Participating in TRAPOS is the Technical Meteorology Division of the Institute. The activities of this Division focus on quality-assured experimental measurements of the dispersion above and through physical urban models in wind tunnels, supplemented by meso- and micro-scale numerical modelling of meteorological flows and pollution dispersion. Some complementary meteorological measurements are also performed occasionally in the field, in co-operation with other University groups. Some examples of the relevant past and current activities of the Division may be found at
Our primary interest in TRAPOS is in the development of quality-assured experimental databases with which urban dispersion model developers may test and validate their numerical models. Due to the relative scarcity of alternative datasets of equal quality, the satisfactory performance of this task is very important for TRAPOS to succeed.
Physical modelling in wind tunnels is a highly specialised field which, in addition to basic fluid modelling research, is also of interest for various established sectors in Industry. As such, establishing a successful record in wind tunnel modelling offers good career prospects to young researchers embarking at their career.
To fulfil our role in TRAPOS, we provide well-developed experimental facilities, advanced equipment and mature measurement techniques. The facilities of the Technical Meteorology Laboratory consist, at present, of three atmospheric wind tunnels in active operation: a neutrally stratified boundary layer wind tunnel, a stratified (multi-layer) boundary layer wind tunnel, and a high-speed, low turbulence, recirculating Prandtl-type wind tunnel.
The wind tunnel facilities are supplemented by a variety of state-of-the art flow measurement systems: laser sheet visualisation, Hot Film anemometry, Laser Doppler anemometry and concentration measurement devices (for both steady measurements and measurements of fast concentration fluctuations).