Positions Offered

Positions are offered at:

Fluid Mechanics Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Surrey (U.Surrey), United Kingdom (Last updated 20/2-98)

A studentship of up to 3 years duration for studies leading to the award of a PhD is available to an EU citizen (excluding UK citizens) possessing a good first degree in an appropriate scientific or engineering discipline. The research programme will provide training in the use of a wide range of fluid mechanics measurement techniques within an active research Group, experience of wind tunnel testing utilising large-scale facilities, together with interaction with researchers engaged upon related research at the other participating institutions. The value of the grant will be £7,600 per annum (not taxable) and the student will not have to pay any PhD registration fees. In addition, the student will be eligible for accommodation on the University campus.

All general enquiries, or applications including a curriculum vita, should be sent to: Dr Eric Savory, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, UK. (Tel: +44 1483 300800 ext 2221, Fax: +44 1483 450984, E-mail: e.savory@surrey.ac.uk)

Contribution to TRAPOS

Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Department of Mechanical Engineering (LHTEE/AUT), Greece (Last updated 19/3-98)

A six-month temporary position is available at LHTEE/AUT for a young visiting researcher, non-Greek EU citizen, preferably at a postdoctoral level. The researcher will contribute to the following modelling activities of LHTEE/AUT in the frame of TRAPOS: For further information please contact:
Dr. Georgios Theodoridis (Tel.: +30 31 996092, Fax.: +30 31 996012, e-mail: gtheo@aix.meng.auth.gr)
Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, box 483,
Aristotle University Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Contribution to TRAPOS

National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Atmospheric Environment (NERI), Denmark (Last updated 4/02-99)

A 12-months temporary position is available for a young visiting researcher to work with measurements and analyses of size fractionated particular matter. The work will contribute to development of particle dispersion and transformation models and will be conducted in co-operation with other scientists of the Department. Experience is expected either in the field of particle measurements or theoretical modelling. The project is a part of the Danish Programme on Particle Pollution from Traffic and is conducted in co-operation with the Joint Research Centre Ispra (JRC) and several Danish Institutes.

A 12-months temporary position is available for a young visiting researcher to work with implementation of results from advanced CFD-modelling and wind-tunnel experiments in practical street pollution models. The work will be conducted in a close co-operation with the other teams of the Network. It will be possible to combine the employment at NERI with a subsequent or previous employment at another Network team. The young researcher is expected to have some experience in mathematical dispersion modelling or CFD-modelling. Experience from other related fields might be sufficient too.

Persons to contact:
Ruwim Berkowicz (Tel.: +45 46 301150, Fax.: +45 46 301214, e-mail: rb@dmu.dk),
Finn Palmgren (Tel.: +45 46301132, Fax.: +45 46 301214, e-mail: fpj@dmu.dk) National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Atmospheric Environment,
Frederiksborgvej 399, P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Contribution to TRAPOS

Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd. (CERC), United Kingdom (Last updated 21/2-98)

As part of CERC's contribution to TRAPOS one or two visiting scientists are required to participate in the following key tasks:
  1. to implement new algorithms to take account of street architecture, calm wind conditions, particulate production etc within the ADMS-Urban and possibly other air quality models.
  2. to validate novel algorithms using ADMS-Urban platform against data from structured field experiments, against the UK National Air Quality Network and other data; this to be performed according to procedures developed in (iii).
  3. Develop formalised model evaluation protocols for urban dispersion models taking the diversity of such models into account.
The scientist is likely to have a strong mathematical, physics or engineering background together with experience in environmental fluid mechanics, meteorology and/or air quality issues.

Persons to contact:
Dr David J Carruthers (Tel.: +44 1223 357773, Fax.: +44 1223 357492, e-mail: David.Carruthers@cerc.co.uk)
C E R C Ltd, 3 King's Parade, Cambridge CB2 1SJ, UK

Contribution to TRAPOS

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Geography (ETHZ), Switzerland (Last updated 1/7-98)

A post-doctoral position for a period of 12 months (with possible extension for another year) is available in the Urban Boundary Layer Meteorology group and can be filled immediately. Applications are invited from nationals from any EU member state and the associated countries. Because of the special agreement between Switzerland and EU, the Swiss citizens are eligible as well. Applicants from other countries might be considered too, but the present status is not yet clarified. More information on this issue will soon be available (rotach@geo.umnw.ethz.ch).

