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Second workshop on Harmonisation...

The second workshop on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" was held in August/September 1993, in Manno, Switzerland.

Its title was "Workshop on Intercomparison of Advanced Practical Short- Range Atmospheric Dispersion Models"

Contents of this document

About the workshop

One of the recommendations of the first workshop on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes ("Objectives for Next Generation of Practical Short-Range Atmospheric Dispersion Models") was to stimulate work on model evaluation. Therefore, a subsequent workshop was held in Manno, Switzerland, on "Intercomparison of Advanced Practical Short-Range Atmospheric Dispersion Models". The organizing body was ERCOFTAC (European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion).

A major concern of the workshop was to investigate model evaluation procedures and - based on practical experience - discuss the problems involved in the process. The workshop was not an attempt to perform an in-depth evaluation of models, but can rather be characterized as a demonstration exercise. It was the intention to seek agreement on methodologies that can later be used for studies involving more data sets and more models. It was sought to start establishing a toolbox of recommended methods for model evaluation.

The type of problem primarily considered was relatively simple, namely a case where a single source emits a non-reactive gas in homogeneous terrain. Prior to the workshop, data sets from three atmospheric field experiments (Kincaid, USA; Copenhagen, Denmark; Lillestrøm, Norway) had been distributed to the participants. They were accompanied by model evaluation software (developed by Sigma Research Inc.). The package of data sets and software is often referred to as the Model Validation Kit of the Manno and Mol workshops.


The proceedings of the workshop have been published by the European Commission. They are available from Dr. C. Cuvelier, JRC ISPRA, I-21020 Ispra (Va), e-mail: kees.cuvelier@jrc.it, fax: +39 332 789648. You can find further bibliographic details and inspect a list of the papers presented.

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Initiative on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes

This page is maintained by Helge Rørdam Olesen
It was last modified on June 9, 1998

Published by the Department of Atmospheric Environment, National Environmental Research Institute (Denmark)