67. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, 2001: "Quantifying spatial and temporal variations of CO2 concentrations using a nested hemispheric model", The fifth GLOREAM workshop, Wengen, Switzerland, September 24-26, 2001.
  68. Brandt, J., C. Geels and J. H. Christensen, 2001: The Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model - A hemispheric nested model for CO2. Third AEROCARB model workshop, Petten, The Netherlands, November 12-14, 2001.
  69. Frohn, L. M., J. Brandt and J. H. Christensen, 2001: "Integrerede modelsystemer, status og visioner". Third Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) workshop, November 15, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  70. Brandt J., P. Bousquet, J. H. Christensen, P. Ciais, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, M. Gloor, M. I. Gusti, M. Heimann, S. Houweling, U. Karstens, S. Körner, P. Peylin, C. Rödenbeck and A. T. Vermeulen, 2002: "A comparison of five atmospheric models for CO2". Second CarboEurope Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. March 5-8, 2002.
  71. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2002: "DEHM – a hemispheric nested model for CO2". EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 22-26, 2002. Session: BG8. Magnitude and variability of terrestrial carbon balance of Europe.
  72. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, M. Fischer og M. B. Christensen, 2002: "Luftforureningsudsigter og trafikscenarier", Natur- og Miljøforsknings-konference, 22-23 August 2002, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  73. Brandt, J., C. Geels, J. H. Christensen and L. M. Frohn, 2002: "DEHM base functions,
    pre-subtracted tracers and validations
    ". The third general AEROCARB meeting, November 4-5, Barcelona, Spain.
  74. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, C. Ambelas Skjøth, C. Geels and L. M. Frohn, 2002: " NERI - Organisation, relevant activities, and role in FLOOD RELIEF". First FLOOD RELIEF meeting, DHI, Hørsholm, Denmark, December 9-10, 2002.
  75. Brandt, J., 2003: Luftforureningsmodeller til brug for beredskabet. ABC-udvalget under Totalforsvarsregion VI. Beredskabsstyrelsen Nordsjælland, Hillerød.
  76. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, C. Ambelas Skjøth, C. Geels and L. M. Frohn, 2003: "Recent developments in high resolution weather forecasting and progress in FLOOD RELIEF". Second FLOOD RELIEF meeting, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2-3, 2003.
  77. Brandt, J., J. H. Christensen, L. M. Frohn and C. Geels, 2003: "The THOR integrated air pollution forecast and management system". GLOREAM/EURASAP workshop 2003 - Modern developments in modelling and chemical data analysis. Cologne, Germany, September 29 to October 1, 2003.