The applicant must be a holder of a doctoral degree or equivalent (which qualifies her/him to embark on a doctoral degree) and must be less than 36 years old. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in atmospheric physics (meteorology) or a related discipline together with experience in boundary layer meteorology/turbulent exchange or urban meteorology. Programming and numerical skills will be considered as advantageous qualities of the applicant.

The position implies conceptual work on the turbulence and flow characteristics of the urban roughness sub-layer, with a special emphasis on its lower part (i.e. near canopy). The analysis will rely on an extensive full-scale experimental data base from our institute in combination with as many as possible (yet to be collected) data sources from other experiments (full-scale and wind tunnel). Additional experiments can be considered according to the progress of the work. It is foreseen to support the analysis by means of Lagrangian stochastic particle dispersion modelling.

The salary is according to the Swiss Federal Institute's wage scale for research associates.

All general enquiries and applications including statement of research interests, a curriculum vita, list of publications together with reprints of the two or so most important publications and letters of reference should be sent to:

Dr. Mathias Rotach, (Tel.: +41 1 635 52 22, Fax.: +41 1 362 51 97, e-mail: rotach@geo.umnw.ethz.ch)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, GIETH, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH - 8057 Zürich, Switzerland

Candidates are invited to submit their application before May 1, 1998 (please mail a notification in case of late applications).

Contribution to TRAPOS

University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute (MIHU), Germany (Last updated 15/03-00)

A post-graduate position is vacant in the wind tunnel laboratory of the Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University. The position is financed by the European Commission within the TMR network TRAPOS. Candidates younger than 35 years with an EU-nationality other than German and a background in experimental fluid dynamics are encouraged to apply. The working language is German or English. A diploma or MS degree is necessary. The task would be the generation of data sets for the validation of urban dispersion models in a boundary layer wind tunnel. The salary would be according to the German pay-scheme BAT IIa/2 (approximately DM 30.000,-- to DM 35.000,-- p.a., depending on family status, age and experience). The contract would start as soon as possible and cover a period of up to 1 year.

A post-doc position is vacant in the wind tunnel laboratory of the Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University. The position is financed by the European Commission within the TMR network TRAPOS. Candidates younger than 35 years with an EU-nationality other than German and a background in experimental fluid dynamics are encouraged to apply. The working language is German or English. A PhD (or Diploma/MS degree plus several years of experience) is necessary. The task would be the generation of data sets for the validation of urban dispersion models in a boundary layer wind tunnel. The salary would be according to the German pay-scheme BAT IIa (approximately DM 60.000,-- to DM 70.000,-- p.a., depending on family status, age and experience). The contract would start as soon as possible and cover a period of up to 1 year.

For further information you may also wish to visit our home page: http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de.

Hamburg University attempts to increase its number of female scientists. Women are especially encouraged to apply.

For both positions: Written applications (including two references) should be sent until March 31, 2000, to:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schatzmann (Fax.: +49-40-42838-5452 e-mail: schatzmann@dkrz.de)
Meteorologisches Institut, Bundesstrasse 55, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany

Contribution to TRAPOS

Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing. Achim Lohmeyer (IBAL), Germany (Last updated 28/04-00)

IBAL is a consulting business, doing about 100 studies per year concerning the aspect of air quality in Environmental Impact Studies. A position is available for a young visiting researcher in IBAL's traffic pollution group. The place of work will be Radebeul (near Dresden) in Germany. The work of the new staff member at IBAL should be aimed at improving some aspects of the German guideline concerning calculation of diffusion of traffic induced air pollutants within the concept of European Harmonisation and the new EU guideline on air quality.

The visiting researcher will work with the German guideline dispersion models PROKAS and MISKAM , the German traffic emission model MOBILEV and with other European models and guidelines. The emphasis of his work will be less programming, but practical applying of models, comparing of models, comparing results to field measurements and working out, proposing and introducing improved procedures for practical applications.

The prerequisites for the applicant are:

The position is available at once for a up to 12 months duration, in case of successful collaboration with option for prolongation as a regular staff member of IBAL. Salary depends on experience and social status.

For further information you may also wish to visit our home page: http://www.lohmeyer.de.

