An important account on the state of the environment in Denmark, as per 1997, is translated and now available for English readers.
The report summarises existing knowledge of current trends in the development of the state of Denmarks's environment, and link these trends with developments in those sectors of society having the greatest impact on the environment The scope of the report is concerned with the physical as well as the cultural environment The general conclusion of the report is that numerous steps have been taken at all levels and areas of society to reduce the pressures of the environment and that in a number of areas the state of the environment has been improved.
The report is available from your general book shop or directly from the Danish environment book and information shop Miljøbutikken.
The State of the Environment in Denmark, 1997, National Environmental Research Institute, January 1998, 288 pp. - DKK 190 (incl. 25% VAT, excl. postage)
ISBN 0905-0815X