Jord Vand Luft Dyr og planter Grønland Samfund
  Udgivelser Overvågning Om DMU Viden for alle Nyheder
In English

Aquatic Ecology and Climate Change

A Ph.D. course offered by the Copenhagen Global Change Initiative ( and the International School of Aquatic Sciences ( in cooperation with SLIP (

Organising Committee: Torkel Gissel Nielsen (chair), Kirsten Christoffersen, Katherine Richardson and Morten Søndergaard

Time: 26 – 30 April 2004

Venue: Brorfelde Fieldstation, Tølløse.


To present state-of-the-art research and discuss how weather and climate influence the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems both locally and globally, and link this information to climate change scenarios. Freshwaters, marine systems and latitudinal gradients will be covered.

The course will offer an opportunity for Ph.D. students to get a thorough introduction to the functioning of different aquatic ecosystems and the effects of predicted climate changes.


The programme will include lectures, discussions and seminars with exercises in problem solving, and also provide an opportunity for the students to present their project and get feed back from esteemed international researchers.

The course is valued to 5 ECTS.

Programme for Ph.D. course
revised 13 April 2004

Application form (PDF file)
Application form (Word file)
- deadline for application 26 March 2004

List over teachers


Torkel Gissel Nielsen


DMU  |  

Box 358 | Frederiksborgvej 399 | 4000 Roskilde | T: 4630 1200

 CVR: 10859387

 EAN: 5798000867000