To make an application, please contact:
Dr. Achim Lohmeyer (Tel.: +49 (0) 351 83914 0, Fax.: +49 (0) 351 83914 59, e-mail: Achim.Lohmeyer@Lohmeyer.de)
Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing. Achim Lohmeyer, Mohrenstr. 14, D-01445 Radebeul, Germany

Contribution to TRAPOS

Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (ECN), France (Last updated 26/2-98)

A post-doctoral research fellowship is available. The research at Nantes will aim at modelling the wind flow associated with urban street canyons under a range of conditions, including variable street geometry, the scales of the incident wind turbulence and the influence of solar heating of the walls and ground in the street canyon. Experimental data obtained by some of the other partners of TRAPOS will be utilised to validate the numerical prediction models.

The key details of the post are:

For further information, or to make an application including a curriculum vitae, please contact:
Dr Patrice Mestayer (Tel.: +33 2 40 37 16 78, Fax.: +33 2 40 74 74 06, e-mail: Patrice.Mestayer@ec-nantes.fr)
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, Equipe Dynamique de l'Atmosphère Habitée, BP 92101, F44321 - Nantes cedex, France.
Contribution to TRAPOS

Laboratory of Building and Environmental Aerodynamics, Institute of Hydromechanics (IfH), University of Karlsruhe (U.Karlsruhe), Germany (Last updated 27/2-98)

A post-doctoral position for the period of up to 18 months (with possible extension for additional 6 months) is available. Applications are invited from citizens of the EU states (excluding German citizens). The applicant must be a holder of a doctoral degree or equivalent, which qualifies him to embark on a doctoral degree, and must be less than 36 years old. The candidate is expected to have a strong physics or engineering background together with experience in experimental fluid mechanics and/or meteorology. Programming and numerical skills will be considered as advantageous qualities of the applicant. The position implies experimental work in the wind tunnels of IfH on modelling atmospheric flow and gaseous pollutant dispersion around and between elements of the urban canopy: street canyons, street intersections, and canopy clusters with streets. Additional responsibilities of the successful candidate will include experimental data analysis, model design, application of numerical codes, and development of parameterisation schemes for numerical models. Salary is according to the German wage scale for university research associates (BATIIa).

A short-term training position for the period of up to 6 months (with possible extension for additional 3 months) is available. Applications are invited from citizens of the EU states (excluding German citizens). The applicant must be a recent university graduate preparing a doctoral thesis or equivalent, and must be less than 36 years old. The candidate is expected to have a physics or engineering background together with experience in fluid mechanics and/or meteorology. Programming and numerical skills will be considered as advantageous qualities of the applicant. The position implies experimental work in the wind tunnels of IfH on modelling atmospheric flow and gaseous pollutant dispersion around and between elements of the urban canopy: street canyons, street intersections, and canopy clusters with streets. The applicant is invited to propose his/her program of research in connection with the scope of TRAPOS Salary is on the grant basis in the range of 2500 DM to 3000 DM per month depending on the age and qualification, and according to internal regulations of Karlsruhe University.

Application documents (Statement of Research Interests or Research Proposal, CV, and List of Publications), and requests for additional information should be sent to:
Evgeni Fedorovich (Fax.: +49 721 661686, e-mail: evgeni.fedorovich@bau-verm.uni-karlsruhe.de)
Petra Kastner-Klein (Fax.: +49 721 661686, e-mail: petra.kastner-klein@bau-verm.uni-karlsruhe.de)
Institute of Hydromechanics, University of Karlsruhe, Kaiserstrasse 12, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany.

Contribution to TRAPOS

Department of Environmental Quality of the TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Energy Research and Process Innovation (TNO-MEP), Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. (Last updated 24/11-98)

Three 12-month positions are available for scientists at TNO-MEP in Holland. As a contribution to the European project TRAPOS three visiting scientist are required to optimise and to improve the modelling methods for the atmospheric dispersion of traffic pollution. The research will be carried out in close co-operation with other researchers within the network. Candidates are invited to submit their application as soon as possible.

The researcher may contribute to the following modelling activities at TNO-MEP:

The job concerns:

Required qualifications:

Considered as advantageous qualities:

All general enquiries and applications including a curriculum vitae and references should be sent to:

Ir. C. (Kees) J.J. van den Bosch (Tel.: +31-55-5493792, Fax.: +31-55-5493252, e-mail: c.j.h.vandenbosch@mep.tno.nl)
TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Energy Research and Process Innovation, P.O. Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Contribution to TRAPOS

Optimisation of Modelling Methods for
Traffic Pollution in Streets - TRAPOS