The first REMAPE workshop

September 26-27, 1996, University of Copenhagen

NO2 map

The following information on the workshop is available here

Bullet Brief information about the REMAPE workshop
Bullet Programme
Bullet Abstracts
Bullet REMAPE note by Adolf Ebel and Peter Builtjes

The proceedings of the workshop have been published in June 1997 as:

G. Geernaert, A. Walløe Hansen and Z. Zlatev, eds. (1997): Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe. Proceedings of the first REMAPE workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1996. ISBN 87-7772-337-6.
Available from
National Environmental Research Institute
Department of Atmospheric Environment
P.O. Box 358
DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel. +45 46 30 12 00
Fax. +45 46 30 11 14

It can be requested via e-mail adressed to Zahari Zlatev

REMAPE (Regional Modelling of Air Pollution in Europe) is intended to be a sub-project for EUROTRAC-2 which will continue most of the activities in the EUMAC sub-project of EUROTRAC-1, but new activities are also planned. The experience gained in the 10 EUMAC workshops will be exploited. All topics related to long-range transport, meso-scale modelling, model validation, chemical mechanisms, cloud processes, emission modelling and simulations (related to critical levels, control strategies and studies of effects on different receptors) are relevant for this workshop.

The scientific committee consists of A. Ebel (University of Cologne), P. Builtjes (TNO), A Walløe Hansen (University of Copenhagen), G. Geernaert and Z. Zlatev (NERI).

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. (NAG, Oxford, UK) has supported the REMAPE workshop. We would like to thank them very much.

This page is maintained by Jørgen Brandt and Helge Rørdam Olesen

Document date: February 5, 1998

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